Saturday, 12 August 2017

Trading House Automation System Dfd

Furk adalah penyimpanan aman pribadi Anda yang mengambil file media dan memungkinkan Anda segera melakukan streaming. Anda dapat menggunakannya untuk melakukan streaming video atau mendengarkan musik Anda dari PC, smartphone, HTPC, atau bahkan konsol permainan (XBOX, PS3). Batas layanan: Batas bandwidth: sampai 250GB per bulan Batas penyimpanan disk: tidak terbatas (asalkan file berasal dari sumber publik) Furk bukan file locker dan tidak mendukung filesharing untuk mendapatkan keuntungan. Masuk atau Daftar Masuk atau Buat akun dengan identitas sosial favorit Anda Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang sejarah hipnosis - subjek yang menarik Dari Kekuatan Ajaib sampai Trans Sehari-hari Sejarah hipnosis penuh dengan kontradiksi. Di satu sisi, riwayat hipnosis sedikit seperti riwayat bernafas. Seperti pernapasan, hipnosis adalah sifat inheren dan universal, dimiliki bersama oleh semua manusia sejak dini waktu. Di sisi lain, hanya dalam beberapa dekade terakhir ini, kita menyadari bahwa Hipnosis itu sendiri tidak berubah selama ribuan tahun, namun pemahaman kita tentang hal itu dan kemampuan kita untuk mengendalikannya telah berubah dengan sangat mendalam. Sejarah hipnosis, sebenarnya adalah sejarah perubahan persepsi ini. Di abad 21, masih ada orang yang melihat hipnosis sebagai beberapa bentuk kekuatan okultisme. Mereka yang percaya bahwa hipnosis dapat digunakan untuk melakukan mukjizat atau mengendalikan pikiran, tentu saja, hanya berbagi pandangan konsensus yang berlaku selama berabad-abad. Sejarah yang tercatat penuh dengan gambaran sekilas tentang ritual dan praktik yang menggoda yang sangat mirip dengan hipnosis dari perspektif modern, dari pembacaan 82271 Veda Hindu sampai teks magis dari Mesir kuno. Praktik ini cenderung untuk tujuan magis atau religius, seperti ramalan atau komunikasi dengan tuhan dan roh. Ini penting untuk diingat, bagaimanapun, bahwa apa yang kita lihat sebagai okultisme adalah pendirian ilmiah pada zamannya, dengan tujuan yang sama persis seperti ilmu pengetahuan modern 8211 yang menyembuhkan penyakit manusia dan meningkatkan pengetahuan. Dari sudut pandang Barat, momen penentu dalam sejarah hipnosis terjadi pada abad ke-18 (bertepatan dengan Pencerahan dan Zaman Nalar). Karya Franz Mesmer. Antara lain, dapat dilihat sebagai perkembangan terakhir dari hipnosis dan reaksi pertama dari sudut pandang 8220scientific8221. Mesmer adalah orang pertama yang mengajukan dasar rasional untuk efek hipnosis. Meskipun sekarang kita tahu bahwa gagasannya tentang magnetisme yang unik8221, yang ditransfer dari penyembuh ke pasien melalui cairan eterik misterius, sama sekali salah, namun berdasarkan gagasan ilmiah saat ini, khususnya teori gravitasi Isaac Newton8217. Mesmer juga orang pertama yang mengembangkan metode yang konsisten untuk hipnosis, yang kemudian diteruskan dan dikembangkan oleh para pengikutnya. Itu masih merupakan praktik yang sangat ritualistik. Mesmer sendiri, misalnya, suka melakukan induksi massa dengan menyuruh pasiennya dihubungkan bersama oleh sebuah tali, yang bisa dilewati oleh magnetnya sendiri. Dia juga suka berdandan dengan jubah dan memainkan musik halus pada harmonika kaca saat ini sedang terjadi. Citra hipnotis yang populer sebagai figur karismatik dan mistik dapat dipastikan sesuai dengan waktu ini. Tak pelak lagi, ornamen ajaib ini menyebabkan kejatuhan Mesmer8217, dan untuk waktu yang lama, hipnotis adalah kepentingan berbahaya bagi siapa saja yang mencari karir arus utama. Namun demikian, fakta keras kepala tetap bahwa hipnosis berhasil, dan abad ke-19 ditandai oleh individu yang ingin memahami dan menerapkan pengaruhnya. Ahli bedah dan dokter seperti John Elliotson dan James Esdaille mempelopori penggunaannya di bidang medis, mempertaruhkan reputasinya untuk melakukannya, sementara para periset seperti James Braid mulai mengelupas lapisan mesmerisme yang mengaburkan, mengungkapkan kebenaran fisik dan biologis di jantung fenomena. Berkat kegigihan dan usaha mereka, pada akhir abad ini hipnosis diterima sebagai teknik klinis yang valid, dipelajari dan diterapkan di universitas dan rumah sakit besar di hari ini. Tren ini berlanjut sampai abad ke-20, meskipun dalam beberapa hal, hipnosis dipenjara oleh penghormatannya sendiri, karena terperosok dalam debat akademis yang tiada henti tentang tahun 8220 atau tahun 19201. Teka-teki ini 8211 apakah hipnosis memiliki dasar fisik yang nyata, atau tidak, pada akhirnya terbukti terlalu steril. Pergeseran penting terjadi di tempat lain. Pertama-tama, pusat gravitasi hipnotis berpindah dari Eropa ke Amerika, di mana semua terobosan paling signifikan pada abad ke-20 terjadi. Kedua, hipnosis menjadi fenomena populer, sesuatu yang semakin tersedia bagi orang awam, di luar laboratorium atau klinik. Pada saat yang sama, gaya hipnosis berubah, dari instruksi langsung yang dikeluarkan oleh seorang tokoh otoriter (warisan para pemikat karismatik) ke induksi trans yang tidak langsung dan permisif, berdasarkan pada pola bahasa yang persuasif. Hal ini terutama disebabkan oleh kerja terapis seperti Milton H. Erickson. Yang lebih penting lagi, mungkin, hipnosis menjadi semakin praktis, dan dianggap sebagai alat yang berguna untuk mengurangi tekanan psikologis dan membawa perubahan besar dalam berbagai situasi. Tema ini terus berlanjut sampai sekarang. Kemajuan dalam ilmu neurologis dan pencitraan otak, bersamaan dengan karya psikolog Inggris Joe Griffin dan Ivan Tyrrell yang menghubungkan hipnosis dengan Rapid Eye Movement (REM), juga telah membantu menyelesaikan perdebatan 8220staton negara bagian8221, membawa hipnosis dan trans hipnosis dengan kuat ke dalam Alam pengalaman sehari-hari. Pada saat bersamaan, sifat kesadaran 8220ordinary8221 lebih dipahami sebagai rangkaian keadaan trans yang selalu kita lalui. Sejarah hipnosis, kemudian, seperti mencari sesuatu yang terlihat jelas selama ini, dan sekarang kita dapat melihatnya untuk apa itu fenomena universal yang merupakan bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari menjadi manusia. Masa depan hipnosis akan sepenuhnya menyadari potensi luar biasa kemampuan hipnosis alami kita. Komentar untuk entri ini ditutup. Frkortningar. 2D - 2 dimensi 3ACC - 3A Central Control 3D - 3-Dimensi 3M - Pertambangan dan Manufaktur Minnesota 4GL - Bahasa Generasi Keempat 4H - Kepala, Hati, Tangan, Kesehatan 5XBCOER - 5 Sistem Laporan Peralatan Kantor Pusat X-Bar, quot5XB COERquot A - Aftermath AA - Asisten Administrasi AA - Komite Aksi Afirmatif AA - Alkohol Anonim AA - American Airlines AA - Artileri Antiaircraft AA - Associate in Accounting AA - Astronomi dan Astrofisika, quotAampAquot AA - Asosiasi Mobil (di Inggris) AAA - American Automobile Association AAA - Artileri Anti Pesawat Terbang AAAAAA - Asosiasi untuk Penyalahgunaan Senyuman dan Akronim Asinin AAAL - American Academy of Arts and Letters AAAS - Asosiasi Amerika untuk Kemajuan Ilmu Pengetahuan AAII - Asosiasi Amerika untuk Investor Perorangan AAMSI - Asosiasi Amerika untuk Sistem Informasi Medis AAO - Observatorium Anglo-Australia AAP - Program Aksi Afirmatif AARC - Peraturan Katalog Anglo-Amerika AARP - A Ppletalk ARP AAS - American Astronomical Society AAVSO - Asosiasi Pengamat Bintang Variabel Amerika AAX - Automated Attendant eXchange AB - Mampu Pelaut Berbentuk Bata ABA - Asosiasi Bar Amerika ABA - Asosiasi Bola Basket Amerika ABA - American Booksellers Association ABATS - Sistem Uji Akses Bit Otomatis ABB - ASEA Brown Boweri Nama perusahaan ABBR - ABBReviation ABC - American Broadcasting Company ABEL - Bahasa Ekspresi Boolean Lanjutan (Merek Dagang Data-IO) ABHC - Jam Sibuk Rata-Rata Menelepon ABI - American Bell Inc ABI - Antarmuka Biner Aplikasi (SunOS dan aplikasi SV sw interface std) ABM - Asynchronous Balanced Mode ABS - Acrylonal Butadiene-Styrene (plastik) ABS - Layanan Penagihan Alternatif ABS - Biro Pengiriman Amerika ABSBH - Jam Sibuk Rata-rata Jam Sibuk AC - Kontrol Akses AC - Kontrol Adaptif AC - Arus Alternatif (ac, lihat juga DC ) AC - Pusat Jawaban (Matahari) AC - Ante Christum (sebelum Kristus) AC - Ante Cibum (sebelum makan) ACAA - Conservat Pertanian Ion dan Administrasi Penyesuaian ACAWS - Sistem Penasihat, Perhatian, dan Peringatan ACB - Biro Panggilan Kejengkelan ACBL - American Contract Bridge League ACC - Argonne Code Center ACC - Pengendali Komunikasi Audio ACCRA - Asosiasi Riset Kamar Dagang Amerika ACCS - Sistem Komando dan Kontrol Angkatan Darat ACCS - - Layanan Kartu Panggilan Otomatis ACCT - Akun ACD - Telepon Distributor Panggil Otomatis ACDA - Analyzer Disposisi Panggilan Otomatis ACE - Komposisi Komposisi Lanjutan ACE - Lingkungan Komputasi Tingkat Lanjut Nama perusahaan ACE - Kalibrasi Otomatis dan Persamaan ACE - Peralatan Memanggil Otomatis ACF - Fungsi Komunikasi Lanjutan ACH - Attempt per Circuit per Hour ACHEFT - Transfer Dana Elektronik Kliringhouse Otomatis ACK - ACKnowledge ACK - Perangkat Kompilator Amsterdam ACL - Daftar Kontrol Akses ACL - Logika Cmos Tingkat Lanjut ACLU - Uni Kebebasan Sipil Amerika ACM - Mesin Kontrol Akses ACM - Asosiasi Mesin Komputasi ACO - Akronim Petugas Kontrol ACOF - Hadir Semut Pengendalian Fasilitas ACP - ACtion Point ACRNEMA - standar pencitraan medis, quotACRNEMAquot ACRV - Kendaraan Pengembalian Kembar Tertanggung (atau) Kendaraan Penyelamat Kru Astronaut ACS - Sistem Komunikasi Tingkat Lanjut ACS - Ilmu Komputer Australia Badan Layanan Pengendalian ACSE - Association (ISOCCITT layer 7) ACSNET - Layanan Komputasi Acedemic ACSU - Unit Layanan Saluran T-1 Tingkat Lanjut ACTPU - Mengaktifkan Unit Fisik (SNA) ACTS - Teknologi Komunikasi Lanjutan ACTS Satelit - Layanan Tabung Koin Otomatis ACTS - Layanan Telepon Coin Bersama Telepon ACTUP - Koalisi AIDS Untuk Melepaskan Kekuasaan, Oknum UPU ACU - Unit Kontrol Alarm ACU - Unit Pemanggil Otomatis ACW - Gelombang Kontinyu Kontinyu ACWP - Biaya Pekerjaan yang Sebenarnya Dilakukan AD - Adendum AD - Setelah Tanggal AD - Analog to Digital converter, kuadrat (lihat ADC) AD - Anno Domini (dalam Tahun Tuhan kita) AD - Pengembangan Aplikasi ADA - Artileri Pertahanan Udara ADB - Sebuah DeBugger ADB - Bus Desktop Apple ADC - Analog ke Digital Convert Er ADCCP - Prosedur Kontrol Komunikasi Data Lanjutan ADCI - Indikator Panggilan Display Otomatis ADD - Advanced Dungeons amp Dragons, quotADampDquot ADDCP - Prosedur Kontrol Komunikasi Data Tingkat Lanjut ADEW - Andrew Development Environment Workbench ADF - Pencetak Arah Otomatis ADFRF - Fasilitas Penelitian Penerbangan Ames-Dryden (adalah DFMF) (NASA) ADI - Anolog Device Inc ADM - ADMiral ADM - Markup Dealer Tambahan ADM - Perangkat Mikro Tingkat Lanjut ADMD - Manajemen Administrasi Domain ADN - Nomor Panggilan yang disingkat ADN - Setiap Hari Sekarang ADP - Adenosin Di-Fosfat ADP - Pengolahan Data Administratif ADP - Pemrosesan Data Tingkat Lanjut ADP - Pemrosesan Data Otomatis ADPCM - Modulasi Kode Pulsa dengan Kuantifikasi Adaptif ADS - Sistem Digital Maju ADS - Sistem Pengembangan Aplikasi ADS - Sistem Distribusi Audio ADS - Sistem Suara Otomatis ADS - Sistem Data Auxilary ADSP - Protokol Stream Data AppleTalk ADSR - Peluruhan Serangan Melanjutkan Pelepasan ADT - Tipe Data ADT - Daylight Atlantik Waktu AE - Entitas PengadaanEnvironmentExecutionEngineering (APE) AEA - Asosiasi Elektronika Amerika AEA - Otoritas Energi Atom AEC - Konstruksi Teknik Arsitektur AEC - Komisi Energi Atom AEF - American Expeditionary Force (lihat BEF) AEGIS - Sistem Instrumentasi dan Instrumentasi Elektronik Lanjutan AES - Spesifikasi Lingkungan Aplikasi AF - Alamat Keluarga (soket) AF - Petualangan di Fantasi AF - AF Angkatan Udara - Frekuensi Audio AFA - Aktif Antifascistisk Aktuasi AFACTS - Sistem Uji Kemampuan Otomatis AFADS - Sistem Data Penyesuaian Tenaga Otomatis AFAIK - Sejauh yang saya tahu AFATDS - Seniman Lapangan Tingkat Lanjut Taktis Sistem Data AFB - Pangkalan Angkatan Udara AFC - Konferensi Sepak Bola Amerika AFC - Kontrol Frekuensi Suara Otomatis AFCAC - Pusat Akuisisi Komputer Angkatan Udara AFCC - Komando Komunikasi Angkatan Udara AFGE - Federasi Pemerintah Pemerintah Amerika AFI - Pengenal Kewenangan dan Format AFIPS - Federasi Informasi Amerika Masyarakat AFK - Away Dari keyboard AFL - American Federation of Labor AFL - American Football League AFLCIO - Kongres Federasi Buruh Amerika untuk Organisasi Industri, AFAOR-AFCORA AFFORO - Metrik Font Adobe AFNOR - Asosiasi Francaise untuk Pemasyarakatan AFP - Protokol Pengarsipan Appletalk AFS - Andrew File System AFSC - Komando Angkatan Udara AS AFSCME - Federasi Negara Amerika, Negara Bagian dan Kota AFSK - Frekuensi Pergeseran Frekuensi Otomatis AFTRA - Federasi Seniman Televisi dan Radio Amerika AFUU - Asosiasi Francaise des Utilisateurs dUnix AG - Ajudan Jenderal AG - Game Arcade AG - Jaksa Agung AGCT - Uji Klasifikasi Umum Angkatan Darat AGL - Di Atas Ground Level AGM - Rudal Udara-ke-Tanah AGN - Inti Galaksi Aktif AGU - Uni Geofisika Amerika AH - Horizon Buatan AH - Avalon Hill (produsen game perang besar) AHA - Asosiasi Homebrew Amerika AHL - Amerika Hockey League AHQ - Kepala Udara AI - Allegheny AI Internasional - Amnesty International AI - Anal I Ntrusion AI - Inseminasi Buatan AI - Kecerdasan Buatan AI - Indikator Sikap AIA - American Institute of Architects AIA - Arsitektur Integrasi Aplikasi AIAA - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics AIC - Pusat Intercept Otomatis AICC - Intercept Communications Controller Communications AID - Agency for International Development AIDDE - Ames Interactive Dynamic Display Editor AIDS - Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome AIM - Udara Interception Rudal AIM - Manual Informasi Pengaman Udara AIMS - Sistem Manajemen Inventori Lanjutan AIOD - Identifikasi Otomatis Sambungan Luar AIPS - Sistem Pengolahan Citra Astronomi AIS - Item Aksi Sistem AIS - Sistem Intercept Otomatis AIX - Advanced Interactive eXecutive (unix) AJ - Jurnal Astronomi AK - Alaska AKA - Juga dikenal sebagai AL - Alabama AL - American League (baseball) ALA - Asosiasi Perpustakaan Amerika ALA - Asosiasi Hukum Mobil ALAP - AppleTalk - LocalTalk Link Access Protocol ALBM - Air - to-Land Ballisti C Rudal ALBO - Automatic Line BuildOut ALC - Kontrol Beban Otomatis ALEXIS - Array Sensor Pelembab X-ray Energi Rendah ALFA - Anonima Lombarda Fabbrica Automobili ALFE - Jalur Analog Front End ALGOL - ALGOrithmic Language ALI - Lokasi Otomatis Indentifikasi ALIT - Pengujian Isolasi Line Otomatis ALM - Asychronous Line Module ALM - Asynchronous Line Multiplexer ALPO - Asosiasi Pengamat Imamat dan Planet Alam ALRU - Update Rekaman Garis Otomatis ALS - Luncurkan Advanced System Space ALS - Layanan Daftar Otomatis ALU - Unit Log Aritmatika AM - Modul Administratif AM - Pertanian dan Mekanik, QuotaampMquot AM - Marsekal Udara AM - Alpes-Maritimes, quotA.-M. quot AM - Amerika, quotAm. quot AM - Americium, quotAmquot AM - Modulasi Amplitudo AM - Ante Meridiem, kuota. m.quot (sebelum tengah hari) AM - anno Mundi (di tahun dunia) AMA - American Medical Association AMA - Asosiasi Model AMA - Pesan Otomatis Akuntansi AMACS - Pesan Otomatis Akuntansi Kumpulkan Ion System AMARC - Pesan Otomatis Pusat Perekaman Akunting AMASE - Pesan Otomatis Standar Akuntansi Entry AMAT - Pesan Otomatis Pemancar Akselerator AMATPS - Pesan Otomatis Akuntansi Sistem TeleProcessing AMBA - Asosiasi Master Administrasi Bisnis AMC - Albany Medical College AMD - Perangkat Mikro Tingkat Tinggi Nama perusahaan AMERITECH - AMIAN - Advanced Medium Range Air-To-Air - AMRO - Advanced Medium Range Air-To-Air - AMRO - Advanced Medium Range Air-To-Air - AMRO - Advanced Medium Range Air-To-Air - AMRO - Advanced Medium Range Air-To-Air AMGAS - Rudal AMROC - American Rocket Company Space AMSAT - radio AMateur SATellite corp. AMT - Unit Memori Aktif AMU - Unit Veteran Atom AN - Asosiasi ANA - Asosiasi Perawat Amerika ANA - Pengumuman Nomor Otomatis ANAC - Pengumuman Nomor Otomatis Sirkuit telepon ANC - Semua Nomor Memanggil telepon ANC - Jaringan Komunikasi Amerika ANC - Perawat Angkatan Darat Corps ANDF - Format Distribusi Arsitektur-Netral ANF - Nomor Otomatis Penerangan ANG - Penjaga Udara Nasional ANI - Nomor Identifikasi Otomatis nomor ANIF - Identifikasi Identifikasi Nomor Otomatis ANL - Laboratorium Nasional Argonne ANOVA - ANIASI ANRI - American Newspaper Publishers Association ANSI - American National Standard Institute ANU - Australian National University ANZUS - Australia, Selandia Baru, Amerika Serikat AO - Akun AOA - Abort Once Around (Rencana Pembatalan Pesawat) AOCS - Sistem Pengendalian Sikap dan Orbit AOL - Tidak Ada Lebih dari Tinggal (lihat AWOL) AOP - Annual Operating Rencanakan AOPA - Asosiasi Pemilik Pesawat Terbang dan Pilot AOQ - Rata-rata Outgoing Q Uality AOS - Sistem Operasi Akademik AOS - Layanan Operator Alternatif Telephony AOSS - Sistem Layanan Operator Auxilliary AOW - Lokakarya Asia dan Oceania AP - Utang Usaha, quotAPquot AP - Tambahan AP Premium - Semua Poin AP - Proses Aplikasi AP - Associated Press AP - Prosesor Terlampir APA - Semua Poin APB - Buletin Poin Semua APC - Protokol AMARC Konverter APDA - Asosiasi Pemrogram Apple APDU - Unit Data Protokol Aplikasi APE - Teknik APG - API Proving Ground - API American Petroleum Institute - API Program Aplikasi Antarmuka - Aplikasi Antarmuka Pemrograman APICS - American Production and Inventory Control Society APJ - Astrophysical Journal, quotAp. Jquot, quotApJquot APM - Modul Tekanan Terlampir (alias Columbus) APO - Alpha Pi () Omega, persaudaraan layanan APO - Kantor Pos Militer APP - Profil Portabilitas Aplikasi APPC - Komunikasi Peer-to-Peer Lanjutan APPC - Program Tingkat Lanjut Program Komunikasi (IBM) APR - Persentase Persentase Tahunan APS - Perlindungan Otomatis Switch APSE - Lingkungan Pemrograman Pemakai APU - Unit Daya Tambahan AQ - Register Akumulator-Quotient AQL - Tingkat Mutu yang Dapat Diterima AR - Piutang Usaha, kuota AR - Address Register AR - Laporan Alarm AR - Arkansas ARAMIS - American Rheumatic Arthritis Medical Information System ARC - Palang Merah Amerika ARC - Pusat Penelitian Ames (NASA) ARC - Pengendali Respon Audio ARCNET - Sumber Daya Komputer Terpadu area lokal BERANDA ARCO - Richfield Atlantik COmpany ARE - Lingkungan kaya aksara ARIS - Sistem Informasi yang Direkam Audrey mencatat ARM - Acorn Risc Machine ARM - Adjustable Rate Mortgage ARM - Manual Referensi Beranotasi ARO - Setelah Menerima Perintah ARP - Protokol Resolusi Alamat (Internet-gtEthernet) A RPA - Badan Penelitian Proyek Lanjutan (bagian dari DoD, lihat DARPA) ARPANET - Badan Penelitian Lanjutan Agency NETwork ARQ - Ulangi Ulang Ulang ARRL - Relay Radio Relay Amatir ARS - Seleksi Rute Alternatif ARSA - Area Layanan Radar Bandara ARSB - Biro Layanan Perbaikan Otomatis ARTCC - Pusat Kontrol Lalu Lintas Rute Udara ARTEMIS - Advanced Relay TEchnology MISION ARU - Unit Respon Audio ARV - American Revised Version AS - Anglo-Saxon ASA - Acetyl Salicylic Acid ASA - American Standards Association (sekarang ANSI) ASA - Masyarakat Astronomi Atlantik ASAIGAC - Segera setelah Saya Mendapatkan Kesempatan ASAP - Segera Sebagai Kemungkinan ASC - Komite Standar Terakreditasi ASC - Kode Sikap Tambahan ASCAP - Masyarakat Komposer Amerika, Penulis, dan Penerbit ASCC - Kalkulator Kontrol Sequence Otomatis ASCII - Kode Standar Amerika untuk Pertukaran Informasi ASCQ - Kode Sense Sense Tambahan ASDIC - Komite Investigasi Deteksi Anti-Submarine (Inggris untuk sonar) ASDSP - Application-Sp Ecific Digital Signal Processor ASEA - Allmna Svenska Elektriska Aktiebolaget Nama perusahaan ASG - Automated Sciences Group ASHRAE - Amer. Soc. Pemanasan, Pendingin dan Air-cond. Insinyur, inc. ASI - Mikrofon Asynchronous SCSI Interface - Instalasi Sistem Otomatis ASIC - Aplikasi Khusus Integrated Circuit ASK - Amplitude Shift Keying ASM - American Society of Metals ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASN - Notifikasi Sintaks Abstrak ASN1 - Notifikasi Sintaks Abstrak , QuotASN.1quot ASOC - Pusat Pengawasan Pelayanan Administratif ASP - Switch Berorientasi Agregat ASP - Protokol Sesi Appletalk ASPEN - Sistem Otomatis untuk Evaluasi Kinerja Jaringan ASR - Radar Pengawasan Bandara ASRM - Motor Rocket Padat Tingkat Lanjut - Sistem Pelaporan Keselamatan Penerbangan ASSR - Otonom Republik Soviet Sosialis AST - Sistem Terapan AST - Sistem Asyncronous Perangkap AST - Waktu Standar Atlantik ASTM - Perhimpunan Pengujian dan Material Amerika ASV - Versi Standar Amerika AT - Tandem Akses AT - Waktu Atlantik ATA - AT Lampiran ATA - Area Lalu Lintas Bandara ATA - Analisis Trouble Otomatis ATACC - Advanced Tactical Air Comm Dan ATB Pusat - Bomber Teknologi Tingkat Lanjut (ATB) - All Trunks Busy ATC - Kontrol Lalu Lintas Udara ATC - Atsugi Technical Center ATC - Kontrol Transmisi Otomatis ATDRS - Pelacakan Tingkat Lanjut dan Satelit Relay Data ATE - Peralatan Uji Otomatis ATF - Advanced Technology Fighter ATH - Sejarah Kesulitan Disingkat ATI - Uji Otomatis Menghambat ATIS - Spesifikasi Antarmuka Peralatan Atherton ATIS - Layanan Informasi Terminal Otomatis ATIS - Sistem Identifikasi Transmitter Otomatis ATK - Andrew ToolKit ATLAS - Laboratorium Atmosfer untuk Aplikasi dan Ilmu ATM - Pengelola Jenis Adobe - Pembuat Teleskop Amatir ATM - ATM Tuner Otomatis - Asynchronous Transfer Mode ATMS - Sistem Pengukuran Batang Otomatis ATN - Automated Test Network ATO - Abort To Orbit (Shuttle abort plan) ATOM - ATampt Optimized Materials Simulator ATP - Adenosine TriPhosphate ATP - Pilot Angkutan Penerbangan (kelas tertinggi pilot Sertifikat) ATP - Semua Pengujian Pass ATP - Appletalk Transactio N Protokol ATP2 - AppleTalk Tahap 2 ATPCO - Penerbitan Tarif Maskapai COmpany ATR - Perutean Batang Alternatif ATRS - Sistem Pelaporan Masalah Otomatis ATS - Sistem Uji Otomatis ATT - American Telephone amp Telegraph, quotatampTquot ATTC - Sirkuit Transmisi dan Pengendalian Otomatis ATTCOM - American Telephone amp Telegraph COMmunications ATTIS - American Telephone amp Sistem Informasi Telegraf ATV - Semua Kendaraan Terrain AU - Unit Aritematis AU - Unit Astronomi (93.000.000 mil) Ruang AUDIX - AUDio Informasi eXchange AUI - Antarmuka Unit Lampiran AUP - Kebijakan Penggunaan yang Diterima AURA - Asosiasi Universitas untuk Penelitian Di Astronomi AUS - Angkatan Darat Amerika Serikat AUTODEVO - AUTOOTIC DIGital Network AUTOSEVCOM - AUTOOTIC SEcure Voice COMmunications AUTOVON - AUTOONICIC VOICE Network AUX - Apple UniX AUXF - Bingkai AUXillary AV - AudioVisual AVD - Data Suara Alternatif AVLIS - Pemisahan Isotop Vapor Laser Atom AWACS - Peringatan Airborne Dan Sistem Pengendalian AWEA - Americ Sebuah Asosiasi Energi Angin AWG - American Wire Gauge AWK - al Aho, peter Weinberger, brian Kernighan (bahasa pemindaian pola) AWOL - Absen WithOut Leave (Juga Absen Tanpa Cuti Resmi) (lihat AOL) AWST - Aviation Week and Space Technology (a. k.a. Avleak), quotAWampSTquot AXAF - Ruang Astrofisika X-ray Advanced Space AY - Arther Young AZ - Arizona B - Buku B - Byte B - bit, quotbquot B4N - Sampai jumpa sekarang B6ZS - Bipolar dengan 6 Zero Subsitution B911 - Dasar 911 BA - Bachelor Seni BACH - Aliansi Bisnis untuk Perdagangan di Hemp BAFO - Penawaran Terbaik Dan Akhir BAK - Kembali ke Keyboard BALUN - Disahkan dengan BAMAF yang tidak seimbang - BELLCORE AMA Format BANCS - Sistem Komunikasi Jaringan Administratif Bell BAPCO - Periklanan Bellsouth Publishing COmpany BARRNET - Area Bay Jaringan Penelitian Regional, quotBARRNetquot (SF Bay Area) BASH - Bourne-Again SHell BASIC - Beginners Kode Isyarat Simbolik Tujuan Sementara BATSE - Percobaan Sumber Burst dan Transien (di GRO) BB - Basa di Balls BB - Terbaik dari Breed BB - Bunnies dan Burrows BBA - Bachelor of Business Administration BBB - Better Business Bureau BBC - British Broadcasting Corporation BBIAB - Jadilah kembali sedikit BBL - Barrel BBL - Segera kembali BBN - Bolt, Beranek, dan Newman Corporate nam E BBXRT - Teleskop X-Ray Broad-Band (paket ASTRO) SM - Battlecars BC - Sebelum Kristus BC - British Columbia BCBS - Blue CrossBlue Shield, quotBCBSquot BCC - BlindBlank Carbon Copy BCC - Panggilan Diblokir Dibersihkan BCC - Cek Blok Karakter BCD - Buruk Melakukan Discharge BCD - Binary Coded Desimal BCD - Blocked Call Tertunda BCDIC - Kode Piagam Desimal Kode Biner BCE - Sebelum Era Umum (pengganti BC) BCP - Protokol Komunikasi Biner BCP - Byte Controlled Protocols BCPL - Bahasa Pemrograman Tertentu Dasar BCR - Bell Communications Penelitian BCS - Bachelor of Commercial Science BCS - Batch Change Supplement BCS - Standar Kompatibilitas Biner (ABI untuk chip Motorola) BCS - Masyarakat Komputer Boston BCS - Masyarakat Komputer Inggris BCS - Subset Gabungan Dasar BCWP - Biaya Kerja yang Dianggarkan BCWS - Biaya yang Dianggarkan dari Pekerjaan Dijadwalkan BD - Bachelor of Divinity BD - Draft Bank BD - Bills Diskon BDA - Penilaian Kerusakan Pertempuran BDA - Penilaian Kerusakan Bom BDC - Boston Developm Pusat BDD - Dungeons Dasar amp Dragons, format BD Format Bib - BD Format BDF - Bitmap Format BDF - Format Distribusi Bitmap BDT - Transmitter Data Penagihan BDT - Transfer Data Massal BE - Kembali ke Akhir BE - Bill of Exchange BEA - Biro Analisis Ekonomi BEAV - Editor Biner dan Pemirsa KARENA - Potret Arsitektur Sekunder untuk Penggunaannya dalam Teknik Ilmiah BED - Hanscom Field, Bedford MA BEF - Filter Penghapusan Band BEF - Angkatan Ekspedisi Inggris (lihat AEF) BEG - Sengatan jahat yang mengerikan BELLCORE - BELL COmmunications REsearch BEM - Monster Bug Eyed Benelux - BElgium, NEtherlands, dan LUXembourg BER - Aturan Pengkodean Dasar BER - Bit Error Rate Uji Tingkat Kesalahan BERT - Bit - Borland Enhanced Support and Training BETRS - Layanan Radio Radio Pertukaran Dasar BF - Membawa Maju BFA - Bachelor of Fine Arts BFD - Kesepakatan Big fucking BFHD - Big Fat Hairy Deal BFN - Sampai saat ini BFR - Flight Review Biennial BG - Big grin BGP - Border Gate Cara Protokol BH - Lubang Hitam BH - Boot Hill BHA - Butylated HydroxyAnisole BHC - Jam Sibuk Panggilan BHP - Brake HorsePower BHT - Butylated HydroxyToluene BI - Backplane Interkoneksi BI - Bus Interconnect BICS - Jasa Konsultasi Industri Perkantoran BID - Bis In Die (dua kali satu Hari) BIMA - Berkeley Illinois Maryland Array BIND - Nama Internet Berkeley Daemon BIOC - Istirahat Ke Komputer Lain BIOS - Sistem Output Input Dasar BIOYIOP - Blow it out IO port BIS - Sistem Informasi Bisnis BISDN - Jaringan Digital Pelayanan Terpadu Terpadu, quotB-ISDNquot BISP - Program Sistem Informasi Bisnis BISYNC - Binary Synchronous Communications, quotBiSyncquot (BSC lebih diutamakan) IBM BIT - Binary digit BIT - Bipolar Integrated Technology Inc BITNET - Karena-Its-Time NETwork BITS - Perangkat Lunak Informasi Perangkat Bioteknologi Unit Antarmuka BIU - Bus BIX - Byte Informasi eXchange BL - Belly laughing BL - Bill of Loading BLAS - Subrutin Aljabar Linear Dasar BLAST - BLocked ASynchro Nous Transmission BLDS - Busy LineDont Answer, quotBLDSquot BLER - Tingkat Kesalahan Blok BLERT - Uji Tingkat Kesalahan BLF - Lampu Sibuk Lapangan telephony BLF - Bidang Jalur Sibuk BLM - Biro Pengelolaan Lahan BLOBS - Bitter Besar Biner BLS - Biro Statistik Tenaga Kerja BLS - Layanan Pencatatan Langsung BLT - BLock Transfer BLT - Bacon, Selada, dan Tomat BLV - Verifikasi Jalur yang Sibuk BM - Metabolisme Basal BM - Gerakan Usus BM - Pemeliharaan Kerusakan BMA - Asosiasi Pemasaran Bank BMEWS - Peringatan Dini Rudal Balistik BMG - Bloomington, IN BMI - Broadcast Music Inc. BMO - Kantor Rudal Balistik BMOC - Big Man On Campus BMP - Rencana Tolok Ukur BMR - Tingkat Metabolisme Basal BNC - Konektor Navy Bayonet BNC - Konektor Bayonet Neill Concelman (konektor) elektronik (lihat juga TNC) BNC - Berkley Nucleonics Corporation BNC - Konektor Naval Inggris BNET - Berkeley NETworking BNF - Bachus-Naur Bentuk BNFL - Bahan Bakar Nuklir Inggris Ltd BNRCVUUCP - Berita Batch ReCeive Melalui UUCP BNS - Skoring Nomor Billed BNSC - Br Itish Pusat Antariksa Nasional BNU - Utilitas Jaringan Dasar (nama ATampT untuk UU HoneyDanBer) BO - Badan Bau BO - Kantor Cabang BO - Opsi Pembeli BOC - Bell Operating Company BOD - Dewan Direksi BOF - Birds Of Feather BOFH - Operator Basterd dari Neraka BOM - Bill Of Material BOQ - Perwira Sarjana Perwira BOR - Laporan Keluaran Dasar BORSCHT - Baterai, Tegangan Lebih, Dering, Pengawasan, Pengkodean, Uji Hybrid BOS - Boston MA BOS - Pengawas Kantor Bisnis BOSIX - Antarmuka Sistem Biin Terbuka eXtension BOSS - Penagihan dan Pemesanan Sistem Pendukung BOT - Awal Dari Tape BOTEC - Kalkulasi Back-of-the-amplop BP - Tekanan Darah BP - British Petroleum BP - British Pharmacopoeia BPI - Bit per Inch, Blok Per Inch, Byte Per Inch BPOC - Titik Bell Kontak BPOE - Benevolent dan Protective Order of Elks BPPS - Sistem Harga Basing-Point BPS - BitsBytes Per Second BPSS - Layanan Packet-Switching Dasar BR - Piutang Bills BR - British Rail BRAT - Pelacakan Akun Bisnis Residence Sistem BRB - Segera kembali BRC - Balasan Bisnis Kartu BRCS - Layanan Custom Business Residence BRI - Antarmuka Tingkat Dasar BRIEF - Fasilitas Pengeditan Interkonversi Dasar yang dapat dikonfigurasi ulang BRL - Balistik Laboratorium Penelitian BRL - Laboratorium Penelitian Balistik Angkatan Darat BRM - Modul Jarak Jauh BRS - Layanan Retribusi Buku Bibliografi BS - Bachelor of Science BS - Ruang Belakang BS - Banded Signaling BS - Bill of Sale BS - Bill of Sale, quotBSquot BS - Standar Inggris BSA - Pengaturan Melayani Dasar BSA - Senjata Kecil Birmingham BSA - Pramuka Amerika BSBH - Sibuk Musim Sibuk Jam BSC - Bachelor of SCience, quotBScquot BSC - Komunikasi Sinkronisasi Biner BSC - Komunikasi Sinkron Biner (juga kadang-kadang BiSync) IBM BSC - Pusat Layanan Bisnis BSCM - Modul Komunikasi BiSynchronous BSD - Distribusi Perangkat Lunak Berkeley BSE - Elemen Layanan Dasar BSF - Bell Shock Force BSI - British Standards Institute BSMTP - Batteries SMTP BSN - Bachelor of Science dalam Keperawatan BSOC - Bell Systems Operating Comp BSP - Bell System Practice BSRFS - Bell System Reference Frequency Standard BSS - Subset Sinkronisasi Dasar BSS - Blok yang Dimulai oleh Simbol (bahasa assembly IBM) BST - Layanan Dasar Terminal BSTJ - Jurnal Teknik Sistem Bell BSW - Perangkat Lunak Boston Works BT - Terminator Bus BTA - Tapi sekali lagi. BTAM - Metode Akses Telekomunikasi Dasar IBM BTHU - Unit Termal Inggris, quotBThUquot (BTU, qv lebih diutamakan) BTL - Backplane Transceiver Logic BTL - Laboratorium Telepon Bell BTN - Nomor Telepon Penagihan BTO - Bachman Turner Overdrive BTOL - Lebih Baik daripada Tampilan Terbuka BTS - Board Sistem Pelacakan BTU - Unit Termal Inggris BTW - Dengan Jargon Net Way BU - Bushido BU - Unit Bisnis BURP - Brewers United untuk Potong Real BUS - Sistem Utilitas Dasar NAMUN - Dewan di bawah Uji BV - Perawan Terdaftar BVA - Aplikasi Validasi Penagihan BVC - Penagihan Pusat Validasi BVY - Beverly MA BW - Kawat Bisnis BWC - Kompresi BandWidth BWI - Baltimore-Washington International (bandara) BWI - Hindia Barat Inggris BWM - Pesan Peringatan Penyiaran BWT - Peringatan Penyiaran TWX BWTS - Uji Lebar BandWidth BX - Base eXchange (lihat juga PX) BYU - Universitas Brigham Young C - bahasa pemrograman Tembaga C, penerus BCPL CA - CAble CA - CA California - Akuntan Chartered CA - Chief Accountant CA - Chr Onologis Usia CA - Penghindaran Tabrakan (seperti pada CSMACA (qv)) CAA - Otoritas Penerbangan Sipil (Inggris) CAB - Dewan Penerbangan Sipil CABS - Sistem Penagihan Akses Operator CAC - Pusat Otorisasi Kartu Panggil Kode Akses CAC - Carrier CAC - Pusat Administrasi Circuit CAC - Pusat Administrasi Pelanggan CACM - Komunikasi Asosiasi untuk Mesin Komputasi CAD - Desain dengan Bantuan Komputer (kadang-kadang dilihat sebagai CADCAM) CAD - Pengiriman Dengan Bantuan Komputer CADD - Desain dan Rancangan Bantuan Komputer CADV - DataVoice Alternatif Gabungan CAE - Lingkungan Aplikasi Umum CAE - Computer Aided Education CAE - Computer-Aided Engineering CAFE - Ekonomi Bahan Bakar Rata-rata Perusahaan CAGR - Tingkat Pertumbuhan Tahunan Gabungan CAI - Call Assembly Index CAI - Instruksi Berbantuan Komputer CAI - Aplikasi Komputer Inc CAI - Petunjuk Berbantuan Komputer CAIS - Sistem Intercept Otomatis yang Terikat CAIS - Spesifikasi Interface Common Apse CALRS - Sistem Pelaporan Loop Terpusat Terpusat CALS - Acqui Bantuan Komputer Sisi dan Dukungan Logistik CAM - Common Access Method (SCSI) CAM - Computer Aided Management CAM - Computer Aided Manufacturing (kadang-kadang dilihat sebagai CADCAM) CAM - Computer-Aided Manufacturing CAM - Contentable Memory CAMA - Pesan Pesan Terpusat Otomatis CAMAC - Pengukuran Otomatis Komputer Dan Kontrol CAMM - Manajemen Material Berbantuan Komputer CAMP - Kampanye Melawan Penanaman Marijuana CAMRA - CAMERA untuk Real Ale CAN - Jaringan Area Kampus CAP - Patroli Udara Sipil - Paket Appletalk Columbia CAP - Computer Aided Publishing CAPP - Perencanaan Proses Bantuan Komputer CAPTAIN - Karakter Dan Pola Akses Telepon Informasi Jaringan CAR - Akses Komputer amp Retrieval CAR - Isi dari bagian Alamat Register CAROT - Pelaporan Otomatis Terpusat Pada Trunks CART - Tim Racing Auto Championship CAS - Sinyal Serasi Berhubungan CAS - Spesifikasi Aplikasi Berkomunikasi CAS - Sistem Autodial Terkomputerisasi CASE - Unsur Layanan Aplikasi Umum CAS E - Computer Aided Software Engineering CASSIS - Sistem Informasi Pendukung Klasifikasi dan Pendukung CAT - Asembah Berbantuan Komputer CAT - Tomografi Berbantuan Komputer CAT - Terminal Akses Kerajinan CAT - Uji Penerimaan Pelanggan CAT - conCATenate CATIS - Aplikasi Umum dan Layanan Integrasi Tools CATLAS - Sentralisasi Otomatis Trouble Locating and Analysis System CATV - Antena Komunitas TeleVision CAU - Unit Pengaturan Koneksi CAV - Kecepatan Angular Konstan CAVU - Langit-Langit Dan Visibilitas Unlimited CB - Citizens Radio band CBC - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation CBD - Kas Sebelum Pengiriman CBD - Distrik Bisnis Pusat Bisnis CBD - Niaga CBDS Harian - Layanan Data Broadband Tanpa Sambungan CBEMA - Komputer amp Bisnis Peralatan Asosiasi Produsen CBI - Instruksi Berbasis Komputer CBR - Pepohonan Kimia, Biologi, Radiologi CBS - Sistem Penyiaran Columbia CBS - CrossBar Switching CBW - Pepohonan Kimia dan Biologi CBX - Cabang Komputerisasi eXchange CC - Carbon Copy CC - Pusat Konduktor CC - Kontrol Pusat CC - CC Common - Pusat Biaya CC - Kode Negara CC - C Kompilator CC - Cluster Controller CCA - Perusahaan Corporate Corporation Nama perusahaan CCAFS - Stasiun Angkatan Udara Cape Canaveral CCC - Komite Kanada untuk Katalog CCC - Central Control Complex CCC - Ceramic Chip Carriers CCC - Korps Konservasi Sipil (ian) CCC - Command, Control, and Communications (kadang-kadang C3) CCC - Pusat Kontrol Komputer CCC - Concourse Pusat Komputer MIT CCCCM - CCC CounterMeasures (kadang-kadang C3CM) CCCI - Perangkat Kontrol, Kontrol, Komunikasi, dan Intelijen CCD - Charge Coupled Device (lihat CID) CCD - Display CCD yang Dikontrol Komputer - Pusat Pengembangan Ruang Komersial CCH - Koneksi per Circuit per Jam CCI - Pelaku Operator Interrupt CCI - Konsol Komputer , Incorporated CCIM - Certified Commercial Investment Member CCIP - Titik Dampak Berkaitan Terus-menerus CCIR - Comite Consultatif International des Radio Communications CCIS - Saluran Bersama Interoffice Signaling telephony CCITT - Comite Consultatif International Telegraphique et Telephonique CCITT - Komite Konsultatif Internasional untuk Telegrafi dan Telephony CCL - Console Command Language CCNC - Common Channel Network Controller CCNC - ComputerCommunications Network Center CCR - Komitmen, Concurrency, and Recovery CCR - Covenants, Kondisi, dan Pembatasan CCR - Creedence Clearwater Revival CCR - Konfigurasi Ulang yang Dikontrol Pelanggan CCRP - Titik Rilis yang Dihitung secara Kontinyu CCS - Sinyal Saluran Biasa CCS - Set Perintah Umum (SCSI) CCS - Ratusan (C) Call Seconds CCSA - Pengaturan Kontrol Switching Common telephony CCT - Central Control Terminal CCTA - Badan Komputer dan Telekomunikasi Pusat CCTAC - Pusat Analisis Kesulitan Komunikasi Komputer CCTV - Sirkuit Tertutup TeleVision CCU - Unit Komputer COLT CCV - Validasi Kartu Panggilan CCW - Counter ClockWise CD - Carrier Detect (benar DCD (qv)) CD - Sertifikat Deposito CD - Civi l Defense CD - Collision Detection (as in CSMACD (q. v.)) CD - Compact Disk CDA - Call Data Accumulator CDA - Coin Detection and Announcement CDA - Compound Documents Architecture CDAR - Customer Dialed Account Recording CDB - Command Descriptor Block CDB - Customer Distributed Buglist CDC - Centers for Disease Control CDC - Control Data Corporation, inc. Corporate name CDCF - Cumulative Discounted Cash Flow CDEV - Control panel DEVice CDF - Combined Distributing Frame CDF - Context-Dependent File CDI - Circle Digit Identification CDI - Course Deviation Indicator CDIAC - Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center CDO - Community Dial Office CDP - Career Development Program CDPR - Customer Dial Pulse Receiver CDR - Call Dial Rerouting CDR - CommanDeR CDR - Contents of the Decrement part of the Register CDR - Critical Design Review CDROM - Compact Disk Read Only Memory, quotCD-ROMquot CDS - Craft Dispatch System CDSF - Commercially Developed Space Facility CDT - Call Data Transmitter CDT - Central Daylight Time CDU - Control Display Unit CE - Chemical Engineer CE - Civil Engineer CE - Common Era (substitute for AD) CE - Corps of Engineers CE - Customer Engineer CEA - Commissariat a lEnergie Atomique, France CEA - Council of Economic Advisors CEA - County Education Authority CEC - Commission of the European Communities CED - Committee for Economic Development CEERT - Coalition for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies CEF - Cable Entrance Facility CEI - Comparably Efficient Interconnection CELSS - Controlled Ecological Life Support System Space CEN - Centre dEtudes Nucleaires CENS - Centre dEtudes Nucleaires de Seclay CENTO - CENtral Treaty Organization CEO - Chief Executive Officer CERMET - Ceramic Metal Element CERN - organisation (formerly Conseil) Europeenne pour la Recherche Nucleaires CERT - Computer Emergency Response Team CET - Central European Time CEV - Controlled Environment Vault CEVI - Common Equipment Voltage Indicator CF - Carry Forward CF - Coin First payphone telephony CFA - Center For Astrophysics CFB - Color Frame Buffer CFC - Chloro-FluoroCarbon chemical CFC - Combined Federal Campaign CFCA - Communications Fraud Control Association CFD - Computational Fluid Dynamics CFF - Columbus Free Flyer CFHT - Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope CFI - Certificated Flight Instructor CFI - Cost, Freight, and In surance CFL - Canadian Football League CFO - Chief Financial Officer CFP - Call For Papers CFR - Code of Federal Regulations CG - Coast Guard CG - Commanding General CGA - Color Graphics Adapter CGCT - Compagnie Generale de Constructions Telephoniques CGE - Cincinnati Gas amp Electric, quotCGampEquot CGE - Compagnie Generale dElectricite CGI - Computer Graphics Interface CGIAR - Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research CGM - Computer Graphics Metafile CGN - Concentrator Group Number CGS - Centimeter-Gram-Second CGX - Chicago (Meigs) IL CH - Cardboard Heroes CH - ClearingHouse CH - CourtHouse CH - Customs House CHA - Champions CHAP - CHAnnel Processor CHARA - Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy CHARGEN - CHARacter GENerator CHI - Chill: Adventures into the Unknown CHOTS - Corporate Headquarters Office Technology System CHP - California Highway Patrol CI - Cubic Inches CIA - Central Intelligence Agency US Government CIAC - Computer Incident Advisory Capability C IB - Console Interface Board CIC - Carrier Identification Code CIC - Coordination and Information Center CSNet CICA - Competition in Contracting Act CICS - Customer Information Control System IBM CICSVS - Customer Information Control System Virtual Storage, quotCICSVSquot CID - Central Institute for the Deaf CID - Charge Injection Device (see CCD) CID - Computer Integrated Design CIDIN - Common Icao Data Interchange Network CIF - Caltech Intermediate Form CIF - Cost, Insurance and Freight CII - Call Identity Index CIM - Computer Integrated Manufacturing CIMA - Construction Industry Manufactures Association CIO - Chief Information Officer CIP - Chief Income Producer CIRCA - Center for Instructional and Research Computing Activities CIRRIS - Cryogenic InfraRed Radiance Instrument for Shuttle CIS - Chief Income Spender CIS - Commonwealth of Independent States CIS - Compuserve Information S CIS - Customized Intercept Service CISC - Complex Instruction Set Computer CIT - California Institu te of Technology CIT - Case Institute of Technology (part of CWRU, Cleveland, OH) CIT - Circumstellar Imaging Telescope Space CIT - Computer Integrated Telephony CIU - Computer Interface Unit CL - Connection-Less mode CLASP - Comprehensive Logistics Automated Support Program CLASS - Centralized Local Area Selective Signaling CLASS - Custom Local Area Signaling Service CLDN - Calling Line Directory Number CLEF - Certified Licensed Evaluation Facility CLEI - Common-Language Equipment Identification CLI - Calling Line Ident CLI - Command Line Interpreter CLID - Calling Line IDentification CLLI - Common-Language Location Identification CLNP - ConnectionLess Network Protocol CLOS - Common Lisp Object System CLR - Combined Line and Recording CLRC - Circuit Layout Record Card CLS - connectionless server CLTP - Connectionless Transport Protocol CLU - Chartered Life Underwriter CLUT - Color LookUp Table CLV - Constant Linear Velocity CM - Command Module (Apollo spacecraft) CM - Congregation of the Mission CM - Corrective Maintenance CMA - Cash Management Account CMAC - Centralized Maintenance and Administration Center CMC - Communication Machinery Corporation CMC - Construction Maintenance Center CMC - Corporate Management Commitee CMCC - Central Mission Control Centre (ESA) CMD - Centralized Message Distribution CMDF - Combined Main Distributing Frame CMDS - Centralized Message Data System CMH - Port Columbus OH CMI - Champaign-Urbana IL CMIP - Common Management Information Protocol CMIS - Common Management Information Service CMISE - Common Management Information Service Element CML - Current Model Logic CMMU - CacheMemory Management Unit CMOS - Complimentary-symmetry Metal-Oxide Semiconductor CMOT - Common Management Information Services and Protocol over TCPIP CMRR - Common Mode Rejection Ratio CMS - Call Management System CMS - Circuit Maintenance System CMS - Communications Management Subsystem CMS - Conversational Monitoring System CMSGT - Chief Master Sergeant, quotC MSgtquot CMT - Cellular Mobile Telephone CMU - COLT Measurement Unit CMU - Carnegie-Mellon University CMW - Compartmented Mode Workstation CMYK - Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, blacK CN - Canadian National (railroad) Corporate name CN - Change Notice CNA - Communications Network Application CNA - Customer Name Address, quotCNAquot telephony CNA - Customer Name and Address CNAB - Customer NameAddress Bureau CNC - Computer Numerical Control CNCC - Customer Network Control Center CNES - Centre National dEtude Spatiales CNI - Common Network Interface CNM - Communications Network Management CNMS - Cylink Network Management System CNN - Cable News Network CNO - Carbon-Nitrogen-Oxygen CNO - Chief of Naval Operations CNR - Canadian National Railways CNR - Carrier to Noise Ratio CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy CNRCVUUCP - Compressed News ReCeive Via UUCP CNS - Central Nervous System CNS - Complimentary Network Service CNSR - Comet Nucleus Sample Return CO - Cash Order CO - Central Offi ce telephony CO - Colorado CO - Commanding Officer CO - Conscientious Objector CO - in Care Of, quotCOquot COAM - Customer Owned And Maintained COB - Close Of Business COBE - COsmic Background Explorer COBOL - COmmon Business Oriented Language COC - Call of Cthulhu COC - Circuit Order Control COCOM - Coordinating Comittee for Export to Comminist Area COCOT - Customer-Owned Coin-Operated Telephone telephony COD - Collect On Delivery Cash On Delivery CODASYL - Conference On DAta SYstems Languages CODCF - Central Office Data Connecting Facility CODEC - COder-DECoder COE - Center Of Excellence COE - Central Office Equipment COEES - COE Engineering System COER - Central Office Equipment Report COFF - Common Object File Format COLA - Cost-Of-Living Allowance COLT - Central Office Line Tester COM - Commercial (pilot certificate) COM - Computer Output Microfilm COMAS - Central Office Maintenance and Administration System COMDEX - COMputer Dealers Exposition COMM - Communications COMPACT - COMm ercial Product ACquisition Team COMPTEL - COMPton TELescope (on GRO) COMS - Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor COMSAT - COMmunications SATellite Space COMSAT - Communications Satellite Corp CONN - CONNector CONS - Connection-Oriented Networking Session CONTAC - Central Office NeTwork ACcess CONUS - CONtinental United States COO - Chief Operating Officer COP - Character-Oriented Protocol COPS - Computer Oracle and Password System COQ - Cost Of Quality CORE - COntrolled Requirement Expression CORN - COmputer Resource Nucleus CORNET - CORperate NETwork COS - Central Office Switch COS - Corporation for Open Systems COSINE - Cooperation for Open Systems Interconnection Networking in Europe COSMIC - COmmon Systems Main InterConnection frame system COSMIC - COmputer Software Management and Information Center COSMOS - COmputer System for Mainframe OperationS COSTAR - Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement COT - Central Office Terminal COTS - Connection-Oriented Transport (lay er) Service CP - Canadian Pacific CP - Canadian Press CP - Chemically Pure CP - CoPy CP - Command Post CP - Command Processor CP - Control Program CPA - Certified Public Accountant CPA - Communications amp Public Affairs, quotCampPAquot CPC - Cellular Phone Company CPC - Circuit Provisioning Center CPD - Central Pulse Distributor CPE - Customer Premises Equipment CPE - Customer-Provided Equipment CPFF - Cost Plus Fixed Fee CPH - Cost Per Hour CPI - Characters Per Inch CPI - Common Programming Interface CPI - Computer Private branch exchange Interface CPIO - CoPy InOut CPL - Combined Programming Language CPM - Control Program for Microcomputers (sometimes CPM) CPM - Cost Per Minute CPM - Critical Path Method CPMP - Carrier Performance Measurement Plan CPO - Chief Petty Officer CPO - Chief Post Office CPO - Customer Premises Equipment CPP - Cable Patch Panel CPR - Canadian Pacific Railway CPS - Characters Per Second CPSR - Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility CPT - CaPTain CP U - Central Processing Unit CPW - Certified Public Weigher CQ - Charge of Quarters, Call to Quarter CQ - Commercial Quality CR - Carriage Return (ASCII 15 octal) CRAF - Comet RendezvousAsteroid Flyby Space CRAM - Card Random Access Memory CRAS - Cable Repair Administrative System CRB - Certified Residential Broker CRC - Camera Ready Copy CRC - Chemical Rubber Company CRC - Civil Rights Commission CRC - Customer Record Center CRC - Cyclic Redundancy Check CRC - Cyclical Redundancy Character CRD - Customer Required Date CREG - Concentrated Range Extension with Gain CREN - Corporation for Research and Educational Networking CRFC - Customer Return For Credit CRFMP - Cable Repair Force Management Plan CRI - Cray Research, Inc. CRIN - Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Nancy CRIS - Customer Record Information System CRISP - Complex-Reduced Instruction Set Processor CRL - Certificate Revocation List CRLF - Carriage ReturnLine Feed CRONIC - Colorado Rudimentary Operating Nucleus for Intell igent Controllers (HSC OS) CROTCH - Computerized Routine for Observing and Testing the Channel Hardware CRRES - Combined Release Radiation Effects Satellite CRS - Centralized Results System CRSAB - Centralized Repair Service Answering Bureau CRT - Cathode Ray Tube (also generic reference to a terminal) CRTC - Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission CS - Chivalry amp Sorcery, quotCampSquot CS - Civil Servant CS - Computer Science Computing Science CS - County Seat CS - Customer Service CS - Ses (ls det p svenska) CSA - Canadian Standards Association CSA - Carrier Serving Area CSA - Client Service Agent CSA - Confederate States of America CSA - Customer Service Administration CSAB - Computing Sciences Accreditation Board CSACC - Customer Service Administration Control Center CSACS - Centralized Status, Alarm and Control System CSAR - Centralized System for Analysis Reporting CSC - Cell Site Controller CSC - Computer Sciences Corporation CSD - Customer Service Divisio n CSDC - Circuit Switched Digital Capability CSE - Common Subexpression Elimination CSF - Critical Success Factor CSI - Commercial Systems Integration CSIRO - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization CSIS - Canadian Security and Intelligence Service CSL - Coin Supervising Link CSM - Command Sergeant Major CSM - Command and Service Module (Apollo spacecraft) CSMA - Carrier Sense Multiple Access CSMACA - Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance, quotCSMACAquot CSMACD - Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection, quotCSMACDquot CSN - Computer Systems News (magazine) CSNET - Computer Science NETwork CSO - Central Services Organization CSO - Computing Services Office (UIUC) CSOC - Consolidated Space Operations Center (at Colorado Springs) CSP - Control Switching Point CSPAN - Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network, quotC-SPANquot CSR - Control and Status Register CSRG - Computer Systems Research Group CSRI - Computer Systems Research Institute ( U Toronto) CSRS - Civil Service Retirement System CSS - Computer Sub-System CSS - Customer Switching System CST - Central Standard Time CSTC - Consolidated Satellite Test Center (USAF) CSU - Channel Service Unit CT - Central Time CT - Communications amp Tracking, quotCampTquot CT - Computed Tomography CT - Connecticut CTC - Canadian Transport Commission CTC - Central Test Center CTC - Centralized Traffic Control railroad CTC - Chu-Itoh Techno-Science Co. CTD - Computing and Telecommunications Division CTERM - Command TERMinal (DECNET) CTIO - Cerro Tololo Inter-american Observatory CTM - Contac Trunk Module CTMS - Carrier Transmission Measuring System CTNE - Compania Telefonica Nacional de Espana CTO - Call Transfer Outside CTS - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome CTS - Cartridge Tape Subsystem (Exabyte) CTS - Clear To Send CTS - Compatible Timesharing System CTSS - Time-Sharing System CTT - Cartridge Tape Transport CTTC - Cartridge Tape Transport Controller CTTN - Cable Trunk Ticket Number CTV - C anadian TeleVision network CU - Close-Up CU - Control Unit CU - Customer Unit CU - See you CUA - Common User Access CUCRIT - Capital Utilization CRITeria CUL - See You Later net jargon CUL8ER - See you later CUNBATCH - Compressed news UNBATCH CUTK - Common UpdateEQuipment system, quotCUTKquot CV - Constant Velocity CV - Curriculum Vitae CVCC - Controlled Vortex Combustion Chamber CVR - Compass Voice Response CVT - Continuous Variable Transmission CW - Car Wars CW - Chemical Warfare CW - Child Welfare CW - Churchwarden CW - Continuous Wave CWC - City-Wide Centrex CWI - Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science) CWO - Cash With Order CWO - Chief Warrant Officer CWRU - Case Western Reserve University CXI - Common X-windows Interface CY - Calendar Year CYA - Cover your ass CYO - Catholic Youth Organization CYO - See you online CZ - Canal Zone CZ - Control Zone D - Depth DA - Days after Acceptance DA - Department of Agriculture DA - Deposit Account DA - Desk Accessory (Mac) DA - Digital to Analog converter, quotDAquot DA - Directory Assistance (C computerized, M Microfilm) DA - District Attorney DA - Dont Answer DAC - Design Automation Conference DAC - Digital to Analog Converter DACCS - Digital Access Cross Connect System telephony DACS - Digital Access Cross-connect System telephony DACS - Directory Assistance Charging System DAD - Draft ADdendum DAIS - Distributed Automatic Intercept System DAMQAM - Dynamically Adaptive Multicarrier Quadrature Amplitude Modulation DAP - Data Access Protocol (DECNET) DAP - Division Advisory Panel of NSF (q. v.) DNCRI (q. v.) DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution DARC - Division Alarm Recording Center DARPA - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DARU - Distributed automatic intercept system Audio Response Unit DAS - Directory Assistance System DAS - Distributor And Scanner DASD - Direct Access Storage Device DASWDT - Distributor And Scanner-Watch Dog Timer, quotDAS-WDTquot DAT - Digital Audio Tape DATA - Defense Air Transport Administration DAV - Data Above Voice DAV - Disabled American Veterans DAY - Dayton OH DB - DataBase DB - DeciBels, quotdbquot DB - Dial Box DBA - Data Base Administrator DBA - Doing Business As DBAC - Data Base Administration Center DBAS - Data Base Administration System DBF - DBase Format DBM - DataBase Manager DBME - DataBase Managment Environment DBMS - DataBase Management System (rdbms for Relational) DBRAD - Data Base Relational Application Directory DBS - Duplex Bus Selector DC - Data Cartridge DC - Direct Current, quotdcquot (see also AC) DC - District of Columbia DCA - Defense Communications Agency DCA - Distributed Communication Architecture DCA - Document Content Architecture DCA - Washington (National) DC DCC - Data Country Code DCC - Descriptive Cataloging Committee DCC - Digital Compact Cassette DCCO - Defense Commercial Communications Office DCCS - DisContiguous Shared Segments DCD - Data Carrier Detect (sometimes CD (q. v.)) DCE - Data Circuit-terminating Equipment DCE - Data Communications Equipment DCE - Distributed Computing Environment DCH - D Channel Handler DCI - Desktop Color Imaging DCL - DEC Control Language DCL - Digital Command Language DCLU - Digital Carrier Line Uint DCM - Digital Carrier Module DCMS - Distributed Call Measurement System DCMU - Digital Concentrator Measurement Unit DCNA - Data Communication Network Architecture DCO - Document Change Order DCP - Distributed Communications Processor DCP - Duplex Central Processor DCPR - Detailed Contuing Property Record (PICSDCPR) DCPSK - Differential Coherent Phase-Shift Keying DCS - Digital Crosconnect System DCS - Distribution Control System DCT - Digital Carrier Trunk DCTN - Defense Commercial Telecommunications Network DCTS - Dimension Custom Telephone Service DD - Daredevils DD - Data Dictionary DD - Days after Date DD - Demand Draft DD - Dishonorable Discharge DD - Disk Drive DD - Doctor of Divinity DD - Dungeons amp Dragons, quotDampDquot DDA - Digital Differential Analyzer DDA - Domain Defined Attribute DDB - Device Dependent Bitmap DDC - Digital Data Converter DDC - Direct Department Calling DDCMP - Digital Data Communication Message Protocol DDCU - DC-to-DC Converter Unit DDD - Direct Distance Dialing Telephony principally US, elsewhere STD DDE - Dynamic Data Exchange DDJ - Dr. Dobbs Journal DDK - Driver Development Kit (from MS) DDL - Document Description Language DDN - Defense Data Network DDP - Datagram Delivery Protocol DDP - Distributed Data Processing DDPEX - Device Dependent PEX DDS - Dataphone Digital Service ATampT DDS - Digital Data Service DDS - Digital Data Storage (Sony and HPs DAT format) DDS - Digital Data System DDS - Digital Dataphone Service DDS - Direct Digital Service DDS - Doctor of Dental Surgery Doctor of Dental Science DDS - Document Distribution Services DDS - Dataphone Digital service carrier offering 2.4 - 56 kbs DDT - DicholoroDiphenylTricholoroethane DDX - Digital Data eXchange, Device Depend ent X (windows) DDX - Distributed Data eXchange DE - Delaware DE - Disk Enclosure DEA - Data Encryption Algorithm DEA - Drug Enforcement Agency DEAR - Department of Energy Acquisition Regulation DEBNA - Digital Ethernet BI Network Adapter DEC - Digital Equipment Corporation Corporate name DECUS - Digital Equipment Computer Users Society DELNI - Digital Ethernet Local Network Interconnect DELQA - Digital Ethernet Lowpower Q-bus network Adapter DELUA - Digital Ethernet Lowpower Unibus network Adapter DEMPR - Digital Ethernet Multi-Port Repeater DEPCA - Digital Ethernet Personal Computer-bus Adapter DEQNA - Digital Ethernet Q-bus Network Adapter DEREP - Digital Ethernet REPeater DERP - Defective Equipment Replacement Program DES - Data Encryption Standard DESPR - Digital Ethernet Single Port Repeater DESTA - Digital Ethernet thin-wire STation Adapter DEUNA - Digital Ethernet Unibus Network Adapter DEW - Distant Early Warning (as in DEW Line) DEXEC - Diagnostic EXEc software DF - Damage Fr ee DF - Direction Finding DF - Direction Finding, quotDFquot DFC - Distinguished Flying Cross DFD - Data Flow Diagram DFE - Data Flow Editor DFI - Digital Facility Interface DFLA - Disenhanced four-letter acronym (that is, a TLA) DFM - Distinguished Flying Medal DFMS - Digital Facility Management System DFRF - Dryden Flight Research Facility (now ADFRF) DFS - Depth-First Search DFS - Distributed File System DFT - Discrete Fourier Transform DFW - Dallas-Ft. Worth (regional airport) DG - Data General Corporate name DG - Dei Gratia (by the grace of God) DG - Directional Gyro DG - Director General DGA - Direct Graphics Access DGP - Dissimilar Gateway Protocol DGSC - Defense General Supply Center DHHS - Department of Health and Human Services DHSS - Department of Health and Social Security (British) DHSS - british Department of Health and Social Security DIA - Defence Intelligence Agency DIA - Document Interchange Architecture DIAD - (magnetic) Drum Information Assembler Dispatcher DIAL - D irect Information Access Line DIAS - Defense Automatic Integrated System DIB - Device Independent Bitmap DIB - Directory Information Bases DIC - Digital Interface Controller DID - Direct Inward Dialing telephony DIF - Digital Interface Frame DIF - Document Interchange Format DIFMOS - Double Injection Floating Gate MOS DIKU - Do I know you DIL - Dual InLine DILOG - DIstributed LOGic DIM - Data In the Middle DIMS - Document Image Management System DIN - Deutsche Industrie Normenausschuss DIN - Deutsches Institut fur Normung DINK - Double Income, No Kids DIP - Dual Inline Package DIR - Deliverly amp Installation Request DIRE - Dire Is Really Emacs DIRT - Design In Real-Time DIS - Draft International Standard (ISO) DISA - Direct Inward System Access DISOSS - DIStributed Office Support System DITYID - Did I tell you Im distressed DIU - Digital Interface Unit DIV - Division DIX - DEC, Intel, Xerox (Ethernet hardware levels) DIY - Do It Yourself DJ - Disc Jockey DLA - Defense Logistics Agency DLC - Data Link Control DLC - Digital Loop Carrier DLC - Drivers License Compact (Uniform interstate treatment) DLCU - Digital Line Carrier Unit DLE - Data Link Escape DLG - Digital Line Graph DLI - Data Link Interface DLL - Dial Long Lines DLL - Dynamic Link Library DLO - Dead Letter Office DLS - Data Link Control DLS - Digital Link Service DLTU - Digital LineTrunk Unit DLUPG - Digital Line Unit-Pair Gain, quotDLU-PGquot DM - Delta Modulation DM - Dialog Manager DM - District Manager DM - Dungeon Master DMA - Direct Memory Access DMD - Directory Management Domain DMD - Doctor of Dental Medicine DME - Distance Measuring Equipment DMI - Digital Multiplexed Interface DML - Data Manipulation Logic DMOS - Diffusion Metal Oxide Semiconductor (see MOS) DMS - Data Management System DMS - Digital Multiplexed System DMS - Diskless Management Services DMSP - Defense Meteorological Satellite Program DMU - Data Manipulation Unit DMV - Department of Motor Vehicles DMZ - DeMilitarized Zone DN - Dir ectory Number DNA - DeoxyriboNucleic Acid DNA - Digital Network Architecture DEC DNC - Direct Numerical Control DNC - Dynamic Network Controller DNCRI - NSF (q. v.) Division of Networking and Communications Research and Infrastructure DNHR - Dynamic NonHierarchical Routing DNI - DECnet Network Interface DNIC - Data Network Identification Code telephony DNL - Director of Naval Laboratories DNR - Dialed Number Recorder telephony DNS - Domain Name System DNX - Dynamic Network X-connect DOA - Dead On Arrival DOB - Date Of Birth DOC - Dynamic Overload Control DOCS - Display Operator Console System DOD - Department Of Defense U. S. Government DOD - Department of Defense, quotDoDquot DOE - Department Of Energy U. S. Government DOE - Depends On Experience DOHC - Dual OverHead Camshaft DOJ - Department Of Justice U. S. Government DOM - Data On Master group DOMAIN - Distributed Operating Multi Access Interactive Network (Apollo) DORE - Dynamic Object Rendering Environment DOS - Disk Operating System DOT - Department Of Transportation U. S. Government DOTE - Director, Operational Test and Evaluation, quotDOTampEquot DOTS - Digital Office Timing Supply DOV - Data Over Voice telephony DOW - Day Of Week DP - Data Processing DP - Demarcation Point DP - Dial Pulse telephony DP - Displaced Persons (expelled from native land) DP - Display Postscript DP - Double Play DP - Draft Proposal DPA - Delegation of Procurement Authority DPAC - Dedicated Plant Assignment Center DPANS - Draft Proposed American National Standard DPC - Destination Point Code DPE - Data Path Extender DPI - Dots Per Inch DPM - Defect Per Million DPM - Digital Panel Meter DPM - Directional Policy Matrix DPMI - DOS Protected Mode Interface DPNPH - Data Packet Network-Packet Handler, quotDPN-PHquot DPP - Discounted Payback Period DPS - Display PostScript DPSK - Differential Phased-Shift Keying DQ - Dairy Queen DQ - Dragon Quest DQDB - Distributed Queue Dual Bus a reservation-strategy MAN 150 Mbs DQL - Database Query Languag e DR - Data Ready DR - Data Receive DR - Dead Reckoning DR - Dining Room DRAM - Dynamic Random Access Memory (as opposed to static RAM) DRD - Data Reading Device DRE - Directional Reservation Equipment DRG - Democratic Republic of Germany (East Germany) DRI - Defense Research Internet (replaces Arpanet) DRI - Digital Research, Incorporated Corporate name DRMU - Digital Remote Measurement Unit DRP - DECnet Routing Protocol DRS - Data Rate Select (RS-232) DS - Digital Signal DS - Digital carrier Span DS - Direct Signal DS - Directory Service DS - Double-Sided DSA - Dial System Assistance DSA - Digital Storage Architecture DSA - Directory Service Agent DSAB - Distributed Systems Architecture Board DSBAM - Double-SideBand Amplitude Module DSC - Document Structuring Conventions DSCS - Defense Satellite Communications System DSD - Data Structure Diagram DSDC - Direct Service Dial Capability DSE - Data Structure Editor DSEE - Domain Software Engineering Environment DSI - Digital Speech Interp olation DSM - Distinguished Service Medal DSN - Deep Space Network DSN - Digital Signal (level) N DSO - Digital Storage Oscilloscope DSO - Distinguished Service Order DSP - Decessit Sine Prole (died without issue) DSP - Defense Support Program (USAFNRO) DSP - Digital Signal Processor Digital Signal Processing DSP - Domain-Specific System DSR - Data Set Ready (RS-232) DSR - Digital Standard Runoff DSR - Dynamic Service Register DSRI - Digital Standard Relational Interface DSS - Data Station Selector DSS - Decision Support System DSS - Direct Station Selection telephony DSSI - Digital Storage Systems Interconnect DST - Daylight Saving Time DSTN - Double SuperTwisted Nematic DSU - Digital Service Unit Data Service Unit DSU - Disk Subsystem Unit (Artecon) DSX - Digital System X-connect DT - Data Transmit DT - Delirium Tremens DT - Di-group Terminal DTAS - Digital Test Access System DTB - Data Transfer Bus DTC - Design To Cost DTC - Di-group Terminal Controller DTC - Digital Trunk Controlle r DTE - Data Terminal Equipment DTF - Dial Tone First payphone telephony DTG - Direct Trunk Group DTI - Department of Trade and Industry (U. K.) DTIF - Digital Transmission Interface Frame DTL - Diode Transistor Logic DTMF - Dial Tone Multi Frequency telephony DTP - DeskTop Publishing DTR - Data Terminal Ready DTSS - Dartmouth TimeSharing System DTU - Demand Transmission Unit DTU - Di-group Terminal Unit DU - Decision Unit DUA - Directory User Agent DUATS - Direct User Access Terminal System DUI - Driving Under the Influence DUT - Device Under Test DUV - Data Under Voice DV - Deo Vo lente (God willing) DVC - Digital Voice Card DVD - Digital Versatile Disc DVM - Digital Volt Meter DVM - Doctor of Veterinary Medicine DVMA - Direct Virtual Memory Access, see DMA, device uses MMU. DVMRP - Distance-Vector Multicast Routing Protocol DVX - Digital Voice eXchange DW - Dead Weight DWAPS - Defense Warehousing Automated Processing System DWB - Documenters WorkBench DWI - Driving While Intoxicated DWIM - Do What I Mean DX - Distance (as in long distance radio communication) DXT - Data eXtractT facility E - East E - Espionage E911 - Enhanced 911 EAA - Experimental Aircraft Association EADAS - Engineering and Administrative Data Acquisition System EADASNM - Engineering and Administrative Data Acquisition SystemNetwork Management, quotEADASNMquot EADASS - Engineering and Administrative Data AcquiSition System EAEO - Equal Access End Office EAFB - Edwards Air Force Base EARN - European Academic Research Network EAS - Engineering Administration System EAS - Extended Announcement System EAS - Extended Area Service EASD - Equal Access Service Date EASI - Enhanced Asynchronous SCSI Interface EBCDIC - Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code EBI - Extensive Background Inve stigations EC - European Community EC - Exchange Carrier telephony ECAD - Electronical Computer Aided Design ECAFE - Economic Commission for Africa and the Far East ECAP - Electronic Customer Access Program ECASS - Electronically Controlled Automatic Switching System ECASS - Export Control Automated Support System ECC - Enter Cable Change ECC - Error Checking and Correcting ECC - Error Correction Code ECCM - Electronic Counter-CounterMeasures ECCS - Economic C (hundred) Call Seconds ECD - East Coast Division (Sun) ECDO - Electronic Community Dial Office ECF - Enhanced Connectivity Facility ECG - ElectroCardioGram ECL - Emitter Coupled Logic (see also TTL) ECL - Error Correction Logic ECLSS - Environmental Control and Life Support System Space ECM - Electronic Counter Measure ECM - European Common Market ECMA - European Computer Manufacturers Association ECN - Engineering Computer Network (at Purdue) ECO - Ecological ECO - Electronic Central Office ECO - Engineering Change Order ECOM - Electronic Computer Originated Mail, quotE-COMquot ECPA - Electronic Communication Privacy Act ECPT - Electronic Coin Public Telephone ECR - Engineering Change Request ECS - Electronic Crosconnect System ECS - Environmental Control System ECSA - Exchange Carriers Standards Association ECT - ElectroConvulsive Therapy ECV - Electric Cargo Vehicle NASA OEXP EDA - Electronic Design Automation EDAC - Electromechanical Digital Adapter Circuit EDD - Expert Dungeons amp Dragons, quotEDampDquot EDF - Electricite de France EDGAR - Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval EDI - Electronic Data Interchange EDIF - Electronic Design Interchange Format EDO - Extended Duration Orbiter Space EDP - Electronic Data Processing EDS - Electronic Data Systems EDSX - Electronic Digital Signal X-connect EDT - Eastern Daylight Time EDTA - Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid EDTCC - Electronic Data Transmission Communications Central EE - Electrical or Electronics Engineer EEC - European Economic Communi ty EECT - End-to-End Call Trace EEDP - Expanded Electronic tandem switching Dialing Plan EEG - ElectroEncephaloGram EEHO - Either End Hop Off EEI - Equipment-to-Equipment Interface EEL - Epsilon Extension Language EEM - External Expansion Module (Sun) EEO - Errors and Omissions Excepted, quotEampEOquot EEPROM - Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory EFD - Ellington Field, Houston TX EFI - Electronics For Imaging (Co.) EFIS - Electronic Flight Instrumentation System EFRAP - Electronic Feeder Route Analysis Program EFS - Error Free Seconds EG - Exempli Gratia, quote. g.quot (for example) EGA - Enhanced Graphics Adapter EGP - Exterior Gateway Protocol EGREP - Extended GREP EGRET - Energetic Gamma Ray Experiment Telescope (on GRO) EHF - Extremely High Frequency (30-300GHz) EHP - Error Handling Package EIA - Electronics Industry Association EIN - Employer Identification Number EINE - EINE Is Not Emacs EIS - Environmental Impact Statement EIS - Executive Information Systems EIS - Expanded Inband Signaling EIS - Extended Instruction Set EISA - Extended Industry-Standard Architecture EISB - Electronic Imaging Standards Board EISS - Economic Impact Study System EISS - European Intelligence Support System EITS - Encoded Information TypeS EJASA - Electronic Journal of the Astronomical Society of the Atlantic EKG - ElectroKardioGramm (see ECG) EKTS - Electronic Key Telephone Sets EL - ElectroLuminescent (as in display) ELC - Extra(Excellent) Low Cost ELF - Extensible Linking Format ELF - Extremely Low Frequency ELLE - Elle Looks Like Emacs ELM - ELectronic Mailer ELO - Electric Light Orchestra ELP - Emerson, Lake and Palmer (or Powell) ELT - Emergency Locator Transmitter ELV - Expendable Launch Vehicle Space EM - Engineering Model EM - Enlisted Man (see EW) EM - Ear amp Mouth recEive amp transMit leads of a signalling system, quotEampMquot EMA - Electronic Mail Association EMA - Enterprise Management Architecture (DEC) EMACS - Editor MACroS Eight Megabytes And Const antly Swapping EMAIL - Electronic MAIL, quotE-MAILquot EMC - ElectroMagnetic Compatibility EMF - ElectroMotive Force EMI - ElectroMagnetic Interference EML - Expected Measured Loss EMP - ElectroMagnetic Pulse EMPRESS - EnvironMental Pulse Radiation Environment Simulator for Ships EMR - ElectroMagnetic Response EMS - Electronic Message System EMS - Element Management System EMS - Extended Memory Specification EMS - Element Management System, part of ATampTs UNMA EMT - Emergency Medical Technician EMU - ElectroMagnetic Unit EMU - Extravehicular Mobility Unit Space ENEA - Comitato Nazionale per la Ricerca e per lo Sviloppo dell Energia Nuclaeare e delle Energie Alternative, Italy ENET - Ethernet, quotE-Netquot ENFIA - Exchange Network Facility for Interstate Access ENIAC - Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator ENS - ENSign EO - End Office telephony EO - Erasable Optical EOD - Erasable Optical Disk EOE - Electronic Order Exchange EOE - Equal Opportunity Employer EOF - End Of File EOM - End Of Month EOS - Earth Observing System EOS - Electrical OverStress EOS - Extended Operating System EOT - End Of Transmission EOTT - End Office Toll Trunking EP - Emulation Program EP - Experience Points EP - Extended Play EPA - Enhanced Performance Architecture EPA - Environmental Protection Agency EPD - Entry Products Division EPL - Electronic switching system Program Language EPOS - Engineering and Project-management Oriented Support system EPPS - Electronic Pre-Press Systems. EPRI - Electric Power Research Institute EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory EPS - Encapsulated PostScript EPSCS - Enhanced Private Switched Communication Service EPSF - Encapsulated PostScript File EPSF - Encapsulated PostScript Format EPSI - Encapsulated PostScript Interchange EPT - Empire of the Petal Throne EPTS - Electronic Problem Tracking System EPUB - Electronic PUBlication EPW - Enemy Prisoner of War EQ - Educational Quotient (see IQ) EQUEL - Embedded QUEL ER - Emergency Room ER - Error Register ERA - Earned Run Average ERA - Entity-Relationship-Attribute ERA - Equal Rights Amendment ERAR - Error Return Address Register ERD - Entity-Relationship Diagram ERE - Entity-Relationship Editor EREP - Environmental Recording Editing and Printing ERICA - Experiment on Rapidly Intensifying Cyclones over the Atlantic ERICA - Eyegaze Response Interface Computer Aid ERISA - Employee Retirement Income Security Act ERL - Echo Return Loss ERP - Effective Radiated Power ERS - Earth R esources Satellite (as in ERS-1) ERT - Earth Resources Technology Space ERU - Error Return address Update ES - End System ES - Expert System ESA - Enterprise Systems Architecture (MVSXA followon) ESA - European Space Agency ESAC - Electronic Surveillance Assistance Center ESAC - Electronic Systems Assistance Center ESB - Emergency Service Bureau ESD - ElectroStatic Discharge ESD - Engineering Service Division ESDI - Enhanced Standard Device Interface ESE - East South East ESF - Extended SuperFrame ESF - Extended Superframe Format ESH - End System Hello ESI - ElectroStatic Interference ESIS - End System-Intermediate System, quotES-ISquot ESL - Emergency Stand-Alone ESM - Electronic Support Measures ESM - External Storage Module (Sun) ESMD - Embeded Storage Module Disk ESMD - Enhanced Storage Module Device ESN - Electronic Serial Number ESN - Electronic Switched Network ESO - European Southern Observatory ESOP - Employee Stock Ownership Plan ESP - Enhanced Service Provider ESP - Extra Se nsory Perception ESPEC - Ethernet SPECification (DIX) ESPS - Entropic Signal Processing System ESS - Electronic Switching System telephony ESS - Environmental Stress Screening ESSEX - Experimental Solid State EXchange ESSX - Electronic Switching Systen eXchange EST - Eastern Standard Time ET - Eastern Time ET - External Tank of the US Space Shuttle ET - ExtraTerrestrial Space ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival ETACC - External TankAft Cargo Carrier, quotETACCquot (see also ET) Space ETAS - Emergency Technical ASsistance ETC - Et cetera, and so on. ETD - Estimated Time of Departure ETF - Electronic Toll Fraud ETFD - Electronic Toll Fraud Device telephony ETH - Eidgnoessiche Techniche Hochschule ETLA - Extended Three Letter Acronym ETN - Electronic Tandem Network ETO - Earth-to-Orbit Space ETR - Eastern Test Range ETS - Electronic Tandem Switching ETS - Electronic Translation System ETSACI - Electronic Tandem Switching Adminstration Channel Interface ETSI - European Telecommunication Standards Institute ETSSP - ETS Status Panel ETV - Education TeleVision EUC - Extended Unix Code EUNET - European UNIX Network EUNET - European UNIX network, quotEUnetquot EUUG - European UNIX Users Group EUV - Extreme UltraViolet EUVE - Extreme UltraViolet Explorer EVA - ExtraVehicular Activity EVX - Electronic Voice eXchange EW - Electronic Warfare EW - Enlisted Woman (see EM) EWO - Engineering Work Order EWOS - European Workshop for Open Systems EWS - Engineering Work Station EXPO - World Exposition FA - Factory Automation FA - Finance Accounting ( Sun) FA - Football Association (British soccer) FA - Fuse Alarm FAA - Federal Aviation Administration (U. S.) FAB - Feature-Advantage-Benefit FACD - Foreign Area Customer Dialing FACOM - Fujitsu Automatic Computer FACS - Facilities Assignment and Control System FAE - Fuel Air Explosive FAESHED - Fuel Air ExploSive, HElicopter Delivered FAG - Forced Air Gas FAI - Federation Aeronautique International FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization U. S. Government FAQ - Frequently-Asked Question(s) FAQL - Frequently-Asked Questions List FAR - Federal Acquisition Regulation FAR - Federal Aviation Regulations (U. S.) FAR - Federation of American Research FARNET - Federation of American Research NETworks FAS - Foreign Agricultural Service FAS - Free Alongside Ship FASST - Flexible Architecture Standard System Technology FAST - Fast Auroral SnapshoT explorer FAST - First Application System Test FAT - File Allocation Table FAT - Foreign Area Translation FAX - FAcsimile FB - Freight Bill FBI - Federal B ureau of Investigation U. S. Government FBO - Fixed-Base Operator FBV - a Dutch acronym for quotFluke, Ltd. quot FC - Full Color FCAP - Facility CAPacity FCC - Federal Communications Commission U. S. Government FCC - Federal Computer Conference FCC - Forward Command Channel FCCSET - Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Education and Technology (under OSTP) FCFS - First Come, First Served FCG - False Cross or Ground FCO - Field Change Order FCRC - Federal Contract Research Center FCS - File Control Systemction FCS - First Customer Ship (SunOS Releases) FCS - Frame CheckControl Sequence FCT - Four Corner Test (4FCT) FD - File Descriptor FD - FloppyFlexible Disk(ette)Drive FDA - Food and Drug Administration U. S. Government FDDI - Fiber Distributed Data Interface FDDIII - FDDI supporting isochronous traffic, quotFDDI-IIquot FDHD - Floppy Drive High Density FDIC - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation U. S. Government FDM - Frequency-Division Multiplexing FDP - Field Development Program FD R - Franklin Delano Roosevelt FDX - Full DupleX FE - Format Effecters FE - Front End FEA - Finite Element Analysis FEC - Forward Error Correction FED - Far End Data FEDSIM - FEDeral Systems Integration and Management center FEHQ - Fluke European HeadQuarters FEM - Finite Element Modeling FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMF - Foreign Electro-Motive Force FEP - Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene FEP - Front End Processor FEPC - Fair Employment Practices Commission FEPS - Facility and Equipment Planning System FERS - Federal Employees Retirement System FET - Far East Trading FET - Federal Excise Tax FET - Field Effect Transistor FEV - Far End Voice FF - Flip-Flop FFA - Field Failure Analysis FFA - Future Farmers of America FFRDC - Federally Funded Reseach and Development Center FFS - Fast File System FFT - Fast Fourier Transform FGA - Feature Group A, quotFG-Aquot telephony:Line Side term. for LD carriers FGB - Feature Group B, quotFG-Bquot telephony:Trunk Side term. for LD carriers (aka ENFIA B), 950 service FGC - Feature Group C, quotFG-Cquot telephony FGD - Feature Group D, quotFG-Dquot telephony:Trunk Side term. for LD carriers, 1 service FGREP - Fixed GREP FGS - Fine Guidance Sensors (on HST) FHA - Federal Housing Administration FHA - Future Homemakers of America FHLMC - Federal Home Loan Mortgage Association (Freddie Mac) FHMA - Federal Home Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) FHST - Fixed Head Star Trackers (on HST) FIB - Focused Ion Beam FICA - Federal Insurance Contributions Act FIDO - Fog Investigation Dispersal Operation FIFO - First In, First Out FILO - First In, Last Out FIMS - Forms Interface Management System FIN - Field Information Notice FINE - FINE Is Not Emacs FIO - Frequency In and Out FIOC - Frame InputOutput Controller FIP - Facility Interface Processor FIPS - Federal Information Processing Standard FIR - Far InfraRed FIR - Field Information Report FIR - Finite Impulse Response FIRMR - Federal Information Resource Management Regulation FIT - Federal Information Technologies, inc. FITS - Flexible Image Transport System FL - Florida FLACC - Full Level Algol Checkout Compiler FLOP - FLoating point OPeration FLOPS - FLoating-point OPerations per Second FLRA - Federal Labor Relations Authority FLS - Floating License Server FLT - Front Load Tape FM - Frequency Modulation FMAC - Facility Maintenance And Control FMB - Federal Maritime Board FMC - Flexible Manufacturing Cell FMCS - Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service FMEA - Failure Mode and Effect Analysis FMR - Field Marketing Representative (Sun) FMS - Financial Management Service (Treasury Dept) FMS - Flexible MachiningManufacturing System FMS - Forms Management System FNC - Federal Networking Council FNPA - Foreign Numbering Plan Area FO - Forecast Order FO - Foreign Office FO - Forward Observer FOAC - Federal Office Automation Center FOB - Free On Board FOC - Faint Object Camera (on HST) FOC - Fiber Optic Communications FOC - Free Of Charge FOIA - Freedom Of Information Act FOIMS - Field Office Information M anagement System FOIRL - Fiber Optic Inter Repeater Link FON - Fiber Optics Network FOOBAR - See FUBAR FOR - Free On Rail FORCS - Faas Operational Reporting Communication System FORD - Fix Or Repair Daily FORD - Found On Road Dead FORTRAN - FORmula TRANslator FOS - Faint Object Spectrograph (on HST) FOSE - Federal Office Systems Exposition FOT - Fiber Optic Transceiver FOT - Free On Truck FOV - Field Of View FPA - Floating Point Accelerator FPC - Fish Protein Concentrate FPC - Floating Point Coprocessor FPDU - FTAM Protocol Data Unit FPE - Floating Point Engine FPE - Foam PolyEthylene FPHA - Federal Public Housing Authority FPLA - Field Programmable Logic Array (see PLA) FPM - Feet Per Minute FPO - Fleet Post Office FPP - Floating Point Processor FPS - Favorite Play Sequence FPS - Feet Per Second FPS - Foot-Pound-Second FPU - Floating Point Unit FQDN - Fully-Qualified Domain Name FR - Flat Rate FRACTAL - FRACTional dimensionAL FRAM - Ferroelectric RAM FRB - Federal Reserve Board FRD - Fire RetarDant FRED - Fred Resembles Emacs Deliberately FREE - Fathers Rights and Equality Exchange FRG - Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) FRICC - Federal Research Internet Coordinating Committee FROG - Free Rocket Over Ground FRPG - Fantasy Role Playing Game FRR - Flight-Readiness Review FRS - Federal Reserve System FRS - Flexible Route Selection FRU - Field Replacable Unit FS - Field Service FS - File System FS - Floppy System FSCM - Federal Supply Code for Manufactures FSDO - Flight Standards District Office FSE - Field Service Engineer FSF - Free Software Foundation FSK - Frequency Shift Keying FSLIC - Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation FSS - Fast System Switch (System V) FSS - Federal Supply Service FSS - Flight Service Station FSU - Florida State University FSU - Former Soviet Union FSW - Forward Swept Wings FT - Foot FT1 - fractional T1, common carrier transmission in multiples of 64 kbs FTAM - File Transfer, Access, and Management (ISO FTP equivalent) FTC - Federal Trade Commission FTE - Factory Test Equipment FTG - Final Trunk Group FTL - Faster Than Light FTP - File Transfer Protocol FTPI - Flux Transitions Per Inch FTS - Federal Telecommunications System US Government FTS - Federal Telephone System telephony FTS - Flight Telerobotic Servicer Space FTW - File Tree Walk FTZ - Free Trade Zone FUBAR - Fed Up Beyond All Recognition FUD - Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt FUS - Full-Use Standard FUSE - Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer FV - folio verso, quotfvquot (on the back of the page) FW - Fringeworthy FWD - Front Wheel Drive FWHM - Full Width at Half Maximum FWIW - For What Its Worth FX - Foriegn eXchange telephony FX - special effects FY - Fiscal Year FYA - For Your Action FYI - For Your Information FYS - For Your Signature G - Gravity GA - Gamblers Anonymous GA - General Assembly GA - General Average GA - General of the Army GA - Georgia GAAP - Generally Accepted Accounting Principles GAAS - Gallium Arsenide, quotGaAsquot GAB - Gro up Audio Bridging telephony GADO - General Aviation District Office GAIA - Earths self-sustaining Biosphere, quotGaiaquot GAIA - GUI Application Interoperability Architecture GAN - Global Area Network GAO - General Accounting Office GAR - Grand Army of the Republic GAS - Get-Away Special GATED - GATEway Deamon GATT - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade GAW - Guaranteed Annual Wage GB - Gangbusters GB - GigaByte GB - Great Britain GBIP - General Purpose Interface Bus GBS - Group Bridging Service GBT - Green Bank Telescope GC - Garbage Collection (LISP) GC - Gas Chromatograph(y) GC - Graphic Context GCA - General Communications Architecture (Ingres) GCA - Ground Controlled Approach GCC - Gnu C Compiler GCD - Ground Controlled Descent GCL - Graphics Command Language GCM - General Court Martial GCR - Group-Coded Recording (magnetic tape, 6250 bpi) GCS - Group Control System GCT - Greenwich Civil Time GCVS - General Catalog of Variable Stars GDB - Gnu DeBugger GDP - Gross Domestic Produc t GDS - Great Dark Spot GE - General Electric GECOS - General Electric Comprehensive Operating System GECR - Global Environmental Change Report GEIS - General Electric Information Systems GEISCO - General Electric Information Services COmpany GEM - Giotto Extended Mission GEM - Graphics Environment Manager GEMS - General Electric Medical Systems GEO - Geosynchronous Earth Orbit Space GFCI - Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter GGP - Gateway-to-Gateway Protocol GHQ - General HeadQuarters GHRS - Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (on HST) GHZ - Giga HertZ, quotGHzquot (unit of frequency, 1,000,000,000 cycles per second) GI - Galvanized Iron GI - Gastro Intestinal GI - General Issue GI - Government Issue GID - Group IDentity GIF - Graphics Interchange Format GIGO - Garbage In, Garbage Out GIN - Graphics INput GISS - Goddard Institute for Space Studies GJIAGDVYFCN - Go Jump In a God Damned Volcano, You Fucking Cave Newt (talk. bizarre) GKS - Graphical Kernel Standard GKSM - GKS Metafile GLOMR - Global Low-Orbiting Message Relay GM - Game Master GM - General Manager GM - General Motors GM - Guided Missile GMBH - Gesellschaft Mit Beschraenkter Haftung GMC - Giant Molecular Cloud GMRT - Giant Meter-wave Radio Telescope GMT - Greenwich Mean Time GMW - Give me More Windows GND - GrouND GNMA - Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae) GNP - Gross National Product GNU - GNUs Not Unix GOES - Geostationary Orbiting Environmental Satellites GOK - God Only Knows GOP - Grand Old Party GOS - Grade Of Service GOSIP - Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile GOX - Gaseous OXygen GP - General Practitioner GP - Grand Prix GP - Graphics Processor GP - Group Processor GPC - General Purpose Computer GPCI - Graphics Processor Command Interface GPD - Graphics Products Division GPI - Graphics Programming Interface GPIB - General-Purpose Interface Bus GPL - GNU Public License GPL - General Public License GPL - Graphics Programming Language GPM - Gross Product Margin GPO - Gener al Post Office GPO - Government Printing Office GPS - General Problem Solver GPS - Global Positioning System Space GPSI - Graphics Processor Software Interface GPSS - General Purpose System Simulator GQ - General Quarters GRASS - Geographical Resources Analysis Support System GRB - Gamma Ray Burst(er) GRD - GRounD GREP - Global Regular Expression Print, grep, (UNIX command) GRI - Graduate, Realtors Institute GRIPS - Government Raster Image Processing Software GRO - Gamma Ray Observatory Space GROPE - Graphical representation of protocols in Estelle GRPMOD - GRouP MODulator, quotGRP MODquot GRS - Gamma Ray Spectrometer (on Mars Observer) GRS - Great Red Spot GS - General Schedule GS - Glide Slope GS - Gray-Scale GSA - General Services Adminstration U. S. Government GSA - Girl Scouts of America GSA - Government Services Administration GSAT - General telephone and electronics SATellite corporation GSBCA - General Services administration Board of Contract Appeals GSC - Guide Star Catalog (f or HST) GSFC - Goddard Space Flight Center (Greenbelt, MD) NASA GSTS - Ground-based Surveillance and Tracking System GT - Gross Ton GT - Group Technology GTC - General Telephone Company GTE - General Telephone and Electric Corporate name GTO - Geostationary Transfer Orbit GTSI - Government Technology Services, inc. GTT - Global Title Transmission GUI - Graphical User Interface GUIDE - Graphical User Interface Design Editor (Sun) GUS - Guide to the Use of Standards (SPAG publication) GW - Gamma World GWEN - Ground Wave Emergency Network GWS - Graphics Work Station H - Harn H - Height HA - Home Automation HACD - Home Area Customer Dialing HAL - Hard Array Logic HAL - Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer (2001) HAM - Hold And Modify HAO - High Altitude Observatory HAP - Host Access Protocol HARM - High-Availability, Reliability, and Maintainability HASP - Houston Automated Spooling Program HAT - Hashed Address Table HB - HemogloBin, quotHbquot HBA - Host Bus Adapter (SCSI) HBM - Her British Majesty His British Majesty HBO - Home Box Office HC - Holy Communion HC - House of Commons HCF - Halt and Catch Fire HCFA - Health Care Financing Administration HCL - High Cost of Living HCL - Host Control Links HCR - Hodge Computer Research, inc. HCSDS - High-Capacity Satellite Digital Service HCTDS - High-Capacity Terrestrial Digital Service HD - Hard Disk HD - Heavy Duty HD - Henry Draper catalog entry HDA - Head Disk Assembly (in winchester disk drives) HDBV - Host Data Base View HDL - High Density Lipoprotein HDLC - High-level Data Link Control HDTV - High Definition TeleVision HDX - Half DupleX HE - His Eminence His Excellency HEAO - High Energy Astronomical Observatory satellite HEAP - Home Energy Assistance Program HEDM - High Energy-Density Matter Space HEHO - High End Hop Off HEM - High-level Entity Management HEMP - Help End Marijuana Prohibition HEMS - High-level Entity Management System HEMT - High Electron Mobility Transistor HEO - High Earth Orbit Space HEP - High Energy Physics HERA - HErmes Robotic Arm, quotHeRAquot HERO - Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance HF - Hawthorne Farms (Intel) HF - High Fantasy HF - High Frequency (3-30MHz) HFE - Human Factors Engineering HFS - Hierarchical File System (Ap ple Macintosh) HGA - High Gain Antenna HI - Hawaii HIC - Hybrid Integrated Circuit HIFO - Highest-In, First-Out HIIPS - Hud Integrated Information Processing Services HIPPI - HIgh Performance Parallel Interface HIRES - HI-RESolution HIS - Honeywell Information System HIV - Human Immuno-deficiency Virus HLC - Heavy Lift Capability Space HLHSR - Hidden Line amp Hidden Surface Removal HLL - High-Level Language HLV - Heavy Lift Vehicle Space HM - High-resolution Monochrome HMC - Halley Multicolor Camera (on Giotto) HMOS - High performance Metal Oxide Semiconductor (see MOS) HMP - Host Monitoring Protocol HMS - HisHer Majestys Ship HMT - HisHer Majestys Transport HNPA - Home Numbering Plan Area telephony HNS - Hospitality Network Service HOBIC - HOtel Billing Information Center HOBIS - HOtel Billing Information System HOL - High-Order System HOTOL - HOrizontal Take-Off and Landing HOW - Home Owners Warranty HP - Hewlett-Packard, inc. Corporate name HP - High Pressure HP - Higher Power (sort of an AA quotinquot term, usually God) HP - Hit Points HP - HorsePower HPD - High Performance Division (Sun group) HPGe - High Purity Germanium HPIB - Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus HPLT - High-Productivity LanguagesTools, quotHPLTquot HPN - White Plains NY HPO - High Performance Option HPPA - HP Precision Architecture HQ - HeadQuarters HR - Hertzsprung-Russell (diagram) HR - House of Representatives HR - Human Resources HRH - HerHis Royal Highness HRI - High Resolution Imager (on ROSAT) HS - High School HSB - Hue, Saturation, Brightness HSC - Hierarchical Storage Controller HSFS - High Sierra File System HSI - High Speed Interface HSI - Horizontal Situation Indicator HSLN - High Speed Local Network HSP - High Speed Photometer (on HST) HSSDS - High-Speed Switched Digital Service HST - Hawaiian Standard Time HST - High Speed Technology HST - Hubble Space Telescope HT - High Tension (as in electric power transmission) HT - Horizont al Tab HTC - Heat Transfer Compound HTK - Hits To Kill HU - High Usage HUAC - House Unamerican Activities Committee HUD - Heads Up Display HUD - Housing and Urban Development U. S. Government HUGE - Hewlett-packard Unsupported Gnu Emacs HUT - Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope (ASTRO package) HUTG - High Usage Trunk Group HV - High Voltage HVAC - Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning HW2000 - Highway 2000 HWD - Hayward CA HWM - High-Water Mark HZ - HertZ, quotHzquot (unit of frequency, cycles per second) I18N - InternationalizatioN (count the letters) IA - Inspection Authorization IAB - Interactive Application Builder IAB - Internet Activities Board IAD - Dulles International, Washington DC IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency IAH - Houston (Intercontinental) TX IANA - Internet Assigned Numbers Authority IAPPP - International AmateurProfessional Photoelectric Photometry IATA - International Air Transport Association IAU - International Astronomical Union IAUC - IAU Circular IB - In struction Buffer IBM - Ingrained Batch Mentality IBM - International Brotherhood of Magicians IBM - International Business Machines Corporate name IBM - Itty Bitty Machines IBN - Integrated Business Network IC - Independent Carrier IC - Integrated Circuit IC - Inter-LATA Carrier IC - Interexchange Carrier telephony (see also IEC) ICAN - Individual Circuit ANalysis ICB - Interstate Computer Bank ICBM - InterContinental Ballistic Missile ICBW - I Could Be Wrong ICC - Interstate Commerce Commission ICCC - Inter-Client Communication Convention (X) ICCCM - Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual ICD - Interactive Call Distribution ICE - In-Circuit Emulator ICE - International Cometary Explorer ICE - Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics ICI - Imperial Chemical Industries ICJ - International Court of Justice ICL - International Computers Limited ICLID - Individual Calling Line ID ICM - Integrated Call Management ICMP - Internet Control Message Protocol ICON - Inter CONtinental ICP - In tegrated Channel Processor ICP - Inventory Control Points ICRC - International Cosmic Ray Conference ICSC - Inter-LATA Customer Service Center ICST - Institute for Computer Science and Technology ICT - In-Circuit Test ICT - Interactive Consumer Terminal ID - IDentification ID - Idaho IDA - Intercommunication Data Areas IDA - International Dark-sky Association IDA - International Development Association IDC - Insulation Displacement Contact IDDD - International Direct Distance Dial telephony IDE - Integrated Development Environment IDE - Integrated Drive Electronics IDE - Interactive Development Environments, inc IDEA - International Dance Exercise Association IDEA - Internet Design, Engineering, and Analysis notes (IETF RFCs) IDF - Intermediate Distributing Frame telephony IDI - Initial Domain Identifier IDL - Interactive Data Language IDL - Interface Description Language IDM - Image Data Manager IDP - Initial Domain Part IDP - Internet Datagram Protocol (XNS equivalent to IP) IDS - In ternal Directory System IDV - Interlibrational Derived Vehicle Space IDVC - Integrated DataVoice Channel IE - Id Est (that is) IE - Id Est, quoti. e.quot (that is) IE - Indo-European IE - Inter Ethernet IEC - InterExchange Carrier telephony (see also IC) IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission IEE - Institute of Electrical Engineers (UK) IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEN - Internet Engineering Notes IEN - Internet Experiment Notebook (precedes RFCs) IESG - Internet Engineering Steering Group IETF - Internet Engineering Task Force IF - InterFace, quotIFquot IF - Intermediate Frequency IFB - Invitation For Bids IFC - International Finance Corporation IFC - International Freighting Corporation IFF - Identification - Friend or Foe IFF - Image File Format IFF - Interchange File Format IFF - Iterative Function Fractal IFIP - International Federation for Information Processing IFLA - International Federation of Library Associations IFR - Instrument Flight Rul es IFRPS - Intercity Facility Relief Planning System IGES - Initial Graphics Exchange Standard IGM - InterGalactic Medium IGMP - Internet Group Multicast Protocol IGP - Interior Gateway Protocol IGY - International Geophysical Year IHP - Indicated HorsePower IHS - Integrated Hospital Support IIA - Information Industry Association IIE - Institute of Industrial Engineers IIHF - International Ice Hockey Federation IIL - Integrated Injection Logic IIN - Integrated Information Network IISPB - Image and Information Standards Policy Board ILO - International Labor Organization ILS - Instrument Landing System ILV - Industrial Launch Vehicle Space IM - Installation amp Maintenance, quotIampMquot IM - Interface Module IMAP - Interactive Mail Access Protocol IMAP3 - Interactive Mail Access Protocol - Version 3 IMAS - Integrated Mass Announcement System IMC - Instrument Meteorological Contitions IMD - Industry Marketing Development IMF - International Monetary Fund IMHO - In My Humble Opinion net jargon IMM - Input Message Manual IMP - Interface Message Processor ARPANETMILNET (replaced by PSN) IMPACT - Inventory Management Program and Control Technique IMS - Integrated Management System IMSA - International Motor Sports Association IMSL - International Mathematical Subroutine Library IMSO - Integrated Micro Systems Operation (Intel) IMSVS - Information Management SystemVirtual Storage, quotIMSVSquot IMT - Image Management Terminal IMT - Inter-Machine Trunk IMTS - Improved Mobile Telephone Service IN - Indiana IN - Intelligent Network INADS - INitialization and ADministration System telephony INC - InterNational Carrier INGRES - Interactive Graphic Retrieval System INL - Inter Node Link INMS - integrated network management system, part of ATampTs UNMA INN - Inter Node Network INOC - Internet Network Operations Center INRI - Iesus Nazerenus Rex Iudaeorum (Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews) INRIA - Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique INS - Immigration and Naturalization Service INS - Inertial Navigation System INS - Information Network System INSTITUTE - INSTITUTEs Name Shows That Its Totally Unrelated To EMACS INTAP - INteroperability Technology Association for information Processing INTELSAT - INternational TELecommunications SATellite consortium INWATS - INward Wide Area Telephone Service telephony IO - InputOutput (sometimes IO) IO - InputOutput, quotIOquot IO - Inward Operator IOC - InputOutput Computer (Aptec) IOC - InputOutput Controller IOC - International Operating Center telephony, US IOCC - International Overseas Completion Center IOD - Identified Outward Dialing IONL - Internal Organization of the Network Layer IOOF - International Order of Odd Fellows IOP - Input-Output Processor IOT - InterOffice Trunk IOTA - Infrared-Optical Telescope Array IOTA - International Occultation Timing Association IOU - I Owe you (U) IOW - In Other Words IP - Industrial Products IP - Information Provider telephony IP - Innings Pitched IP - Intermediate Point IP - Internet Protocol IPC - Integrated Personal Computer IPC - InterProcess Communication IPC - Inventory Process Control IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCE - InterProcess Communication Environment IPCS - Interactive Problem Control System IPDU - Internet Protocol Data Unit IPE - Integrated Programming Environment IPI - Intelligent Peripheral Interface IPL - Initial Program Load IPLAN - Integrated PLanning And Analysis IPM - Impulses Per Minute IPM - Interruptions Per Minute IPMS - InterPersonal Message Services IPO - Initial Public Offering IPO - International Procurement Office IPS - Inches Per Second IPS - Inertial Pointing System IPS - Information Processing Standards IPSE - Integrated Project-Support Environment IPT - Williamsport PA IPX - Internetwork Packet exchange (of Novell Inc.) IQ - Intelligence Quotient (see EQ) IQR - Inquiry IR - Index Register IR - Information Resource IR - InfraRed IR - Internetwork Router IRA - Individual Retireme nt Account IRA - Interprocedural Register Allocation IRA - Irish Republican Army IRAF - Image Reduction and Analysis Facility IRAS - Infrared Astronomical Satellite IRBM - Intelligent Repeater Bridge Module IRBM - Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile IRC - International Record Carrier IRC - Internet Relay Chat IRD - Investment Recovery Department IRDS - Information Resource Dictionary Standard IRDS - InfraRed Detection Set IRE - Institute of Radio Engineers (old name for the now IEEE, q. v.) IRG - InterRecord Gap IRM - Information Resources Management IRM - Intelligent Repeater Module IRMS - Information Resources Management Service IRN - Intermediate Routing Node IROR - Internal Rate Of Return IRS - Inertial Reference System IRS - Internal Revenue Service IRSG - Internet Research Steering Group IRTF - Internet Research Task Force IS - Information Separator IS - Information Systems IS - Intermediate System IS - International Standard IS - Interrupt Set ISA - Industry-Standard Architectur e ISAM - Indexed Sequential Access Method ISAS - Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (Japan) ISBD - International Bibliographic Description ISBN - International Standard Book Number ISC - Information Services Center ISC - Interactive Systems Corporation ISC - International Switching Center ISCH - Interstitial-Cell-Stimulating Hormone (same as LH) ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network ISDT - Integrated Systems Development Tool ISEE - International Sun Earth Explorer (usually ISEE-3) ISF - Information Systems Factory ISFUG - Integrated Software Federal User Group ISH - Intermediate System Hello ISI - Information Sciences Institute (at USC) ISIS - Intermediate System to Intermediate System, quotIS-ISquot ISLM - Integrated Services Line Module ISLU - Integrated Services Line Unit ISM - InterStellar Medium ISN - Information Systems Network ISN - Integrated Systems Network ISO - Infrared Space Observatory ISO - International Standards Organization ISODE - ISO Development Enviro nment ISOO - Information Security Oversight Office ISOP - Incentive Stock Option Plan ISPM - International Solar Polar Mission ISR - Institute of Snow Research ISRG - Independent Space Research Group ISS - Integrated Switching System ISSI - Information Security Systems Inc. ISSN - Integrated Special Services Network ISSN - International Standard Serial Number IST - Initial System Test ISUP - Integrated Services User Part ISV - Independent Software Vendor ISV - Instantaneous Speed Variation ISY - International Space Year IT - Industrial Technology IT - Information Technology ITC - Independent Telephone Company ITC - Inter-Task Communication ITM - Information Technology Management ITS - Incompatible Timesharing System ITS - Institute of Telecommunication Science ITSEC - Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria ITSO - Incoming Trunk Service Observation ITT - International Telephone and Telegraph ITU - International Telecommunications Union ITUSA - IT Users Standards Association IU - Integer Unit IUE - International Ultraviolet Explorer IUS - Inertial Upper Stage Space IUV - Interlibrational Utility Vehicle Space IVDT - Integrated VoiceData Terminal IVP - Installation Verification Program IVTS - International Video Teleconferencing Service IWBNI - It Would Be Nice If IWC - Inside Wire Cable IWS - Intelligent Work-Station IWW - International Workers of the World IX - Interactive eXecutive IXC - IntereXchange Carrier (aka LD) IXM - IntereXchange Mileage JACM - Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery JAL - Japan Airline JANET - Joint Academic Network (U. K.) JBS - John Birch Society JC - Jesus Christ JC - Joint Compound (plumbing) JC - Julius Caesar JC - Junior College JCA - Jewelry Crafts Association JCAC - Joint Civil Affairs Committee JCAE - Joint Committee on Atomic Energy JCEE - Joint Council on Economic Education JCET - Joint Council on Educational Television JCL - Job Control Language JCS - Joint Chiefs of Staff JD - Justice Department JDS - Joh n Dewey Society JECC - Japan Electronic Computer Company JEIDA - Japan Electronics Inderstry Development Association JEM - Japanese Experiment Module (for SSF) JES - Job Entry System JES - John Ericsson Society JESUS - Job Entry System of the University of Saskatuan JFET - Junction FET JFIF - JPEG File Interchange Format JFK - John F. Kennedy (and the international airport) JFMIP - Joint Financial Management Improvement Program JFS - Next Generation of JLE JGR - Journal of Geophysical Research JI - Justice, Inc. JIC - Joint Industry Council JIC - Joint Intelligence Center JIC - Just in Case JILA - Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics JIM - Job Information Memorandum JINTACCS - Joint INteroperability of TActical Command and Control Systems JIS - Japan Industrial Standards JISC - Japanese Industrial Standards Committee JIT - Just In Time JLE - Japanese Language Enveronment JMS - John Milton Society JMX - Jumbogroup MultipleX JO - Job Order JO - Junior Officer JOAT - Jack Of All Tr ades JOVE - Jonathans Own Version of Emacs JOVIAL - Jules Own Version of the International Algorithmic Language JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group JPL - Jet Propulsion Laboratory JRC - Junior Red Cross JSC - Johnson Space Center (NASA) JSD - Jackson System Development JSN - Junction Switch Number JSRC - Joint Services Review Committee JST - Japan Standard Time JSW - Junctor SWitch JTIDS - Joint Tactical Information Distribution Systems JTM - Job Transfer and Manipulation JUNET - Japan UNIX Network JV - Junior Varsity JVNC - John von Neumann (Super Computer) Center, quotJvNCquot JVNCNET - John von Neumann (Super Computer) Center network, quotJvNCnetquot K - Kilobit K9 - canine (K9 corps - army dogs) KAO - Kuiper Airborne Observatory KAOS - Killing as Organized Sport KB - Key Board KB - KiloByte KBPS - KiloBits Per Second KBS - Knowledge-Based System KC - Kings Counsel (QC when queen reigning) KC - Knights of Columbus KCL - Kyoto Common Lisp KD - Kiln Dried KD - Knocked Down Knock-D own KDCI - Key Display Call Indicator KDD - Kokusai Denshin Denwa Co. KDT - Keyboard Display Terminal KERMIT - Kl-10 Error-free Reciprocal Micro Interconnect over Tty lines KFT - KiloFeeT KGB - Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopaznosti KHz - Kilo HertZ (unit of frequency, 1000 cycles per second) KI - Kiwanis International KIA - Killed In Action KIAS - Knot Indicated Air Speed KIF - Key Index File KIP - Kinetics IP KIPS - Kawasaki Integrated Power-valve System KISS - Keep it simple, stupid KLIPS - thousands of Logical Inferences Per Second KLOC - thousands of Lines Of Code KO - Knock Out KOWC - Key Word Out of Context KP - Key Pulse telephony KP - Kitchen Police KPNO - Kitt Peak National Observatory KPO - KeyPunch Operator KQC - Kings College London KR - Kernighan and Ritchie, the c programming language, quotKampRquot KS - Kings Scholar KSC - Kennedy Space Center (NASA) KSF - Key Success Factor KSH - Korn SHell KSR - Keyboard Send-Receive KSU - Key System Unit telephony KTB - Cretaceous-Tert iary Boundary (from German) KTS - Key Telephone System telephony KTU - Key Telephone Unit telephony KWIC - Key Word In Context KY - Kentucky L1 - Lagrange Point 1 35,000 Miles above moon Space L2 - Lagrange Point 2 40,000 Miles behind moon Space L3 - Lagrange Point 3 (. 35,000 Miles below moon) Space L4 - Lagrange Point 4 240,000 mile Earth orbit Space L5 - Lagrange Point 5 240,000 mile Earth orbit Space LA - Los Angeles LA - Louisiana LA - Low Altitude LAB - Labor LAC - Loop Assignment Center LADAR - LAser Detection And Ranging LADT - Local Access Data Transport LAIS - Local Automatic Intercept System LAL - Local Analog Loopback LAM - Master of Liberal Arts LAMA - Local Automatic Message Accounting telephony LAN - Local Apparent Noon LAN - Local Area Network LANCE - Local Area Network Controller for Ethernet LANL - Los Alamos National Laboratory LAP - Link Access Procedure LAPB - Link Access Procedure - Balanced (X.25) LAPD - Link Access Procedure on the D channel LAPD - Los Angeles Police Department LAPM - Link Access Procedure for Modems LAR - Local Acquisition Radar LARC - Langley Research Center, quotLaRCquot NASA LASER - Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation LASS - Local Area Signaling Service LAT - Local Apparent Time LAT - Lo cal Area Transport (DEC) LATA - Local Access Transport Area LATIS - Loop Activity Tracking Information System LAVC - Local Area VAX Cluster LAX - Los Angeles International Airport LB - Light Bomber LB - pound (LiBra) LBHS - Long Beach High School LBL - Lawrence Berkeley Labs LBO - Line Buildout LBS - Load Balance System LBS - Pounds LC - Lower Case, quotl. c.quot LC - inductor-Capacitor circuit (as in filters, L is symbol inductance) LCA - Logic Cell Array LCAMOS - Loop CAble Maintenance Operation System LCCIS - Local Common Channel Interoffice Signaling LCCL - Line Card CabLe LCCLN - Line Card Cable Narrative LCD - Liquid Crystal Display LCD - Lowest Common Denominator LCDN - Last Called Directory Number LCDR - Lieutenant Commander LCIE - Lightguide Cable Interconnection Equipment LCL - Lunar Cargo Lander NASA OEXP LCLOC - Line Card LOCation LCM - Life Cycle Management LCN - Logical Channel Numbers LCP - Link Control Protocol LCR - Least Cost Routing LCRMKR - Line Card ReMarKs, Retaine d LCS - Laboratory for Computer Science MIT LCSE - Line Card Service and Equipment LCSEN - Line Card Service and Equipment Narrative LCT - Landing Craft Tanks LDC - Logical Device Coordinates LDC - Long Distance Carrier telephony LDEF - Long Duration Exposure Facility LDF - Large Deployable Reflector Space LDL - Local Digital Loopback LDL - Low Density Lipoprotein LDMTS - Long Distance Message Telecommunications Service LDP - Laboratory Data Products LDS - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints LDX - Long Distance eXtender telephony LE - Lance Ethernet LEAP - Low-power Enhanced At Portable LEAS - LATA Equal Access System LEC - Local Exchange Carrier telephony LED - Light-Emitting Diode LEGO - Low End Graphics Option LEM - Lunar Excursion Module (a. k.a. LM) (Apollo spacecraft) LENCL - Line Equipment Number CLass LEO - Low Earth Orbit Space LERC - Lewis Research Center, quotLeRCquot NASA LEST - Large Earth-based Solar Telescope LF - Line Feed Character LF - Line Finder LF - Low Frequency (30-300KHz) LFACS - Loop Facilties Assignment And Control System LFS - Loopback File System LFSA - List of Frequently Seen Acronyms LGA - Low Gain Antenna LGB - LesbianGayBisexual LGB - Long Beach CA LGBO - LesbianGayBisexual and any others weve missed, quotLGBOquot LGM - Little Green Men LH - Left Hand LH - Liquid Hydrogen (also LH2 or LHX) LH - Lower Half LH - Luteinizing Hormone (same as ISCH) LHD - Litterarum Humaniorum Doctor (doctor of human letters) LHS - Left Hand Side LI - Long Island LIDAR - LIght Detection And Ranging LIFIA - Laboratoire dInformatique Fondamentale et dIntelligence Artificielle LIFO - Last In, First Out LIM - Lotus-Intel-Microsoft (memory specification) LIMM - Lotus Intel Microsoft Memory (PC world) LINC - Laboratory INstrume nt Computer LIPS - Logical Inferences Per Second LISA - Large Installation System Administration LISP - LISt Processing Language LIST - List-Oriented Interactive Language LIU - Line Interface Unit LJBF - Lets Just Be Friends LL - Late Latin LL - Long Lines telephony LLAMA - Logic Lacking A Meaningful Acronym LLB - Legum Baccalaureus (bachelor of laws) LLC - Logical Link Control LLCLINK - Layer Control Protocol (), quotLLCLinkquot LLD - Legum doctor (doctor of laws) LLN - Line Link Network telephony LLNL - Lawrence-Livermore National Laboratory LLO - Low Lunar Orbit Space LLOX - Lunar Liquid OXygen Space LLP - Line Link Pulsing telephony LM - Lan Manager LM - Life Master (Contract Bridge ranking) LM - Lunar Module (a. k.a. LEM) (Apollo spacecraft) LMC - Large Magellanic Cloud (see SMC) LME - Layer Management Entity LMF - License Management Facility LMMS - Local Message Metering System LMOS - Line Maintenance Operations System telephony, ATampT LN2 - Liquid N2 (Nitrogen) LNG - Liquified Natural Gas LO - Lake Oswego LO - Leverage Out LOA - Lands of Adventure LOA - Leave Of Absence LOB - Line Of Balance LOB - Line Of Building LOC - Lines Of Code LOC - Local Operating Company LOCAP - LOw CAPacitance LOE - Level Of Effort LOF - Lock OFf-line LOFT - Launch Operations Flight Test Space LOI - Letter Of Intent LON - Lock ON-line LOOPS - Lisp Object Oriented Programming System LOP - Lines Of Position LORAN - Long RANge Navigation LOS - Line Of Sight LOS - Los Angeles LOSF - Lunar Orbit Staging Facility Space LOTS - Low Overhead Timesharing System LOX - Liquid OXygen LP - Linear Programming LP - Long Play(ing) (record) LP - Low Pressure LPC - Linear Predictive Coding (speech processing) LPCDF - Low Profile Combined Distributing Frame LPDA - Link Problem Determination Aid LPF - League for Programming Freedom LPG - Liquified Petroleum Gas LPG - Low Pressure Gas LPL - Lunar Personnel Lander NASA OEXP LPN - Licensed Practical Nurse LPP - Licensed Program Products LPR - Line PrinteR LPT - Lunar Propellant Tanker NASA OEXP LPV - Lunar Piloted Vehicle NASA OEXP LRAP - Long Route Analysis Program LRB - Liquid Rocket Booster Space LRBM - Long Range Ballistic Missile LRC - Longitudinal Redundancy Character LRS - Line Repeater Station LRSP - Long Range System Plan LRSS - Long Range Switching Studies LRU - Least Recently Used LRU - Line Replaceable Unit LS - Left Side LS - Letter Signed LS - Locus Sigilli (place of seal) LSAP - Long Service Access Point LSB - Least Significant Bit Least Significant Byte LSB - Lower Side Band LSC - Lecture Series Committee MIT LSC - LightSpeed C LSD - Least Significant Digit LSD - LySergic acid Diethylamide LSD - pounds (Libra), shillings (Sestertii), and (old) pence (Denari i) LSELLINK - Layer Selector (), quotLSELLinkquot LSI - Large Scale Integration LSP - LightSpeed Pascal LSR - Local Standard of Rest LSRP - Local Switching Replacement Planning system LSS - Life Support System LSS - Loop Switching System LSSD - Level-Sensitive Scan Detection LSV - Line Status Verifier LT - Long Ton LT - Low Tension LTA - Lighter Than Air LTAB - Line Test Access Bus LTC - Lieutenant Colonel LTC - Local Test Cabinet LTD - Local Test Desk LTF - Lightwave Terminating Frame LTF - Line Trunk Frame LTG - Line Trunk Group LTJG - Lieutenant Junior Grade LTL - Less than Truckload Lot LTP - Lunar Transient Phenomenon LTPD - Lot Tolerance Percent Deffective LTS - Loss Test Set LTV - Loan To Value LTVR - LTV Ratio LU - Logical Unit LUG - Local Users Group LUN - Logical Unit Number LUT - Look-Up Table LWM - Low-Water Mark LWP - Light Weight Process LWSP - Linear White-SPace LWT - Last Will and Testament LXE - Lightguide eXpress Entry LZ - Landing Zone M - Miniatures MA - Maintenance Administrator MA - Massachusetts US state postal designation MAAP - Maintenance And Administration Panel MAC - Mandatory Access Control MAC - Media Access Control MAC - Military Air Command MAC - Move, Add, Change MAC - Multiple Analogue Component MACBS - Multi-Access Cable Billing System MACSYMA - project MACs SYmbolic MAnipulation System MAD - Mass Air Delivery MAD - Mutual Assured Destruction MADD - Mothers Against Drunk Driving MADN - Multiple Access Directory Numbers MAF - Marine Abkuerzungs Fimmel (roughly navy abbreviation spleen) MAG - Magazine MAN - Metropolitan Area Network MAP - Maintenance and Administration Position MAP - Management Assesment Program MAP - Manufacturing Automation Protocol (GMs Token-Passing quotEthernetquot) MAP - Marketing Assistance Program MAPSS - Maintenance amp Analysis Plan for Special Services MAPTOP - Manufacturing Automation ProtocolTechnical Office Protocol, quotMAPTOPquot MAR - Microprogram Address Register MARBI - MAchine Readable form of Bibl iographic Information MARC - MAchine Readable card Catalog MARC - Market Analysis of Revenue and Customers system MARS - Multiuser Archival and Retrieval System MAS - MAin Store MAS - Mass Announcement System MASB - MAS Bus MASC - MAS Controller MASC - Multiple Award Schedule Contract MASER - Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation MASH - Mobile Army Surgical Hospital MASM - MAS Memory MAST - Multi-Application SOnar Trainer MATCALS - Marine Air Traffic-Control And Landing System, quotMAT-CALSquot MATFAP - Metropolitan Area Transmission Facility Analysys Program MAU - Math Acceleration Unit MAU - Media Access Unit MAU - Medium Attachment Unit MAU - Multiple Access Unit MAU - Multistation Access Unit MAXI - Modular Architecture for the Exchange of Information (DoD) MB - Manned Base MB - MegaByte (1MB1048576 bytes) MBA - Management Business Analyst MBA - Master Business Administration MBO - Management By Objectives MBPS - MegaBitsBytes Per Second MBWA - Management By W alking Around MC - Management Committee MC - Master of Ceremonies MC - Material Control MCA - Mechanical Computer Aided Design MCA - Micro Channel Architecture MCAD - Mechanical Computer Aided Design MCAE - Mechanical Computer Aided Engineering MCC - Master Control Center MCC - Master Control Console MCC - Microelectronics amp Computer Consortia (Austin based) MCC - Mission Control Center MCCS - Mechanized Calling Card Service MCH - Maintenance CHannel MCHB - Maintenance CHannel Buffer MCI - Media Control Interface MCI - Microwave Communications Incorporated MCIAS - Multi-Channel IntelligentIntercept Announcement System MCN - Metropolitan Campus Network MCNC - Microelectronics Center of North Carolina MCP - Master Control Program MCP - MultiportMultiprotocol Communication Processor MCPAS - Master Control ProgramAdvanced System, quotMCPASquot MCPO - Master Chief Petty Officer MCR - Memory ContRoller MCS - Material Control System MCS - Meeting Communications Service MCSV - Mars Crew Sort ie Vehicle NASA OEXP MCTRAP - Mechanized Customer Trouble Report Analysis Plan MCU - Microprocessor Control Unit MD - Doctor of Medicine MD - Management Domain MD - Maryland US state postal designation MD - Medical Doctor MD - Months after Date MDACS - Modular Digital Access Control System MDAS - Magnetic Drum Auxiliary Sender MDC - Marker Distributor Control MDC - Meridian Digital Centrex MDDS - Media Documentation Distribution Set MDE - Modular Design Environment MDEC - MAINDEC maintenance on DEC diagnostic paper tapes MDF - Main Distribution Frame telephony MDI - Medium Dependent Interface MDQS - Multi-Device Queueing System MDRE - Mass Driver Reaction Engine Space MDS - Multi-point Distribution Service MDT - Mean Down Time MDU - Marker Decoder Unit MDX - Modular Digital eXchange ME - Maine ME - Mechanical Engineer MEA - Minimum Enroute Altitude (IFR) MEC - Mobile Equipment Console MECO - Main Engine CutOff MED - Master of EDucation, quotMEdquot MELD - Mechanized Engineering and Lay out for Distributing frames MERP - Middle-Earth Role Playing MERS - Most Economic Route Selection MET - Mid European Time MET - Multibutton Electronic Telephone MF - Medium Frequency (300-3000KHz) MF - Middle French MF - Multi-Frequency telephony MFA - Master Fine Arts MFB - Monochrome Frame Buffer MFENET - Magnetic Fusion Energy NETwork MFG - Manufacturing MFJ - Modification of Final Judgement MFLOPS - Million FLoating-point OPerations per Second MFM - Modified Frequency Modulation MFR - Multi-Frequency Receivers MFS - Macintosh File System MFT - Metallic Facility Terminal MFT - Multiprogramming with a Fixed number of Tasks MG - Machine Gun MG - Major General MG - MasterGroup MG - Military Government MGH - Massachusetts General Hospital MGM - Metro-Goldwyn Mayer Corporate name MGT - MasterGroup Translator MHD - MagnetoHydroDynamics MHL - Microprocessor Host Loader MHS - Message Handling System (aka X.400) MHz - MegaHertZ (unit of frequency, 1,000,000 cycles per second) MI - Michigan M I - Military Intelligence MI - Mode Indicator MIA - Missing In Action MIB - Management Information Base MICE - Modular Integrated Communications Environment MICR - Magnetic Ink Character Recognition MIDI - Musical Instrument Digital Interface MIF - Maker Interchange Format MIFASS - Marine Integrated Fire And Support System MIL - Military MILNET - MILitary NETwork MILSTD - MILitary StandarD, quotMIL-STDquot MIM - Media Interface Module MIM - Morality In Media MIMD - Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data MIME - Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions MIN - Mobile Identification Number MINCE - MINCE Is Not Complete Emacs MINX - Multimedia Information Network eXchange MIP - Mortgage Insurance Premium MIPS - Microprocessor without Interlocked Piped Stages MIPS - Million Instructions Per Second MIPS - Million of Instructions Per Second MIR - Micro-Instruction Register MIR - Peace, quotmirquot Russian MIRS - Management Information Retrival System MIRV - Multiple Independently-Targetable Reentry V ehicle MIS - Management Information System MISCF - MISCellaneous Frame MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology MITI - Ministry of International Trade and Industry MITS - Microcomputer Interactive Test System MJ - Modular Jack MKTG - Marketing ML - Middle Latin MLA - Member of Legislative Assembly (see MPP) MLC - MiniLine Card MLCD - Multi-Line Call Detail MLD - Minimum Lethal Dose MLEM - Multi Language Environment MLL - Mars Logistics Lander NASA OEXP MLO - Material, Labor, Overhead - Inventoriable Cost Full Cost MLS - Microwave Landing System MLS - MultiLevel Security MLS - Multiple Listing Service MLT - Mechanized Loop Testing MLV - Medium Lift Vehicle NASA OEXP MM - Maryknoll Missioners MMC - Minicomputer Maintenance Center MMC - Money Market Certificate MMDF - Multi-channel Memo Distribution Facility MMES - Martin Marietta Energy Systems MMFS - Manufacturing Message Format Standard MMGT - MultiMasterGroup Translator MMH - MonoMethyl Hydrazine MMJ - Modified Modular Jack MMM - see 3M MMOC - Minicomputer Maintenance Operations Center MMP - Modified Modular Plug MMS - Main Memory Status MMS - Memory Management System MMT - Multiple Mirror Telescope MMU - Manned Maneuvering Unit Space MMU - Memory Management Unit MMW - Multi-Mega Watt Space MMX - Mastergroup MultipleX MN - Minnesota MNA - Member of National Assembly (Quebec) MNOS - Metal-Nitride-Oxide Semiconductor MNP - Microcom Networking Protocol MNRAS - Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society MO - Magneto-Optical MO - Mail Order MO - Medical Officer MO - Missouri MO - Modus Operandi MO - Money Order MOA - Military Operations Area MOC - Mars Observer Camera (on Mars Observer) MOCA - Minimum Obstacle Clearance Altitude (IFR) MOD - Magneto-Optical Disk MOD - Mesio Occlusal Distal (dental filling) MODEM - MOdulator-DEModulator MOFW - Men Of Few Words MOG - Minicomputer Operations Group MOL - Manned Orbiting Laboratory MOLA - Mars Observer Laser Altimeter (on Mars Observer) MOMV - Manned Orbital Maneuv ering Vehicle Space MOP - Maintenance Operations Protocol (DEC) MOR - Middle-Of-the-Road MOS - Metal Oxide Semiconductor MOSFET - Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor MOTAS - Member of the Appropriate Sex MOTIS - Message-Oriented Text Interchange System MOTOS - Member of the Opposite Sex MOTSS - Member of the Same Sex MOTV - Manned Orbital Transfer Vehicle Space MOU - Memorandum Of Understanding MOUSE - Minimum Orbital Unmanned Satellite of Earth MOV - Metal Oxide Varistor MP - Manifold Pressure MP - Melting Point MP - Member of Parliament MP - Metal Particle MP - Metropolitan Police MP - Micro Processor MP - Military Police(man) MP - Mixed Projection MP - Modular Plug MP - MultiProcessing MP - MultiProcessor MPC - Minor Planets Circular MPC - Multiprocess Communications MPCC - Microprocessor Common Control MPCH - Main Parallel CHannel MPDU - Message Protocol Data Unit MPE - Mission to Planet Earth Space MPG - Miles Per Gallon MPH - Miles Per Hour MPIF - Multiprocessor Int erface MPO - Manufacturers Point of Origin MPOW - Multiple Purpose Operator Workstation MPP - Member of Provincial Parliament (Canada also MLA) MPP - Message Posting Protocol MPP - Message Processing Program MPP - MicroProcessor Pascal MPPD - Multi-Purpose Peripheral Device MPR - Mars Pressurized Rover Space MPS - Master Production Schedule MPS - Megabytes Per Second MPT - Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications MPT - MultiPort Transceiver MPU - MicroProcessor Unit MPV - Mars Piloted Vehicle NASA OEXP MPW - Macintosh Programmers Workshop MR - Miniatures Rules MRD - Marketing Requirements Document MRF - Maintenance Reset Function MRFL - Mandatory File and Record Locking MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRP - Manufacturing Requirements Planning MRP - Manufacturing Resource Planning MRP - Material Resource Planning MRS - Material Reject Stock MRS - Material Requirements Schedule MRSR - Mars Rover and Sample Return MRSRM - Mars Rover and Sample Return Mission MRTS - Modification Request T racking System MRU - Most Recently Used MS - Maintenance State MS - ManuScript MS - Master of Science MS - Military Science MS - MilliSecond MS - Motor Ship MS - Multiple Sclerosis MSB - Most Significant Bit Most Significant Byte MSC - Media Stimulated Calling MSC - MicroSoft C MSCDEX - MicroSoft CD-rom EXtensions MSCP - Mass Storage Control Protocol MSD - Most Significant Digit MSDOS - MicroSoft DOS, quotMS-DOSquot, Maybe SomeDay an Operating System MSE - Mobile Subscriber Equipment MSFC - (George C.) Marshall Space Flight Center NASA MSFR - Minimum Security Functionality Requirements MSG - MonoSodium Glutamate MSH - Marvel Super Heroes MSI - Medium Scale Integration MSL - Mean Sea Level MSL - Motor Simulation Laboratory MSN - Manufacturing Sequence Number MSN - Manhattan Street Network, mesh architecture - wavelength-division mux MSO - Manufacturers Statement of Ownership MSP - Mass Storage Pedestal MSPE - Mercenaries, Spies amp Private Eyes MSR - Multitrack Serpentine Recording MSS - Management Support System MSS - ManuScriptS MSS - Mass Storage Subsystem MSS - Mass Storage System MSS - Maximum Segment Size MST - Mountain Standard Time MT - Material Transfer MT - Metric Ton MT - Mountain Time MTA - Mail Transfer Agent MTA - Message Transfer Agent MTA - Message Transfer Architecture (ATampT) MTA - Metropolitan Transportation Authority MTBF - Mean Time Between Failures MTBRP - Mean-Time-Between-Parts-Replacement MTC - Man Tended Capability MTD - Month To Date MTF - Master Test Frame MTF - Modulation Transfer Function MTI - Multi-Terminal Interface MTM - Method Time Measurements MTP - Message Transfer Part MTR - Magnetic Tape Recording MTR - Mechanized Time Reporting MTS - Message Telecommunications Service MTS - Message Telephone Service MTS - Mobile Telephone Service MTSO - Mobile Telephone Switching Office telephony MTTF - Mean Time To Failure MTTFF - Mean Time To First Failure MTTR - Mean Time To Repair MTTR - Mean Time Trouble Repair MTU - Maintenance Terminati on Unit MTU - Maximum Transer Unit MTU - Maximum Transmission Unit MTU - Media Tech Unit MTV - Music TeleVision MTX - Mobile Telephone eXchange MU - Message Unit MUA - Mail User Agent MUF - Maximum Usable Frequency (max freq during sunspot activity) MULDEM - MULtiplexer-DEMultiplexer MULTICS - MULTiplexed Information and Computing Service MUMPS - Massachusetts general hospital Utility MultiProgramming System MUNG - Mung Until No Good (see the hackers dictionary) MUX - MUltipleXor MV - MicroVAX MVA - Market Value Adjustment MVA - MegaVolt Ampere MVP - Multiline Variety Package MVS - Multiple Virtual Storage MVSSP - Multiple Virtual Storage System Product, quotMVSSPquot MVSXA - Multiple Virtual Storage Extended Architecture, quotMVSXAquot MVY - Marthas Vineyard MA MW - MicroWave, quotMWquot MW - MultiWink MWM - Motif Window Manager MX - Mail eXchange MX - Missile eXperimental MXU - MultipleXer Unit MeV - Million Electron Volts N - North N - Notice NA - Narcotics Anonymous NA - Next Add ress NA - North America NA - Not Applicable NAACP - National Association for the Advancement of Colored People NAAS - North American Automated Systems co. NAB - National Association of Broadcasters NABISCO - NAtional BIScuit COmpany Corporate name NAC - Network Administration Center NACA - National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics (became NASA) NACS - National Advisory Committee on Semiconductors NAD - Network Access Device NADGE - NATO Air Defense Ground Environment NAG - Network Architecture Group NAG - Numerical Algorithms Group NAGE - National Association of Government Employees NAK - Negative AcKnowledgement NAM - Name and Address Module telephony, cellular phone changeable ROM NAM - National Account Manager telephony, ATampT specific NAM - Number Assignment Module telephony, cellular phone changeable ROM NAMM - North American Music Merchants NAND - Inverted And Gate, Not And NAND - Not-AND gate NANP - North American Numbering Plan NAPAP - National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program NAPLPS - North American Presentation Layer Protocol Suite NAR - National Association of Realtors NAR - Nuclear Acoustic Resonance NARDAC - NAvy Regi onal Data Automation Center NAS - National Academy of Sciences NAS - National Advanced Systems NAS - National Aircraft (Aerospace) Standards NAS - National Audubon Society NAS - Network Application Support NAS - Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation NAS - Numerical and Atmospheric Sciences network NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASAGSFC - National Aeronautics and Space Administration Goddard Space Flight Center, quotNASAGSFCquot NASCAR - National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing NASDA - National Space Development Agency Japan NASDAQ - National Association of Security Dealers Automated Quotations NASM - National Air and Space Museum NASP - National AeroSpace Plane NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization NAU - Network Addressable Unit NAVDAC - NAVal Data Automation Command NAVSWC - NAV Surface WarfareWeapons Center NB - New Brunswick NB - Nota Bene NBA - National Basketball Association NBC - National Broadcasting Company NBFM - NarrowBand Frequency Modulation NBO - Network Build Out NBO - Network Business Opportunity NBP - Name Binding Protocol NBS - National Bureau of Standards (renamed NIST) U. S. Government NBVM - Narrow Band Voice Modulation NC - Network Control NC - No Charge NC - No Connection NC - North Carolina NCA - Network Control Analysis NCAR - National Center for Atmospheric Research NCC - National Computer Conference NCC - Network Control Center NCCF - Network Communications Control Facility NCD - Network Computing Devices NCDC - National Climatic Data Center NCE - New Catholic Edition NCGA - National Computer Graphics Association NCIC - National Cartographic Information Center NCIC - National Crime Information Center NCMOS - N-Channel (Silicon Gate Reversed) CMOS NCO - Non-Commissioned Officer NCP - Network Control ProgramProtocolPoint NCR - National Cash Register Corporate name NCS - National ComputerCommunications Systems NCS - Network Computing System NCSA - National Center for Supercomputing Applications NCSC - National Compute r Security Center NCSL - National Computer Systems Laboratory (NIST) NCTE - Network Channel-Terminating Equipment NCTL - National Computer and Telecommunications Laboratory NCV - No Commercial Value ND - Network Disk (Sun) ND - No Date ND - North Dakota NDA - Non-Disclosure Agreement NDB - Non-Directional Beacon NDCC - Network Data Collection Center NDDL - Neutral Data Definition Language NDE - NeWS Development Environment NDEA - National Defense Education Act NDI - Network Design amp Installation (Sun Service), quotNDampIquot NDIS - Network Driver Interface Specification NDL - Logical Network Disk NDL - Network Database Language NDP - New Democratic Party (Canada) NDSL - National Direct Student Loan NDT - Newfoundland Daylight Time NDV - NASP Derived Vehicle NE - New England NE - Non Exempt NE - North East NEAR - National Electronic Accounting and Reporting system NEARNET - New England Academic and Research network, quotNEARnetquot NEB - New English Bible NEBS - New Equipment-Building System NEC - National Electric Code NEC - National Electric Conference NEC - Nippon Electric Company Corporate name NEFS - Network extensible File System, quotNeFSquot NEI - Not Elsewhere Included NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers Association NEMP - Nuclear ElectroMagnetic Pulse NES - National Energy Strategy NES - Not Elsewhere Specified NESAC - National Electronic Switching Assistance Center NESC - National Energy Software Center NET - NETwork NET - National Educational Television NET - New England Telephone NETBIOS - NETwork Basic Input Output System NETBLT - NETwork Block Transfer NETCDF - NETwork Common Data Format NEWS - Network extensible Window System NEWS - Networked extensible Windowing System, quotNeWSquot NEWT - NeWS Terminal, quotNeWTquot NEXRAD - NEXt generation weather RADar NEXT - Near-End cross-Talk NF - No Funds NFC - National Football Conference NFFE - National Federation of Federal Employees NFL - National Football League NFPA - National Fire Protection Asso ciation NFR - Not a Functional Requirement NFS - Network File System NFT - Network File Transfer NG - National Guard NG - No Good NGC - New General Catalog NH - New Hampshire NHI - National Health Insurance NHL - National Hockey League (the nation is Canada) NHLBI - National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (Bethesda, MD) NHR - Non Hierarchial Routing NI - Network Interface NIC - Network Information Center (ARPAnet) NIC - Network Interface Card NICE - Network Information and Control Exchange (DECNET) NICMOS - Near Infrared Camera Multi Object Spectrometer (HST upgrade) NIFTP - (a file transfer network in the UK) NIH - National Institutes of Health NIH - Not Invented Here NIM - Nuclear Instrumentation Module (an electronic instr. standard) NIMBY - Not In My Back Yard NIMH - National Institute of Mental Health (Rockville, MD) NIMS - Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (on Galileo) NIR - Near InfraRed NIR - Network Information Registry NIS - Network Information Service (nee YP) NISC - Network Information and Support Center (NYSERNet) NISDN - narrowband integrated-services digital network, quotNISDNquot NISO - National Information Standards Organization NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly NBS) NIU - Network Interface Unit NJ - New Jersey NKS - Network Knowledge Server NL - National League (baseball) NLDP - National Launch Development Program NLM - National Library of Medicine NLP - Natural Language Processing NLRB - National Labor Relations Board NLS - Native Language Support NLS - Network License Server NM - Nautical Mile NM - Network Module NM - New Mexico NM - Night Message NM - No Mark Not Marked NMC - Network Management Center NMI - New Model Introduction NMI - Non Maskable Interrup t NMOS - N channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor (N-MOS) (see MOS) NMR - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance NMS - Network Management Station NNE - North North East NNTP - Net News Transfer Protocol NNTP - Network News Transfer Protocol NNW - North North West NNX - Network Numbering eXchange NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAO - National Optical Astronomy Observatories NOC - Network Operations Center NOCS - Network Operations Center System NOP - No OPeration NORAD - NORth American Defense command NORDO - No-radio NORGEN - Network Operations Report GENerator NORML - National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws NOS - Network Operating System NOS - Not Otherwise Specified NOSC - Naval Ocean Systems Center NOTIS - Network Operator Trouble Information System NOX - NO, NO 2 etc Chemical NP - No Protest NP - Nondeterministic-Polynomial NP - Notary Public NP - Noun Phrase NPA - No Power Alarm NPA - Numbering Plan Area, or area code Telephony NPC - Non-Player Character (see PC) NPG - New Product Group NPI - New Product Introduction NPL - National Physical Laboratory (UK) NPL - Non-Procedural Language NPN - Negative-Positive-Negative (transistor) NPN - NonProtein Nitrogen NPP - Net Primary Productivity NPR - National Public Radio NPRM - Notice of Proposed Rulemaking NPSI - Network Protocol Service Interface NPV - Net Present Value NQ - No Quote NQS - Network Queuing System NRA - National Rifle Association NRAO - National Radio Astronomy Observatory NRC - National Research Council NRC - Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRDC - Natural Resource Defense Council NRE - Non-Recurring Engineering NREN - National Research and Education Network NRL - Naval Research Labs NRM - Normal Response Mode NRO - National Reconnaissance Office NROFF - New ROFF NRZ - Non-Return to Zero NRZI - Non-Return to Zero Inverted (magnetic tape, 800 bpi) NS - Name Server NS - Network Services NS - Neutron Star NS - Not Specified NS - Nova Scotia NS - Nuclear Ship NSA - National Security Ag ency U. S. Government NSAP - Network Service Access Point NSC - National Security Council U. S. Government NSC - Network Service Center NSCS - Network Service Center System NSDSSO - NASA Science Data Systems Standards Office NSE - Network Software Environment NSEC - Network Switching Engineering Center NSEL - Network Service Selector NSEM - Network Software Environment NSF - National Science Foundation U. S. Government NSFNET - National Science Foundation NETwork NSO - National Solar Observatory NSP - Network Services Protocol (DECNET) NSPMP - Network Switching Performance Measurement Plan NSSDC - National Space Science Data Center NST - Newfoundland Standard Time NSTS - National Space Transportation System Space NSU - Networking Support Utilities NSUG - Nihon Sun Users Group NSW - New South Wales (Australia) NSWC - Naval Surface WarfareWeapons (obsolete) Center NT - Network Termination NT - New Technology (Windows NT) NT - New Testament NT - Newfoundland Time NT - Northern Telecom NT - N orthern Territory NTEC - Network Technical Equipment Center NTEU - National Treasury Employees Union NTF - No Trouble Found NTIA - National Telecommunications and Information Agency NTIS - National Technical Information Service NTN - Neutralized Twisted Nematic NTO - Network Terminal Option NTP - Network Time Protocol NTP - Normal Temperature and Pressure (see STP) NTR - Nuclear Thermal Rocket(ry) NTS - Network Technical Support NTS - Network Test System NTSB - National Transportation Safety Board U. S. Government NTSC - National Television Standards Committee Never The Same Color NTT - New Technology Telescope NTT - Nippon Telephone amp Telegraph NU - Name Unknown NUA - Network User Address NUI - Network User Identification NURBS - NonUniform Rational B-Spline NUSC - Naval Underwater Systems Command NV - Nevada NVH - Noise, Vibration, Harshness NVLAP - National Validation Laboratory Program NVRAM - NonVolatile Random Access Memory NW - North West NWA - Northwest Airline NWS - National Weather Service NWT - North West Territories (Australia) NXX - NANP syntax for a three-digit string, Telephony NY - New York NYC - New York City NYNEX - New York, New England and the unknown (X) NYSE - New York Stock Exchange NYSERNET - New York State Educational and Research Network, quotNYSERNetquot NZ - New Zealand NZUSUGI - New Zealand Unix System User Group, Inc. O2 - Oxygen OA - Office Automation OA - Order Administration OA - Overeaters Anonymous OACIS - Oregon Advanced Computing InStitute OAK - Oakland CA OAO - Orbiting Astronomical Observatory OAS - Organization of American States OASYS - Office Automation SYStem OAT - Outside Air Temperature OATS - Office Automation Technology and Services OB - Obligatory OBD - Online Bugs Database (Sun) OBE - Order of the British Empire OBO - Or Best Offer OBS - Omni Bearing Selector OBS - Omnibearing Selector OC - Operator Centralization OC - Order of Canada OCATE - Oregon Center for Advanced Technology Education OCC - Office Communications Cabinet OCC - Other Common Carrier OCDM - Office of Civil Defense and Mobilization OCE - Other Common carrier channel Equipment OCI - Out of City Indicator OCLC - Online Computer Library Center (Ohio College Library Catalog) OCLI - Optical Coating Labs Inc. OCO - Object Code Only OCR - Optical Character Reader OCR - Optical Character Recognition OCS - Officer Candidate School OCST - Office of Commercial Space Transportation OCU - Office Channel Unit OD - Doctor of Optometry OD - Oculus Dexter (right eye) OD - Officer of the Day OD - Outer Diameter OD - OverDose ODA - Office Document Architecture ODAC - Operations Distribution Administration Center ODD - Operator Distance Dialing ODDD - Operator Direct Distance Dialing ODI - Optical Digital Image ODIF - Ofice Document Interchange Format ODISS - Optical Digital Image Storage System ODS - Overhead Data Stream OE - Old English OE - Order Entry OECD - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OED - Oxford English Dictionary OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer OEO - Office of Economic Opportunity OES - Order of the Eastern Star OEXP - Office of Exploration NASA OF - Old French OFM - Order of Friars Minor OFNPS - Outstate Facility Network Planning System OFS - Order of Free State OG - Original Gum OGI - Oregon Graduate Institute OGICSE - Oregon Graduate Institute Computer Science and Engineering OGT - OutGoing Trunk OH - Ohio OH - OverHead OHP - OverHead Projector OIRA - Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs OIU - Office Interface Unit OIW - Workshop for Implementors of OSI OJT - On-the-Job Training OLIT - Open Look Interface Toolkit OLTM - Optical Line Terminating Multiplexer, quotO-LTMquot OLTP - OnLine Transaction Processing OLWM - OpenLook Window Manager OM - Office Management OMB - Office of Management and Budget OMD - Orchestral Manouevers in the Dark OME - Oregon Microcomputer Engineering (Intel) OMM - Output Message Manual OMPF - Operation and Maintenance Processor Frame OMS - Orbital Maneuver ing System OMV - Orbital Maneuvering Vehicle Space ON - Old Norse ONA - Open Network Architecture ONAC - Operations Network Administration Center ONAL - Off Network Access Line ONC - Open Network Computing ONI - Office of Naval Intelligence ONI - Operator Number Identification telephony ONR - Office of Naval Research OO - Object Oriented OOB - Out Of Band OODB - Object Oriented Data Base OOP - Object-Oriented Programming OOPART - Out Of Place ARTifact OOPL - Object-Oriented Programming Language OOPS - Object Oriented Program Support OOPS - Object-Oriented Programming System OOPSTAD - Object Oriented Programming for Smalltalk Application Developers Association OOSH - Object-Oriented SHell OOT - Object-Oriented Technology OP - OFFICEPOWER office automation system, trademark of CCI OP - Observation Post OP - OfficePower office automation system, trademark of CCI OP - Order of Preachers OP - Out of Print OP - Outside Plant OPC - Originating Point Codes OPDU - Operation Protocol Data Units OPEC - Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries OPEOS - Outside Plant planning, Engineering amp construction Operations Sys OPF - Orbiter Processing Facility OPM - Office of Personnel Management OPM - Outside Plant Module OPS - Off-Premises Station OPSM - Outside Plant Subscriber Module OPX - Off-Premises eXtension OR - Operating Room OR - Operation Research OR - Oregon OR - Originating Register OR - Owners Risk, Own Risk ORB - Office Repeater Bay ORDLIX - Organized Design for Line and Crew System ORFEUS - Orbiting and Retrievable Far and Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrometer ORM - Optical Remote Module ORNAME - Originator Recipient Name, quotORnamequot ORNL - Oak Ridge National Laboratory OROM - Optical Read Only Memory ORT - Ongoing Reliability Test OS - Oculus Sinister (left eye) OS - Operating System OS - Operator Service OS - Ordinary Seaman OS - Out of Stock OS - OutState OS2 - Operating System2, quotOS2quot OSAC - Operator Services Assistance Center OSB - Order of St. Benedict OSC - OSCillator OSC - Operator Services Center OSC - Orbital Sciences Corporation Space OSCAR - Orbiting Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio OSCRL - Operating System Command Response Language OSD - Office of the Secretary of Defense OSDIT - Office of Software Development and Information Technology OSDS - Operating System for Distributed Switching OSF - Open Software Foundation (Oppose Sun Forever) OSF - Order of St. Francis OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Act OSI - Open Systems Interconnection OSINET - Open Systems Interconnection Network OSIRM - Open Systems InterconnectionReference Model, quotOSIRMquot OSME - Open Systems Message Exchange OSN - Office Systems Node OSN - Open Systems Network OSO - Originating Signaling Office OSP - Optical Storage Processor OSP - OutSide Plant OSPF - Open Shortest Path First OSPS - Operator Service Position System OSS - Office Support System OSS - Office of Strategic Services (later CIA) OSS - Operation Support System telephony, ATampT OSS - Opera tor Service System OSSA - Office of Space Science and Applications OSSE - Oriented Scintillation Spectrometer Experiment (on GRO) OSTP - Office of Science and Technology Policy White House OT - Old Testament OT - OverTime OTA - Office of Technology Assessment U. S. government OTA - Optical Telescope Assembly (on HST) OTB - Off-Track Betting OTBS - One True Bracketing Style OTC - Output Technology Corporation OTC - Over The Counter (stocks) OTDR - Optical TDR OTEC - Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion OTF - Open Token Foundation OTHB - Over The Horizon - Backscatter (as in radar), quotOTH-Bquot OTL - Out To Lunch OTLF - Open Taxi amp Limousine Foundation, quotOTampLFquot OTM - On Time Marker OTOH - On The Other Hand OTR - On The Rag OTS - Off The Shelf OTS - Office of Thrift Supervision OTS - Officers Training School OTV - Orbital Transfer Vehicle Space OUTWATS - OUTward Wide Area Telephone Service telephony OV - Orbiter Vehicle Space OW - Over-Write OWHN - One-Word Host Name P - (Chem.) par a-, quotp-quot P - (UK) pence, pennies, penny, quotpquot P - page, quotp. quot P - per (as in m. p.h.), quotp. quot P - peta - (SI prefix) P - phosphorus, quotPquot P - pico - (SI prefix), quotpquot P2 - Interpersonal Messaging Protocol (for heading and body) P3 - Protocol used by UA Entities and MTA Entities P4 - The video interface bus on the 380 PA - Pennsylvania PA - Per Annum PA - Play Aid PA - Power Alarm PA - Power of Attorney PA - Precision Architecture (HP) PA - Press Agent PA - Private Account PA - Process Alert PA - Program Address PA - Public Address PA - Purchasing Agent PA - protactinium, quotPaquot PABX - Private Automatic Branch eXchange telephony PACE - Program for Arrangement of Cables and Equipment PACT - Prefix Access Code Translator PACX - Private Automatic Computer eXchange PAD - Packet Assembler-Disassembler (for networking) PAD - Public Access Device (networking) PAK - Product Authorization Key PAL - Personal Answer Line (Sun group) PAL - Phase Alternation Line-rate PAL - Programmable Array Logic PAM - Payload Assist Module Space PAM - Pulse Amplification Modulation PAM - Pulse-Amplitude Modulation PAMD - Payload Assist Module, Delta-class, quotPAM-Dquot PAN - Personal Account Number PANS - Pretty Advanced New Stuff PAO - Palo Alto CA PAP - Printer Access Protocol PAR - Peak-to-Average Ratio, quotPARquot PAR - Precision Approach Radar PAR - Project Authorization Request PARC - Palo Alto Research Center, xerox PAS - Public Announcement Service PAT - Power Alarm Test PAT - Profit After Tax PATROL - Program for Administrative Traffic Reports On Line PAX - Private Automatic eXchange PBC - Peripheral Bus Computer PBC - Processor Bus Controller PBD - Pacific Bell Directory PBM - Play By Mail game PBS - Public Broadcasting System PBT - Profit Before TAX PBX - Private Branch eXchange telephony PC - Peace Corps PC - PerCent PerCentage PC - Personal Computer PC - Piece of Crap PC - Player Character (see NPC) PC - Politically Correct PC - Post Card PC - Post Cibum (after meals) PC - Primary Center PC - Printed Circuit PC - Privileged Character PC - Privy Council PC - Production Control PC - Program Counter PC - Progressive Conservative party (Canada) PCA - Positive Controlled Airspace (above 18,000) PCA - Printed-Circuit Assembly PCAT - Personal ComputerAdvanced Technology, quotPCATquot PCB - PolyChlorinated Biphenyls PCB - Printed Circuit Board PCB - Process Control Block PCB - Protocol Control Block (TCP) PCC - Portable C Compiler PCDA - Program Controlled Data Acquisition PCDOS - Personal Computer DOS, quotPC-DOSquot PCF - Portable Compiled Font PCH - Parallel CHannel PCI - Panel Call Indicator PCI - Protocol Control Information PCIE - Presidents Council on Integrity and Efficiency PCL - Printer Command Language PCL - Programmable Command Language PCM - Plug-Compatible Mainframe PCM - Pulse-Code Modulation PCN - Personal Communication Network PCNFS - Personal Computer Network File System PCO - Peg Count and Overflow PCO - Process Chang e Order PCPC - Personal Computers Peripheral Corporation PCS - Patchable Control Store PCS - Permanent Change of Station PCSA - Personal Computer Systems Architecture PCTE - Portable Common Tools Environment PCTS - Posix Conformance Test Suite PCTV - Program Controlled TransVerters PD - Per Diem PD - Peripheral Decoder PD - Police Department PD - Potential Difference PD - Public Domain PDAD - Proposed Draft ADdendum PDE - Partial Differential Equation PDES - Product Data Exchange Specifications PDF - Power Distribution Frame PDF - Program Development Facility PDI - Power and Data Interface PDL - Page Description Language PDL - PageProgram DescriptionDesign Language PDL - Program Design Language PDN - Public Data Network PDP - Plasma Display Panel PDP - Programmed Data Processor DEC PDQ - Pretty Damned Quick PDS - Portable Display Shell PDS - Premises Distribution System (ATampT) PDS - Public Domain Software PDSP - Peripheral Data Storage Processor PDT - Pacific Daylight Time PDU - Prod uct Development Unit PDU - Protocol Data Unit PE - Peripheral Equipment PE - Phase Encoded (1600 bpi) PE - Physical Education PE - PolyEthylene PE - Prince Edward island PE - Printers Error PE - Professional Engineer PE - Protestant Episcopal PECC - Product Engineering Control Center PEI - Prince Edward Island PEM - Privacy Enhanced Mail PEP - Packetized Ensemble Protocol PEP - Productivity Enhancement Project PEPE - Pepe Est Presque Emacs PERFECT - PERFormance Evaluation for Cost-Effective Transformations PERL - Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister PERL - Practical Extraction and Report Language PERT - Program Evalution and Review Technique PETA - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals PEX - Phigsphigs Extension to X PEXSI - PEX Sample Implementation (gfx), quotPEX-SIquot PF - Programmed Function PFB - Printer Font Binary PFPU - Processor Frame Power Unit PG - Perge Notice PGA - Pin Grid Array PGA - Professional Graphics Adapter PGA - Pure Grain Alcohol PH - Parity High bit PH - Potential of Hydrogen, quotpHquot PH - Process Hold PHA - Pulse Height AnalyzerAnalysis PHIGS - Programmers Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System PHOTOCD - PHOTOgraphic Compact Disk PHS - Public Health Service PHYSREV - Physical Review Journal, quotPhysRevquot PI - Principal Investigator PI - Protocol Interpreter PIA - Plug-In Administrator PIC - Pilot In Command PIC - Plastic-Insulated Cable PIC - Primary Independent Carrier PICS - Plug-in Inventory Control System (PICSDCPR) PID - Process IDentifier PID - Protocol IDentifier PIF - Paid In Full PIMS - Profit Impact of Marketing Strategy PIN - Personal Identification Number PINE - Pine Is Not Elm PING - Packet INternet Groper PING - Packet InterNet Grouper PIP - Packet Interface Port PIP - Periphal Interchange Program PIT - Principal, Interest, and Taxes PITI - Principal, Interest, Taxes, Insurance PIXEL - PIcture ELement PL - Parity Low bit PL1 - Programming Language One, quotPL1quot PLA - Programmable Logic Array PLAN - Public La nds Action Network PLC - Programmable Logic Controller PLCC - Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier PLD - Programmable Logic Device PLL - Phase-Locked Loop PLM - Programming Language for Microcomputers PLO - Palestine Liberation Organization PLO - Please Leave On PLS - Physical Layer Signaling PLSS - Portable Life Support System PLT - Panduit Locking Tie PM - PayMaster PM - Peripheral Module PM - Phase Modulation PM - Plant Management PM - Police Magistrate PM - Post Meridiem (after noon) PM - PostMaster PM - PostMortem PM - Presentation Manager PM - Pressurized Module PM - Preventive Maintenance PM - Prime Minister PM - Provost Marshal PMA - Physical Medium Attachment PMAC - Peripheral Module Access Controller PMC - Permanently Manned Capability PMDF - Pascal Memo Distribution Facility PMEG - Page Map Entry Group PMG - Page Map Group PMIRR - Pressure Modulated InfraRed Radiometer (on Mars Observer) PMO - Prime Ministers Office PMOS - P channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor (P-MOS) (see MOS) PMRC - Parents Music Resource Center PMT - PhotoMultiplier Tube PMU - Precision Measurement Unit PMX - Presentation Manager for the X window system, quotPMXquot PN - Part Number PN - Promissory Note PNB - Pacific Northwest Bell PNP - Plug N Play PNP - Positive-Negative-Positive (transistor) PNPN - Positive-Negative-Positive-Negative devices PO - Petty Officer PO - Post Office PO - Postal Order PO - Purchase Order POB - Periphal Order Buffer POC - Port Of Call POD - Pay On Delivery POD - Point Of Distribution POE - Port Of EntryEmbarkation POF - Programmable Operator Facility POGO - Polar Orbiting Geophysical Observatory POH - Pilots Operating Handbook POK - Power on Okey Signal POM - Phase Of Moon POP - Point Of Production POP - Point of Presence telephony POP - Post Office Protocol POP - Processor On Plug-in (hw) POPS - Paperless Order Processing System POR - Point Of Receive POR - Price On Request POS - Point Of Sale POSI - Promoting conference for OSI POSIX - Portable Operating System for unIX POSYBL - PrOgramming SYstem for distriButed appLications POTS - Plain Old Telephone Service POTS - Plain Ordinary Telephone System POTV - Personnel Orbit Transfer Vehicle Space POV - Point Of View POW - Prisoner Of War POWER - Performance Optimization With Enhanced Risc PP - Painting Processor PP - Parcel Post PP - Past Participle PP - Post Pay PP - Primary Point PP - Private Pilot PP - pages, quotpp. quot PPA - Post Pack Audit PPB - Parts Per Billion PPBS - Planning, Programming, and Budgeting Systems PPC - Pour Prendre Conge (to take leave) PPCS - Person to Person, Collect, Special telephony PPD - Peripheral Pulse Distributor PPD - PostScript Printer Description PPI - Professional Press Inc. PPM - Page Per Minute PPM - Parts Per Million PPM - Product Portfolio Management PPN - Parameterized Post-Newtonian formalism for general relativity PPN - Project Programmer Number PPN - Public Packet Switching PPP - Point-to-Point Protocol PPS - PostPostScriptum PPS - Product Performance Sur veys PPS - Public Packet Switching network PPT - Parts Per Trillion PPT - Pulse Pair Timing PPT - Punched Paper Tape PQ - Province of Quebec PR - PayRoll PR - Public Relations PR - Puerto Rico PRC - Peoples Republic of China PRC - Planning Research Corporation PRCA - Puerto Rico Communications Authority PREMIS - PREMises Information System PREPNET - Pennsylvania Research amp Economic Partnership network, quotPREPnetquot PRG - PALPROM Programming Department PRI - Primary Rate Interface PRISM - Parallel Reduced Instruction Set Multiprocessing PRMD - Private Management Domain PROFS - PRofessional OFfice System PROLOG - PROgramming in LOGic PROM - Programmable Read-Only Memory PROMATS - PROgrammable Magnetic Tape System PROPAL - Programmed PAL PROTEL - PRocedure Oriented Type Enforcing Language PRS - Personal Response System PRTC - Puerto Rico Telephone Company PS - PicoSecond PS - PostScript Adobe (tm) PS - PostScriptum PS - Power Steering PS - Power Supply PS - Process Stop Ship PS - Pro gram Store PS - Public School PSA - Problem Statement Analyzer PSAP - Public Safety Answering Point PSC - Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center PSC - Polar Stratospheric Clouds PSC - Prime Service Contractor PSC - Public Safety Calling system PSC - Public Service Commission PSDC - Public Switched Digital Capability PSDN - Packet-Switched Data Network PSDS - Public Switched Digital Service PSDS - Public Switched Digital Service telephony, ATampT PSE - Packet Switch Exchange PSE - Programming Support Environment PSF - Point Spread Function PSG - Platoon SerGeant PSG - Professional Service Group (Sun group) PSI - Packet Switch Interface PSIU - Packet Switch Interface Unit PSK - Phase-Shift Keying PSL - Problem Statement Language PSM - Packet Service Module PSM - Position Switching Module PSM - Professional Service Manager PSN - Packet Switch Node PSN - Packet Switched Network PSN - Packet Switching Node PSO - Pending Service Order PSP - Product Support Plan PSR - Product Specific Realizations P SR - Product Specific Release PSR - PulSaR PSS - Packet Switch Stream PSS - Packet Switched Services PST - Pacific Standard Time PSTN - Public Switched Telephone Network PSU - Program Storage Unit PSW - Program Status Word PSWM - PostScript Window Manager PT - Pacific Time PT - Patrol Torpedo (as in PT boat) PT - Physical Therapy PT - Physical Training PT - Program Timer PTA - Parent-Teacher Association PTAT - Private Trans Atlantic Telecommunications PTD - Parallel Transfer DiskDrive PTE - Page Table Entry PTI - Portable Test Instrument PTN - Plant Test Number telephony:actual number assigned for 800 service PTO - Patent and Trademark Office PTO - Please Turn Over PTO - Power Take-Off PTP - Point To Point PTSD - Post Traumatic-Stress Disorder PTT - Post, Telephone and Telegraph administration PTT - Postal, Telephone, and Telegraph administration PTV - Passenger Transport Vehicle Space PTW - Primary Translation Word PU - Physical Unit PUC - Peripheral Unit Controller PUC - Public Utili ties Commission PUD - Planned Unit Development PUP - PARC Universal Packet protocol PV - PhotoVoltaic PVC - Permanent Virtual Circuits PVC - PolyVinylChloride PVN - Private Virtual Network PVO - Pioneer Venus Orbiter PVT - Private (pilot certificate) PW - Prisoner of War (usually POW) PWB - Printed Wiring Board PWB - Programmers Work Bench PWD - Print Working Directory PWG - Permanent Working Group PX - Post eXchange (see also BX) Pa - Pascal Q - Queen(s), quotQ. quot Q - question, quotQ. quot QA - Quality Assurance QAM - Quadrature Amplitude Modulation QAS - Quasi-Associated Signaling QB - queens bishop (chess) QBP - queens bishops pawn (chess) QC - Quality Control QC - Queens Counsel QD - Quaque Die (daily) QDA - Quantity Discount Agreement QDCS - Quality, Deliverly, Cost, Service Safety QE - Quick Estimation QED - Quantum ElectroDynamics QED - Quod Erat Demonstrandum (which was to be demonstrated) QEF - Quod Erat Faciendum (which was to be done) QEI - Quod Erat Inveniendum (which was to be found out) QET - Quantum Effect Transistor QIC - Quarter-Inch Cartridge QID - Quater In Die (four times a day) QIS - Quality Information System QKt - queens knight (chess) QKtP - queens knightss pawn (chess) QLI - Query Language Interpreter QM - QuarterMaster QMC - QuarterMaster Corps QMF - Query Management Facility QMG - QuarterMaster General QMP - Quality Measurement Plan QMS - Quality Micro Systems QNS - Quantity Not Sufficient QQV - which see (plural of q. v.), quotqq. v.quot QRA - Quality Reliability Assurance QRSS - Quasi Random Signal Source QSO - Quasi-Stellar Object QSS - Quality Surveillance System QTC - Quantitative Technology Corporation QTY - Quantity QUANGO - QUAsi Non-Governmental Organization QUANTAS - QUeensland And Northern Territory Aerial Service, quotQuantasquot QUANTAS - Quantas Empire Airways QUEL - QUEry Language QV - which see (sing.), quotq. v.quot QWERTY - first six keys from left on top alphabetic row of standard keyboard QWL - Quality of Working Life R - Republican, quotR. quot R - Ring R - Rolemaster R - rand R - recto, quotr. quot R - right, quotrquot R - roentgen R - rook in chess RA - Regular Army RA - Research Assistant RA - Return Authorization RA - Royal Academy RA - radium, quotRaquot RAAF - Royal Australian Air Force RACE - Random Access Card Equipment RACEP - Random Access and Correlation for Extended Performance RAD - Radiation Absorbed Dose RAD - Rapid Access Disk RADAR - RAdio Detection And Ranging RADAR - Radio Association Defending Airwave Rights (radar detector makers) RADM - Rear ADMiral RAF - Royal Air Force RAID - Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks RAM - Random-Access Memory RAMP - Ratings And Maintenance Phase RAND - Rural Area Network Design RAO - Regional Accounting Office RAO - Revenue Accounting Office RAR - Return Address Register RARDE - Royal Armaments Research and Development Establishment RARE - European Association of Research Networks RARE - Reseaux Associes pour la Recherche Europeenne RARP - Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (Ethernet-gtInternet) RAS - Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability RASC - Residence Account Service Center RATFOR - RATional FORtran RB - Rhythm and Blues, quotRampBquot RBC - Red Blood Count RBHC - Regional Bell Holding Company RBI - Runs Batted In RBOC - Regional Bell Operating Company RBOR - Request Basic Output Report RBT - Reliable Broadcast Toolkit RBTL - Read Between The Lines RC - Receive Clock RC - Red Cross RC - Regional Center RC - Repair Center (Sun) RC - Resistance-Capacitance RC - Resistor-Capacitor circuit (as in filters) RC - Roman Catholic RCA - Radio Corporation of America RCAF - Royal Canadian Air Force RCAS - Reserve Component Automation System RCC - Radio Common Carrier RCC - Remote Cluster Controller RCC - Reverse Command Channel RCF - Remote Call Forwarding RCI - Rodent Cage Interface (for SLS mission) RCL - Runtime Control Library RCLDN - Retrieval of Calling Line Directory Number RCM - Remote Carrier Module RCMAC - Recent Chan ge Memory Administration Center RCMP - Royal Canadian Mounted Police RCP - Remote CoPy RCS - Reaction Control System RCS - Revision Control System RCSC - Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem RCU - Radio Channel Unit RCVR - ReCeiVeR RD - Received Data RD - Research and Development, quotRampDquot RD - Rural Delivery RDA - Remote Data Access RDBMS - Relational DataBase Management System RDES - Remote Data Entry System RDF - Radio Direction Finding RDL - Remote Digital Loopback RDM - Reliably-Delivered Message (sockets) RDP - Reliable Datagram Protocol RDS - Radio Digital System RDT - Radio Digital Terminal REA - Rail Express Agency REC - Regional Engineering Center RECON - Reconnaissance REGIS - REmote Graphics Instruction Set REM - Rapid Eye Movement REM - Rat Enclosure Module (for SLS mission) REM - Rational Economic Man REM - Remote Equipment Module REM - Ring Error Monitor REM - Roentgen Equivalent in Man REMOBS - REMote OBservation System REN - Ring Equivalence Number REO - R. E. Olds REO - Removable, Erasable, Optical REQSPEC - REQuirements SPECification RETMA - Radio Electronics Television Manufacturers Association (rack spacing) REX - Remote EXecution REXX - Restructured EXtended eXecutor RF - Radio Frequency RFC - Request For Comments Internet RFD - Rural Free Delivery RFE - Request For Enhancement RFI - Radio Frequency Interference RFP - Request For Proposals RFQ - Request For Quotes RFS - Remote File Sharing RFS - Remote File System RFT - Request For Technology RGB - Red Green Blue RGBI - Red Green Blue Intensity RGP - Raster Graphics Processor RGU - Radio GovernmentUniversal, quotRGUquot RH - Right Hand RHC - Regional (Bell) Holding Company RHS - Right Hand Side RHV - Reid-Hillview Intergalactic, San Jose CA RI - Receiving amp Inspection, quotRampIquot RI - Rhode Island RI - Ring Indicator RIACS - Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science (at NASA Ames) RIAS - Radio In the American Sector, berlin RID - Remote Isolation Device RIF - Reading Is Fun damental RIF - Reduction In Force RIFF - Resource Interchange File Format RILM - Repertoire International de Literature Musicale RIP - Raster Image Processor RIP - Rest In PeaceRequiescat In Pace RIP - Routing Information Protocol RIPE - Reseaux IP Europeenne RIPS - Raster Image Processing Systems Corp. RISC - Reduced Instruction Set Computer RISC - Relegate Important Stuff to the Compiler RISLU - Remote Integrated Services Line Unit RIT - Rochester Institute of Technology RITA - Recognition of Information Technology Achievement award RJE - Remote Job Entry IBM RLC - Resistor Inductor Capacitor RLCM - Remote Line Concentrating Module RLDS - The Re-organized Church of Latter-Day Saints RLG - Research Libraries Group RLIN - Research Libraries Information Network run by RLG (q. v.) RLL - Run Length Limited RLOGIN - Remote Login, quotrloginquot RLT - Remote Line Test RM - Record Marking RM - Regional Manager RMA - Return Materials Authorization RMAS - Remote Memory Administration System RMA TS - Remote Maintenance Admisistration and Traffic System telephony RMF - Read Me First RMI - Radio Magnetic Indicator RMR - Remote Message Registers RMR - Return Material Receipt RMS - Remote Manipulator System Space RMS - Richard M. Stallman RMS - Root Mean Square RMS - Royal Mail Ship RN - Reference Noise RN - Registered Nurse RN - Royal Navy RNA - RiboNucleic Acid RNGC - Revised New General Catalog RNOC - Regional Network Operations Center RNR - Receive Not Ready RNZAF - Royal New Zealand Air Force RO - ReadOnly, quotROquot RO - Receive Only ROA - Return On Assets ROB - Remote Order Buffer ROC - Regional Operating Company ROE - Rate Of Exchange ROE - Return On Equity ROFF - Run-OFF ROG - Receipt Of Goods ROH - Receiver Off Hook ROI - Region Of Interest ROI - Return On Investment ROM - Range Of Motion (medical) ROM - Read-Only Memory ROM - Rupture Of Membrane (as in birth) RONA - Return on Net Assets RONABIT - Return On Asset Before Income Tax ROSAT - ROentgen SATellite ROSE - Remot e Operations Service Element ROTC - Reserve Officers Training Corps ROTL - Remote Office Test Line ROTS - Rotary Out Trunks Selectors ROUS - Rodents Of Unusual Size ROW - Rest Of the World ROYGBIV - Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, quotRoy G. Bivquot RP - Rolling Plan RPC - Remote Procedure Call RPG - RePort Generator RPG - Role Playing Game RPI - Rolling Plan Indices RPM - Remote Process Management RPM - Removable Peripheral Module RPM - Resales Price Maintenance RPM - Revolutions Per Minute RPN - Reverse Polish Notation RPO - Railway Post Office RPS - Revolutions Per Second RPS - Rotational Positional Sensing (disks) RPV - Remotely Piloted Vehicle RQ - RuneQuest RQS - RateQuote System RQSM - Regional Quality Service Management RR - RailRoad RR - Rate amp Route, quotRampRquot RR - Receive Ready RR - Resource Record RR - Route Relay RR - Rural Route RRIP - Rock Ridge Interchange Protocol RRO - Rate and Route Operator telephony RRO - Reports Receiving Office RS - Recomm ended Standard RS - Recording Secretary RS - Revised Status RS - Right Side RS - Royal Society RS232 - Digital Communication Standard, quotRS-232quot RSA - Repair Service Attendant RSB - Repair Service Bureau RSC - Remote Switching Center RSC - Residence Service Center RSCS - Remote Source Control System RSCS - Remote Spooling and Communication Subsystem RSE - Research amp Systems Engineering, quotRampSEquot RSFSR - Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic RSH - RemoteRestricted SHell RSLE - Remote Subscriber Line Equipment RSLM - Remote Subscriber Line Module RSM - Remote Switching Module RSN - Real Soon Now RSS - Remote Switching System RSTS - Resource System Time Sharing RSTSE - Resource System Time SharingEnhanced, quotRSTSEquot RSU - Remote Switching Unit RSV - Revised Standard Edition RSVP - Repondez Sil Vous Plait (please reply) RSWC - Right Side up With Care RT - RadioTelephone RT - RealTime RT - Risc Technology IBM RTA - Remote Trunk Arrangement RTAC - Regional Technical As sistance Center telephony RTC - Right To Copy RTF - Read This First RTF - Rich Text Format RTFM - Read The Fing Manual RTG - Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator RTL - Resistor-Transistor Logic RTLS - Return To Launch Site (Shuttle abort plan) RTM - Regional Telecommunications Management RTM - Remote Test Module RTMP - Routing Table Maintenance Protocol RTR - Reel-To-Reel RTS - Ready To Send RTS - Real Time Systems (lll-csrg) RTS - Reliable Transfer Service RTS - Remote Testing System RTS - Return To Stock RTSE - Reliable Transfer Service Element RTSL - Read The Source Luke RTT - Round Trip Time RTTY - Radio Teletype RTU - Real Time Unix RTU - Remote Trunking Unit RTU - Right To Use RU - Receive Unit RUM - Remote User Multiplex RW - ReadWrite RW - ReadWrite, quotRWquot RW - Right Worshipful RW - Right Worthy RWC - Remote Work Center RWE - Remote Wall Enclosure RWM - ReadWrite Memory, quotRWMquot RX - Remote eXchange S - Siemens S - Sleeve S - South S - Supplement S - second (SI abbrev .), quotsquot S - sulphur SA - Salvation Army SA - Seaman Apprentice SA - Service Assistant SA - Sex Appeal SA - Sine Anno (without date) SA - South Africa SA - South America SA - South Australia SA - Subject to Approval SAA - South Atlantic Anomaly SAA - Systems Application Architecture (IBM) SAAB - Svenska Aeroplan AktieBolaget (Swedish Aircraft Corporation) SABME - Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extended SABRE - Semi-Automated Business Research Environment SAC - Service Area Code SAC - Strategic Air Command US military SACK - Selective ACK SADD - Students Against Drunk Driving SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers SAG - Street Address Guide SAGA - Solar Array Gain Augmentation (for HST) SAI - Serving Area Interface SAIC - Science Applications International Corporation SAKDC - Swiss Army Knife Data Compression SALI - Standalone Automatic Location Identification SALT - Strategic Arms Limitting Talks SAM - Surface-to-Air Missile SAMA - Step-by-step Automatic Message Accounting telephon y SAMPEX - Solar Anomalous and Magnetospheric Particle EXplorer SAMTO - Space And Missile Test Organization SAO - Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory SAP - Second Audio Program SAP - Service Access Point SAR - Search And Rescue SAR - Store Address Register SAR - Synthetic Aperture Radar SARA - Satellite pour Astronomie Radio Amateur SAREX - Search and Rescue Exercise SAREX - Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment SARTS - Switched Access Remote Test System SAS - Southern All Stars SAS - Space Activity Suit SAS - Space Adaptation Syndrome SAS - Statistical Analysis Software SASE - Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope SASE - Specific Application Service Element SASI - Shugart Associates Systems Interface SAT - Satellite Space SAT - Scholastic Aptitude Test SAT - Special Access Termination SAT - Supervisory Audio Tone SAT - Synthetic Aperture Telescope SAW - Surface Acoustic Wave SBA - Small Business Administration SBC - Single Board Computer SBMS - Southwestern Bell Mobile Service SBS - Skyline Bu siness Systems SBU - Strategic Business Unit SBUS - School Bus, quotS-Busquot SBWR - Simplified Boiling Water Reactor SC - Scanner Controller SC - Secondary Channel SC - Sectional Center SC - Skull amp Crossbones, quotSampCquot SC - South Carolina SC - SpaceCraft, quotSCquot SC - SubCommittee SCA - Shuttle Carrier Aircraft SCA - Sunlink Channel Adapter SCAD - Subsonic Cruise Armed Decoy SCADA - Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition SCADC - Standard Central Air Data Computer SCAME - SCreen oriented Anti-Misery Editor SCAMP - Single-Chip A-series Mainframe Processor SCAN - Switched Circuit Automatic Network SCAT - Stromberg-Carlson Assistance Team SCB - System Control Block SCC - Serial Communication Controller SCC - Specialized Common Carrier SCC - Switching Control Center (or Specialized Common Carriers) SCCA - Sports Car Club of America SCCS - Source Code Control System SCCS - Specialized Common Carrier Service SCCS - Switching Control Center System SCE - Signal Conversion Equipmen t SCE - Structure Chart Editor SCED - SCSIEthernetDiagnostics (Sequent board) SCF - Selective Call Forwarding SCI - SpaceCraft Incorporated SCIFI - SCIence FIction, quotsci-fiquot SCM - Software Configuration Management SCM - Subscriber Carrier Module SCMS - Serial Copy Management System SCO - Santa Cruz Operation SCO - Serving Central Office SCOOPS - SCheme Object Oriented Programming System SCOT - Stepper Central Office Tester SCOTS - Surveilance and Control Of Transmission Systems SCP - Signal Control Point SCP - Signal Conversion Point SCP - Sunlink Communications Processor SCP - System Control Program SCPC - Signal Channel Per Carrier SCPD - Supplementary Central Pulse Distributor SCRAM - Static Column RAM (hw) SCS - Silicon Controlled Switch SCSA - Sun Common SCSI Architecture SCSI - Small Computer System Interface (pronounced scuzzi) SCT - Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope SCTS - Secondary Clear To Send SCU - Selector Control Unit SCUBA - Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus SCUD - Subsonic Cruise Unarmed Decoy SCX - Specialized Communications eXchange SD - SCSI Disk SD - South Dakota SDA - Send Data With Immediated Ackonwledge SDB - Safety Deposit Box SDCD - Secondary Data Carrier Detect SDD - Specific Development amp Design, quotSDampDquot SDF - Secondary Distribution Frame SDF - SubDistribution Frame SDH - synchronous digital hierarchy (synchronous multiplexed network) SDI - Selective Dissemination of Information SDI - Space Defense Initiative SDI - Standard Disk Interconnect SDI - Standard Disk Interface SDI - Storage Device Interconnect SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative US Government SDIO - Strategic Defense Initiative Organization SDIS - Switched Digital Integrated Service SDL - Specification and Description Language SDL - System Design Language SDLC - Synchronous Data Link Control IBM SDM - Sub-rate Data Multiplexer SDN - Software-Defined Network SDO - Staff Duty Officer SDOC - Selective Dynamic Overload Controls SDP - Service Delivery Point SDR - Store Data Register SDRC - Structural Dynamics Research Corporation SDS - Switched Data Service SDS - Synchronous Data Set SDSC - San Diego Supercomputer Center SDSC - Synchronous Data Set Controller SDU - Service Data Unit SDV - Shuttle Derived Vehicle Space SE - South East SE - Systems Engineer SEAP - Service Element Access Point SEAS - Signaling Engineering and Administration System SEATO - SouthEast Asia Treaty Organization SEC - Securities and Exchange Commission SEC - Security Exchange Commission SECAM - SEquential Couleur Avec Memoire SECNAV - SECretary of the NAVy SED - Stream EDitor SEI - Software Engineering Institute (Carnegie Mellon) SEI - Space Exploration Initiative SEL - SELector SEL - Software Engineering Laboratory SELV - Safety Extra-Low Voltage SEM - Scanning Electron Microscope SER - Satellite Equipment Room SERC - Science amp Engineering Research Council SERC - Swedish Energy Research Commission SES - Service Evaluation System SESRA - Seattle Employee Services Rec reation Association SEST - Swedish-European Submillimeter Telescope SET - Software Engineering Technology SETI - Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence SF - San Francisco SF - Science Fiction Speculative Fiction SF - Single Frequency SF - Standard Form SF - Star Frontiers SFD - Sun Federal Division SFDM - Statistical Frequency Division Multiplexing SFMC - Satellite Facility Management Center SFO - San Francisco CA SFRPG - Science Fiction Role Playing Game SG - Signal Ground SG - StarGuard SG - SubGroup SG - SuperGroup SGI - Silicon Graphics Incorporated SGML - Standard Generalized Markup Language SGMP - Simple Gateway Monitoring Protocol (superseded by SNMP) SHAPE - Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe SHAR - SHell ARchiver SHCD - Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective SHF - Super High Frequency (3-30GHz) SHRPG - Super Hero Role Playing Game SI - Staten Island SI - Status Indicator SI - System Integrater SIAM - Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics SIC - Second In Command SIC - Silicon Integrated Circuit SICK - Single Income, Coupla Kids SID - Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance SID - System IDentification SIG - Special Interest Group SIGCAT - Special Interest Group for Cd-rom Applications Technology SIMD - Single Instruction, Multiple Data SIMM - Single Inline Memory Module SINE - SINE is not EINE SIP - Single Inline Pin SIPC - Securities Investment Protection Corporation SIPP - Strategic Industry Partners Program SIPS - Satellite Imagery Processing System SIR - Shuttle Imaging Radar SIRTF - Space (formerly Shuttle) InfraRed Telescope Facility SIS - Software Information Services SIS - Strategic Information System SISAL - Streams and Iteration in a Single-Assignment Language SISCOM - Satellite Information System COMpany SIT - Special Information Tone SITA - Societe Internationale Telecommunications Aeronautiques SJ - Society of Jesus SJC - San Jose CA SKU - Stock Keeping Unit SL - Salvage Loss SL - Space Launch Space SL - SpaceLab SLA - Special Libraries As sociation SLA - Symbionese Liberation Army SLA - Synchronous Line Adapter SLALOM - Scalable Language-independent Ames Laboratory One-minute Measurement SLAN - Sine Loco, Anno, (vel) Nomine (without place, year, or name) SLAPP - Strategic Litigation Against Protesting People SLAR - Side Looking Airborne Radar SLBM - Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles SLC - Space Launch Complex Space SLC - Subscriber Loop Carrier SLC - Super Low Cost SLDC - Synchronous Data Link Control SLE - Screening Line Editor SLED - Single Large Expensive Drive SLIC - Subscriber Line Interface Circuit SLIC - System Link and Interrupt Controller (Sequent) SLIM - Subscriber Line Interface Module SLIP - Serial Line Internet Protocol SLP - Super Long Play (VHS VCR, aka EP) SLS - Space(lab) Life Sciences SLUFAE - Surface Launched Unit, Fuel Air Explosive SM - Service Mark SM - Switching Module SMA - Sergeant Major of the Army SMA - Spectrum Manufacturers Association SMAS - Supplementary MAin Store SMAS - Switched Main tenance Access System SMASF - SMAS Frame SMASPU - SMAS Power Unit SMB - System Message Block SMC - Small Magellanic Cloud (see LMC) SMD - Storage Module Device (interface standard for disk drives) SMD - Surface Mounted Devices SMDF - Subscriber Main Distributing Frame SMDI - Subscriber Message Desk Interface SMDR - Station Message Detail Recording SMDR - Station Message Detailed Recording SMDS - Switched Multimegabit Data Service SMDS - switched multimegabit data service, Bellcore-developed standard SME - Society of Manufacturing Engineers SME - Solar Mesosphere Explorer SMEGMA - Sophisticated Modern Editor with Gloriously Magnificent Abilities SMERSH - abbr. of Russian phrase meaning quotDeath to the spies. quot SMEX - SMall EXplorers SMG - SuperMasterGroup SMI - Structure of Management Information SMI - Sun Microsystems Inc. SMILS - Sonobuoy Missile Impact Location System SMIT - System Management Interface Tool SMM - Solar Maximum Mission SMO - Santa Monica CA SMOC - Small Matter Of Commitment SMOH - Since Major OverHaul SMOP - Small Matter Of Programming SMP - Symmetric MultiProcessing SMPTE - Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers SMR - Service Marketing Representative SMS - Service Management System SMSA - Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area SMT - Surface Mount Technology SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SN - Subnetwork Number SN - Super Nova SNA - Santa Ana (Orange County) CA SNA - Systems Network Architecture IBM SNADS - SNA Distribution Services SNADS - Systems Network Architecture Distribution Service SNAFU - Situation Normal -- All FouledFed Up SNAP - Shipboard Non-tactical Automated data Processing program SNAP - SubNetwork Access Protocol SNAP - System and Network Administration Program SNCF - Societe National des Chemins de Fer (French National Railways) SNET - Southern New England Telephone SNF - Server NormalNatural Format SNF - Server-Natural Format SNM - SunNet Manager SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol SNOBOL - StriNg Oriented symbOLic Language SNPA - SubNetwork Point of Attachment SNR - Signal to Noise Ratio SNR - SuperNova Remnant SNTSC - Super NTSC (video) SNU - Solar Neutrino Units SO - Sales Order SO - Sellers Option SO - Significant Other SO - Space Opera SO - Strike Out SOAC - Service Order Analysis Control SOAP - Symbolic Optimizing Assembler Program SOAR - Smalltalk On A Risc SOC - Service Oversight Center SOF - Sales Order Form SOFIA - Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy SOH - Service Order History SOH - Start Of Header, ASCII control character (dec01,control-A) SOHIO - Standard Oil of oHIO Corporate name SOHO - SOlar Heliospheric Observatory SOL - Short o n Landing (or, colloquially, Shit Out of Luck) SOMM - Stop On Micro-Match SONAR - SOund Detection And Ranging SONAR - Service Order Negotiation And Retrieval SONDS - Small Office Network Data System SONET - Synchronous Optical NETwork SOP - Standard Operating Procedure SOR - Sales Order Request SOS - Save Our Souls (International standard distress call, Morse. ---. ) SOS - Silicon On Sapphire SOW - Statement Of Work SP - Shore Patrol SP - Short Play (VHS VCR) SP - Signal Processor SP - Signaling Point SP - Southern Pacific (railroad) Corporate name SP - Stack Pointer SP - Standard Play (VHS VCR) SP - Star Patrol SP - System Product (IBM VM) SPA - Software Publishers Association SPAG - Standards Promotion and Applications Group SPAN - Space Physics Analysis Network SPAN - System Performance ANalyzer SPAR - Stock Points Adp Replacement SPARC - Scalable Processor ARChitecture SPARC - Standards, Planning, And Requirements Committee SPARS - Society of Professional Audio Recording Studios SPAWAR - naval SPAce and WARfare command SPC - Software Productivity Consortium SPC - Southern Pacific Communications SPC - Statistical Process Control SPC - Stored Program Control SPCA - Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals SPCC - Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children SPCS - Stored Program Control Systems SPD - Software Products Division SPDL - Standard Page Description Language (ISO) SPDM - Special Purpose Dextrous Manipulator SPE - Symbolic Programming Environment SPEC - Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation SPI - Serial Peripheral Interface SPIM - Sun Product Information Meeting SPITBOL - SPeedy ImplemenTation of snoBOL SPL - System Programming Language SPNI - Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel SPOT - Systeme Probatoire pour lObservation de la Terre SPR - Software Problem Report SPS - Solar Power Satellite Space SPS - Standby Power System SPU - System Processing Unit SPUCDL - Serial Peripheral Unit ControllerData Link, quotSPUCDLquot SPUD - Storage Pedestal Upgrade DiskDrive SPUR - Systech Pluraxial Unplug Repeater SQA - Software Quality Assurance SQC - Statistical Quality Control SQE - Signal Quality Error (quotheartbeatquot) SQL - Structured Query Language SQLDS - Structured Query LanguageData System, quotSQLDSquot SQUID - Superconducting QUantum Interference Device SR - Sales Representative SR - Stre et Regal (KDX) SRA - Selective Routing Arrangement SRAM - Scratchpad RAM SRAM - Short Range Attack Missile SRAM - Static RAM SRB - Solid (fuel) Rocket Booster Space SRD - Secondary Receive Data SRI - Stanford Research Institute (now called SRI International) SRM - Solid Rocket Motor SRO - Standing Room Only SRP - source routing protocol, an IBM specification SRS - Service Repair System SRTS - Secondary Ready To Send SS - Sales Support SS - Sparc Station SS - Special Services SS - Stop Ship SSA - Soaring Society of America SSA - Social Security Administration U. S. Government SSAP - Session Service Access Memory SSAS - Station Signaling and Announcement Subsystem SSB - Single SideBand SSBAM - Single-SideBand Amplitude Modulation SSC - Special Services Center SSC - Specialized Systems Consultants SSCP - Subsystem Services Control Point SSCP - System Services Control Point SSDU - Session Service Data Unit SSE - Software Support Engineer SSE - South-SouthEast SSEL - Session Service Selector SSF - Space Station Fred (er, Freedom) SSFF - Showcase Software Factory of the Future SSG - Staff SerGeant SSI - Small Scale Integration SSI - Solid-State Imager (on Galileo) SSI - Space Services Incorporated Space SSI - Space Studies Institute SSI - Supplemental Security Income SSME - Space Shuttle Main Engine SSO - Satellite Switching Office SSP - Signal Switching Point SSP - Sponsor Selective Pricing SSP - System Status Panel SSPC - SSP Controller SSPF - Space Station Processing Facility SSPRU - SSP Relay Unit SSPS - Satellite Solar Power Station Space SSR - Secondary Surveillance Radar SSR - Soviet Socialist Republic SSRMS - Space Station Remote Manipulator System SSS - System Support Specialist SST - Spectroscopic Survey Telescope SST - Spread-Spectrum Technology SST - SuperSonic Transport SSTO - Single Stage to Orbit Space SSTTSS - Space-Space-Time-Time-Space-Space network SSTV - Slow Scan TeleVision SSW - South-SouthWest ST - STart ST - Seagate Technologies ST - Short Ton STAGE - Structured Text And Graphics Editor STARS - Software Technology for Adaptable, Reliable Systems STB - Software Technical Bulletin STC - Serving Test Center STC - Supplemental Type Certificate STC - Switching Technical Center STD - Sacrae Theologiae Doctor (doctor of sacred theology) STD - Secondary Transmit Data STD - Sexually Transmitted Disease (replaces VD) STD - State Transition Diagram STD - Subscriber Trunk Dialing British, and elsewhere equiv. DDD in USA STDM - Statistical Time Division Multiplexing STI - Standard Tape Interface STILO - Scientific and Technical Intelligence Liaison Office STIS - Space Telescope Imaging Spectrometer (to replace FOC and GHRS) STL - St. Louis (Lambert) MO STN - SuperTwisted Nematic STOH - Since Top Overhaul (cylinders, etc. but not crankshaft, etc.) STOL - Short TakeOff and Landing STP - Signal Transfer Point STP - Software Through Pictures STP - Standard Temperature and Pressure (see NTP) STP - spanning tree protocol, an IEEE 802.1 routing specification STRPG - Star Trek: The Role-Playing Game STS - Sales Technical Support STS - Shared Tenant Service STS - Shuttle Transport System (or) Space Transportation System STS - Space-Time-Space network STSCI - Space Telescope Science Institute, quotSTScIquot STSI - Space Telescope Science Institute STTNG - Star Trek: The Next Generation, quotST:TNGquot STTOS - Star Trek: The Old StuffThe Original Series, quotST:TOSquot STV - Single Transferable Vote ST V - Space Transfer Vehicle Space SU - Set Uid SUCCESS - SUn Corporate Catalyst Electronic Support Service SUG - Sun Users Group SUID - Set UID SUM - Symantec Utilities for Macintosh SUN - Stanford University Network SUNDIAG - SUN system DIAGnostics software SUNET - Swedish University NETwork SUNOCO - SUN Oil COmpany Corporate name SUNVIEW - SUNs Visual Integrated Environment for Workstations SUNY - State University of New York SURANET - Southeastern Universities Research Association network, quotSURAnetquot SURF - Sequent Users Resource Forum SUSP - System Use Sharing Protocol SVC - Switched Virtual Circuits SVID - System V Interface Definition SVP - Schematic Verification Program SVR4 - System V Release 4 SVS - Switched Voice Service SVVS - System V Validation Suite SVVS - System V Verification Suite SW - South West SW - SuperWorld SWAN - Sun Wide Area Network SWAS - Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite SWB - SouthWestern Bell SWF - ShortWave Fading SWIFT - Society for Worldwide In terbank Financial Transfers SWM - Solbourne Window Manager SWO - Sales Work Order SWS - Scientific Workstation Support (at ORNL) SX - SimpleX signaling SXS - Step by (X) Step switching Telephony SYC - SYstem Control SYMPL - SYsteMs Programming Language SYN - SYNchronizing segment SYSGEN - SYStem GENeration T - Tip T - Traveler T - tera - (SI prefix) T - tesla T - ton(s), quott. quot T - tonne(s), quott. quot T - tritium T - tun(s), quott. quot T1 - 1.544Mbps telephony, one of the basic signalling systems 24x64Kb T1FE - T1 carrier Front End T1OS - T1 carrier OutState, quotT1OSquot T3 - 44.736 Mbps (eq 28 T1 channels) Telephony TA - Teaching Assistant TA - Terminal Adaptor TA - Territorial Army TA - Transfer Allowed TAB - Tape Assembly Bonding TAB - Technical Assistance Board TAC - Tactical Air Command (see SAC) TAC - Terminal Access Circuit TAC - Terminal Access Controller ARPAnetMILNETDDN TACCS - Tactical Army Combat service support Computer System TAE - Transportable Applications Environm ent TAG - Technical Advisory Group (ISO) TAL - Transatlantic Abort Landing (Shuttle abort plan) TAM - Total Available Market TANSTAAFL - There Aint No Such Thing As A Free Lunch TAP - Telephone Assistance Plan TAR - Tape ARchiver TAS - Telephone Answering Service TASC - Technical Assistance Service Center TASC - Telecommunications Alarm Surveillance and Control system TASI - Time Assignment Speech Interpolation system TAT - TransAtlantic Telephone TAT - Turn Arround Time TAU - Thousand Astronomical Units Space TB - TuBerculosis TBA - To Be AnnouncedArranged TBD - To Be DesignedDetermined TBO - Time Between Overhaul TC - Teachers College TC - Technical Committee (ISO) TC - Timing Counter TC - Tinned Copper TC - Toll Center TC - Total Color TCA - Terminal Control Area TCA - Terminal Controlled Airspace TCAP - Transaction Capabilities Applications Port TCAS - T-Carrier Administration System TCB - Task Control Block TCB - Trusted Computer Base TCC - Trunk Class Code TCCC - Technical Commit tee on Computer Communications TCG - Test Call Generation TCM - Time Compression Multiplexer TCM - Trellis Coded Modulation TCP - Transmission Control Protocol TCPIP - Transmission Control ProtocolInternet Protocol, quotTCPIPquot TCR - Transient Call Record TCS - Thermal Control System TCS - Traction Control System (to prevent wheel-spin) TCSEC - Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (orange book) TCT - To Challenge Tomorrow TCT - Toll Connecting Trunk TD - TouchDown TD - Transmit Data TD - Treasury Department TDAS - Traffic Data Administration System TDC - Tape Data Controller TDC - Terrestrial Data Circuit TDCC - Transportation Data Coordinating Committee TDD - Telecommunications Device for Deaf TDD - Telephone Device for the Deaf TDE - Transition Diagram Editor TDI - Trusted Database Interpretation TDL - Test Description Language TDM - Time-Division Multiplexing TDMA - Time-Division Multiple Access TDO - Table of Denial Orders TDR - Time Domain Reflectometer TDRS - Tracking an d Data Relay Satellite Space TDRSS - Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System TDY - Temporary DutY TE - Terminal Equipment TE - Transverse Electric TEB - Teterboro NJ TEC - Technology Exchange Company TECO - Tape Editor and COrrector TEFLON - polyTEtraFLuOrethyleNe TEHO - Tail End Hop Off TELEX - TELetypewriter EXchange TELSAM - TELephone Service Attitude Measurement TEMA - Tubilar Exchanger Manufacturers Association TEMPEST - Transient Electro-Magnetic Pulse Emanation STandard TEMPO - Technical Military Programming Organization TER - Technical Education Resources TERM - TERMinal TES - Thermal Emission Spectrometer (on Mars Observer) TFC - Total Full Color TFLAP - T-carrier Fault-Locating Applications Program TFP - Tops Filing Protocol TFS - Translucent File System TFS - Trunk Forecasting System TFT - The Fantasy Trip TFT - Thin Film Transistor TFTP - Trivial File Transfer Protocol TG - Thieves Guild TGC - Terminal Group Controller TGN - Trunk Group Number TGV - Two Guys and a Vax TH - Trouble History THIEF - THiefThis Here Isnt Even Fine THOR - THermal Optical Recording THOR - Tandy High-intensity Optical Recording THRUSH - Technological Hierarchy for the Removal of Undesireables and Subjugation of Humanity THX - Tom Holman Xover TI - Texas Instruments TI - Transport Independent TIA - Telephone Information Access TIA - Thanks In Advance net jargon TIA - Transient Ischemic Attack TIC - TermInfo Compiler TID - Ter In Die (three times a day) TIFF - Tag Image File Format TIFF - Tagged Image File Format TINA - TINA Is Not an Acronym TINA - This Is Not an Acronym TIP - Team Improvement Program TIRKS - Trunk Integrated Record Keeping System TIROS - Television InfraRed Observation Satellite TKO - Technical Knock Out TL - Total Loss TLA - Three Letter Acronym TLB - Translation lookaside buffer TLC - Tender Loving Care TLI - Transport Level Interface (ATampT stream-based protocol) TLM - Trouble Locating Manual TLN - Trunk Line Network TLP - Transmission Level Point TLTP - Tr unk Line and Test Panel TLV - Type, Length, Value TM - TradeMark TM - Transverse Magnetic TMA - Tycho Magnetic Anomaly movie 2001 TMAC - Treasury departments Multiuser Acquisition Contract TMDF - Trunk Main Distributing Frame TMIS - Telecommunications Management Information System TMMS - Telephone Message Management System TMO - Telephone Money Order TMP - The Morrow Project TMR - Transient Memory Record TMRC - Tech Model Railroad Club MIT TMRC - Transportation Modeling Research Center (TMRC alter ego) TMRS - Traffic Measurement and Recording System TMRS - Traffic Metering Remote System TMS - Time-Multiplexed Switch TMSC - Tape Mass Storage Control (DEC) TN - Telephone Number TN - Tennessee TN - Transaction Number TN - Twisted Nematic TNC - Threaded Navy Connector TNC - Threaded Neill Concelman (connector) electronics (see also BNC) TNDS - Total Network Data System TNN - Trunk Network Number TNOP - Total Network Operation Plan TNPC - Traffic Network Planning Center TNT - The NeWS Toolk it TNT - TriNitroToluene TO - Telegraph Office TO - Turn Over TOC - Table Of Contents TOD - Time-Of-Day TODS - Transactions on Database Systems (ACM) TOMS - Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer TOMS - Transactions on Mathematical Software (ACM) TOOIS - Transactions on Office Information Systems (ACM) TOP - TechnicalOffice Protocol TOPICS - Total On-Line Program and Information Control System (NHK) TOPLAS - Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (ACM) TOPS - Timesharing OPerating System TOPS - Traffic Operator Position System TOPS - Transcendental OPerating System TORES - Text ORiented Editing System TOS - Tramiell Operating System TOS - Transfer Orbit Stage Space TOW - Tube launched, Optically tracked, Wire guided missile TOY - Time Of Year (clock) TP - Test Plan TP - Third Party TP - Toll Point TP - Transaction Processing TP - Transport Protocol TP - Twisted Pair TP - from TP0 and TP4 (ISOCCITT Transport Services like TCP) TP0 - OSI Transport Protocol Class 0 (Simple Class) TP4 - OSI Transport Protocol Class 4 (Error Detection and Recovery Class) TPC - The Phone Company movie The Presidents Analyst) TPE - Twisted Pair Ethernet TPI - Tracks Per Inch TPM - Third-Party Maintenance TPMP - Total network data system Performance Measurement Plan TPO - Traveling Post Office TPS - Technical Publication Software TPS - Technical Publishing Software TPS - TeleProcessing Services TPS - Thermal Protection System TPT - Twisted Pair Transceiver TQC - Total Quality Control TR - Test Register TR - Token Ring TR - Transfer Register TRAC - Total Risk Analysis Calculation (SunTrac) TREAT - Trouble Report Evaluation Analysis Tool TRIB - Transfer Rate of Information Bits TRMTR - TRamsMiTteR TROFF - Text RunOFF, text formatter TROFF - Typsetter new ROFF TRON - The Real-time Operating Nucleus TRON - The Realtime Operating system Nucleus TRR - Tip-Ring Reverse TRR - Token Ring Repeater TRSA - Terminal Radar Service Area TRUSIX - TRUSted unIX TRW - Thompson, Ramo, and Woolridge TS - T op Secret TSAP - Transport Service Access Point TSCPF - Time Switch and Call Processor Frame TSD - Total System Design TSDU - Transport Service Data Unit TSE - Technical Support Engineer (Sun) TSEL - Transport Service Selector TSI - Time Slot Interchanger TSM - Tech Support Manager TSO - Technical Standard Order TSO - Time Sharing Option TSORT - Transmission System Optimum Relief Tool TSP - Teleprocessing Services Program TSP - Test SuPervisor TSP - Thrift Savings Plan TSP - Time Synchronization Protocol TSP - Traffic Service Position TSP - TriSodium Phosphate TSPS - Traffic Service Position System TSR - TSR (Fortune 500 Company that manufactures Dungeons amp Dragons) TSR - Terminate and Stay Resident TSR - Test Summary Report TSS - Tethered Satellite System Space TSS - Time-Sharing System TSS - Trunk Servicing System TSST - Time-Space-Space-Time network TST - Time-Space-Time network TST - Traveling-Wave Tube TSTO - Two Stage to Orbit Space TSTS - Time-Space-Time-Space network TT - Tru nk Type TT - Tunnels amp Trolls, quotTampTquot TTC - Telecommunications Technology Council TTC - Terminating Toll Center TTD - Things To Do TTFN - Tah Tah, For Now TTL - Time To Live TTL - Transistor-Transistor Logic TTMA - Tennessee Tech Microcomputer Association TTP - Telephone Twisted Pair TTP - Trunk Test Panel TTS - Trunk Time Switch TTTN - Tandem Tie Trunk Network TTU - Tennessee Technological University TTY - TeleTYpe(writer) TTYC - TTY Controller TUNIS - Toronto UNIversity System TUR - Traffic Usage Recording TUR - Trunk Utilization Report TV - TeleVision TVA - Tennessee Valley Authority TVTWM - Toms Virtual TWM TW - Thieves World TWA - Trans World Airlines TWG - The Wollongong Group TWIMC - To Whom It May Concern TWM - Tab (or Toms) Window Manager TWT - Traveling Wave Tube TWX - TeletypeWriter eXchange TX - Texas TX - Transmit TX - Transuction TXID - Transuction Identifier U - (representing the greek mu) - micro, quotuquot U - Universe U - unified atomic mass unit, quotuquot U - uranium UA - United Artists UA - User Agent UAB - UNIX Appletalk Bridge UAE - United Arab Emerates UAPDU - User Agent Protocol Data Unit UAR - United Arab Republic UAR - User Action Routine UARS - Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite UART - Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter UBA - UniBus Adapter DEC UBC - Universal Bibliographic Control UBC - University of British Columbia UBM - Unpressurized Berthing Mechanism UC - University of CA UC - upper case, quotu. c.quot UCAR - University Corporation for Atmospheric Research UCB - University of California at Berkeley UCC - Uniform Commercial Code UCD - Uniform Call Distribution UCD - University of California at Davis UCI - University of California at Irvine UCL - Underwater Sound Laboratory UCL - University College London UCLA - University of California at Los Angeles UCR - University of California at Riverside UCSB - University of California at Santa Barbara UCSC - University of California at Santa Cruz UCSD - University of Cali fornia at San Diego UCSF - University of California at San Francisco UDB - Unified DataBase UDMH - Unsymmetrical DiMethyl Hydrazine UDP - User Datagram Protocol UDT - User Defined Type UEC - User Environment Component UFO - Unidentified Flying Object UFS - Universal File System UG - Micro-Grip (HP plotter paper positioner) UGC - Uppsala General Catalog UH - Upper Half UHF - Ultra High Frequency (300-3000MHz) UI - Unix International UI - User Interface UIC - User Identification Code UID - User IDentity UIL - User Interface Language UIMS - User Interface Management System UIP - User Interface Program UIT - Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (Astro package) UITP - Universal Information Transport Plan UIUC - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign UK - United Kingdom UKST - United Kingdom Schmidt Telescope UL - Underwriters Laboratory ULANA - Unified LAN Architecture ULANA - Unified Local-Area Network Architecture UMT - Universal Military Training UN - United Nations UNCLE - United Network C ommand for Law Enforcement UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific, amp Cultural Organization UNICEF - United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund (now UN Child. Fund) UNICS - UNiplex Information Computer Services UNISTAR - UNIversal Single call Telecommunications Answering amp Repair UNIVAC - UNIversal Automatic Computer UNIX - not an acronym at all. Was a pun on MITs MULTICS. UNMA - Unified Network Management Architecture UNO - United Nations Organization UP - Union Pacific (railroad) Corporate name UP - Upper Peninsula (of Michigan) UPC - Universal Product Code UPDS - Uninterruptible Power Distribution System UPI - United Press International Corporate name UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply UPS - United Parcel Service Corporate name UR - University of Rochester UREP - UNIX-RSCS Emulation Program (BITNET software for UNIX) US - United States (of America) USA - Union of South Africa USA - United States Army USA - United States of America USAC - US Answer Center (Sun Hotline) USAC - United States Answer Center USAC - United States Auto Club USAF - United States Air Force USAFA - United States Air Force Academy (in Colorado Springs) USAN - University Satellite Network USB - Upper Side Band USC - University of Southern California USCA - United States Code, Annotated USCG - United States Coast Guard USD - Underwriters Safety Device USDA - United States Departmen t of Agriculture USES - United States Employment Service USFL - United States Football League USG - Unix Support Group USGS - United States Geological Survey USHGA - United States Hang Gliding Association USIA - United States Information Agency USITA - United States Independent Telephone Association USL - Unix System Laboratories USM - United States Mail USMC - United States Marine Corps USMP - United States Microgravity Payload USN - United States Navy USO - United Service Organizations USO - Universal Service Order USO - Unix Software Operation USOC - Universal Service Order Code USP - United States Pharmacopeia USP - Universal Sampling Plan USPS - United States Postal Service USPTO - United States Patent and Trademark Office USR - User Service Routines USS - United States Ship USSR - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics USSS - User Services and Systems Support USW - Und So Weiter UT - UTah UT - Universal Time UT - University of Tennessee UT - University of Texas UTC - Universal Coord inated Time UTE - Union Technique de iquotElectricitequot UTP - Unshielded Twisted Pair UTQGS - Uniform Tire Quality Grading System UTR - UpTime Ratio UUCICO - Unix to Unix Copy Incoming Copy Outgoing UUCP - Unix-to-Unix CoPy UUG - Unix User Group UUT - Unit Under Test UV - UltraViolet UVS - UltraViolet Spectrometer UW - UnderWriter UW - University of Wisconsin UWCSA - University of Washington Computer Science Affiliates UWS - Ultrix Workstation Software V - Vergeltungswaffe (reprisal weapon: V1, V2) V - fiVe V - vanadium V - version, quotvquot V - versus, quotv. quot V - volt(s) VA - Veterans Administration VA - Virginia VAB - Value Added Business VAB - Vehicle Assembly Building (formerly Vertical Assembly Building) VABIS - Vagn Aktie Bolaget i Soedertaelje (Swedish truck company) VAC - Volts of Alternating Current VAD - Value Added Dealer VADS - Verdix Ada Development System VAFB - Vandenberg Air Force Base VAN - Value-Added Network (e. g. Tymnet, Telenet, etc) VANS - Value-Added Network Services VAP - Value-Added Process VAR - Value-Added RemarketerReseller VASCAR - Visual Average Speed Computer And Recorder VASI - Visual Approach Slope Indicator VAST - Virtual Archive Storage Technology VAT - Value Added Tax VAV - Value Application Venders VAX - Virtual Address eXtended VAXBI - VAX Bus Interconnect VB - Venture Business VC - Virtual Circuit VCCI - Volantary Control Council for Intersive VCD - Video Compact Disc VCM - Voice Coil Motor VCO - Voltage Controlled Oscillator VCR - VideoCassette Recorder VCS - Virtual Circuit System VCU - Virginia Commonwealth University VD - Venereal Disease (see also STD) VDC - Volts of Direct Current VDE - Verband Deutscher Electrotechniker VDFM - Virtual Disk File Manager VDI - Virtual Device Interface VDM - Vienna Development Method VDM - Virtual Device Metafile VDT - Video Display Terminal VE - Value Engineering VEEGA - Venus-Earth-Earth Gravity Assist (Galileo flight path) VEU - Volume End User VEX - Video Extension to X VF - Video Frequency VF - Voice Frequency VFEA - VMEbus Futurebus Extended Architecture VFO - Variable Frequency Oscillator VFR - Visual Flight Rules VFS - Virtual File System VFW - Veterans of Foreign Wars VFW - Volunteer Fire Department VFY - VeriFY VG - Very Good VG - Vicar-General VGA - Video Graphics ArrayAccelerator VGF - Voice Grade Facility VGI - Virtual Graphics Interface VHD - Video High Density VHDL - Vhsic Hardware Description Language VHF - Very High Frequency (30-300MHz) VHS - Video Home System (VCR) VHSIC - Very High Speed Integrated Circuit VI - VIsual editor VIABLE - Vertical Installation Automation BaseLinE VIC - V.35 Interface Cable VIFRED - VIsual FoRms EDitor VILE - VI-Like Emacs VINE - Vine Is Not Emacs VINES - VIrtual NEtwork Software VIP - Very Important Person VISTA - Volunteers In Service To America VITA - Vme International Trade Association VIU - Voiceband Interface Unit VJ - Video Jockey VL - Vulgar Latin VLA - Very Large Array radio telescope in Arizona or New Mexico VLBA - Very Long Baseline Array VLBI - Very Long Baseline Interferometry VLF - Very Low Frequency (3-30KHz) VLIW - Very Long Instruction Word VLSI - Very Large Scale Integration VLT - Very Large Telescope VM - Virtual Machine VM - Virtual Memory VMC - Visual Meteorological Conditions VMCF - Virtual Machine Communications Facility VMCMS - Virtual MachineConversational Monitor System, quotVMCMSquot VME - Versa Modular Europa VME - Versabus Module Europe VME - Virtual Machine Environment VMM - Virtual Memory Manager VMOS - Vertical Metal Oxide Semiconductor (V-MOS) (see MOS) VMR - Vertical Market Reseller VMR - Volt-Meter Reverse VMRS - Voice Message Relay System VMS - Vertical Motion Simulator VMS - Virtual Memory System VMS - Virtual Memory operating System VMS - Voice Mail System VMS - Voice Management System VMSP - Virtual MachineSystem Product, quotVMSPquot VMTP - Versatile Message Transaction Protocol VNF - Virtual Network Feature VNL - Via Net Loss plan VNLF - Via Net Loss Factor VNY - Van Nuys CA VOA - Voice Of America VOA - Volunteers Of American VODAS - Voice Over Data Access Station VOIR - Venus Orbiting Imaging Radar (superseded by VRM) VOIS - Voice-Operated Information System VOQ - Visiting Officers Quarters VOR - VHF Omnidirectional Range VORT - Very Ordinary Rendering Toolkit VP - View Processor VP - Virtual President VPF - Vertical Processing Facility VPISU - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, quotVPIampSUquot VPN - Virtual Private Network VR - Variety Reduction VRC - Vertical Redundancy Character VRM - Venus Radar Mapper (now called Magellan) VRM - Virtual Resource Manager VRM - Voice Recognition Module VRS - Voice Response System VS - VAXStation VSAM - Virtual Sequential Access Method VSAM - Virtual Storage Access Method VSAT - Very Small Aperture Terminal, satellite dish VSB - Vestigial SideBand modulation VSE - Virtual Storage Extended VSP - VectorScalar Processor VSR - Voice Storage and Retrieval VSS - Voice Storage System VSSP - Voice Switch Signaling Point VSX - Xopen Verification Suite VT - Virtual Terminal VTAM - Virtual Telecommunications Access Method IBM VTI - Virtual Terminal Interface VTOC - Volume Table Of Contents VTOL - Vertical TakeOff and Landing VTP - Virtual Terminal Protocol VTR - VideoTape Recorder VTS - Video Teleconferencing System VU - Volume Unit VUIT - Visual User Interface Tool VUP - Vax Unit of Performance VV - Villains amp Vigilantes, quotVampVquot VVSS - Vertical Volute Spring Suspension VWS - VAX Workstation Software VXI - VMEbus Extension for Instrumentation W - WalesWelsh W - Wednesday, quotW. quot W - West W - Width W - watt W - week(s), quotw. quot W - wofram (tungsten) WA - Washington WA - Western Australia WAC - Womens Air Corps WADS - Wide Area Data Service WAG - Wild-Assed Guess WAIS - Wide Area Information Server WAN - Wide Area Network WAP - Work Assignment Procedure WARC - World Administrative Conference WATFOR - WATerloo FORtr an WATS - Wide Area Telephone Service WATSUP - WATfor Student Utility Program WB - Water Ballast WB - WayBill WBC - White Blood Cells WBS - Wednesday Business School WBS - Work Breakdown Structure WC - Water Closet WC - Wire Center WC - Without Charge WCL - Widget Creation Library WCPC - Wire Center Planning Center WCS - Writable Control Store (VAX) WCTU - Womens Christian Temperance Union WD - White Dwarf WD - Working Draft WDC - Washington, District of Columbia WDC - Work Distribution Chart WDM - wavelength-division multiplexing, for optical fibre, ultra-gigabit WDT - Watch Dog Timer WELL - Whole Earth Lectronic Link WF - Work Factor method WFPC - Wide Field Planetary Camera (on HST) WFPCII - Replacement for WFPC WG - Working Group WGS - WorkGroup System (ATampTs 386 PC) WH - WarHammer WHBL - World Home Bible League WHO - World Health Organization WHOI - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution WHSE - Warehouse WHSGNASBN - We Have Some Good News And Some Bad News WI - Wisconsin WINS - W ollongong Integrated Networking Solutions WIP - Work-In-Process WIS - WWMCCS Information System WITS - Washington Interagency Telecommunications System WIYN - Wisconsin Indiana Yale NOAO telescope WKS - Well Known Services WM - Work Manager WMO - World Meteorological Organization WMSCR - Weather Message Switching Center Replacement WNN - Watashi no Namae ha Nakajima desu. (Kana-Kanji henkan), quotWnnquot WO - Write Only WOMBAT - Waste Of Money, Brains, And Time WOPR - War Operations Planned Response (from quotWargamesquot movie) WORM - Write Once, Read Many time WOW - Worlds of Wonder WP - Word Processing WP - Working Paper WPS - Word Processing Software WRT - With Respect To WS - Work Sampling WS - Work Station WSD - Work Station Division WSI - Wafer Scale Integration WSJ - Wall Street Journal WSMR - White Sands Missile Range WSN - Wirth Syntax Notation WSP - Work Simplification Program WSW - West-SouthWest WTF - What The Fuck WTR - Western Test Range WU - Washington University WU - Western Union WUPPE - Wisconsin Ultraviolet PhotoPolarimter Experiment (Astro package) WV - West Virginia WW - World War WW2 - World War II WWFO - World Wide Field Operations WWI - World War I WWII - World War II WWMCCS - World-Wide Military Command and Control System WWOPS - World-Wide Operations WY - Wyoming WYSIWIS - What You See Is What I See WYSIWYG - What You See Is W hat You Get X25 - CCITT recommendation for packet switched networks DTE interfacing, quotX.25quot XA - eXtended Architecture (31-bit addressing in IBM machines) XB - X-Bar XBT - X-Bar Tandem XCF - eXperimental Computing Facility XD - eX (without) Dividend XD - without Dividend XDMCP - X Display Manager Control Protocol XDR - eXternal Data Representation XFE - X-Front End XFER - transFER (the X is for trans) XID - eXchange IDentification XIE - X Imaging Extension XIM - X Input Method XINU - Xinu Is Not UNIX XL - eXtra Large XMI - eXtended Memory Interconnect (DEC) XMM - X-ray Multi Mirror XMS - eXtended Multiprocessor operating System XMTR - transMiTteR (the X is for trans) XNS - Xerox Network ServicesSystemsStandard XO - eXecutive Officer XOR - eXclusive OR (logical function) XP - Jesus Christ (from the first two letters of quotChristquot written in Greek) XPG - XOpen Portability Guide XPG2 - XOpen Portability Guide Release-2 XPORT - transPORT (the X is for trans) XRM - X Resource Mana ger XSECT - cross SECTion (the X is for cross) XT - X.11 Toolkit, quotXtquot XTAL - crysTAL (another version of x for crys, see XMTR) XTAL - crysTAL (the X is for crys) XTC - eXternal Transmit Clock XUI - X-windows User Interface XUV - eXtreme UltraViolet XVIEW - X window system-based VisualIntegrated Environment for Workstations XWSDS - X Window System Display Station Y - year, quoty. quot Y - yen Y - yttrium YA - Yet Another YACC - Yet Another Compiler Compiler YAFIYGI - You Asked For It, You Got It YB - YearBook YMCA - Young Mens Christian Association YMHA - Young Mens Hebrew Association YOB - Year Of Birth YP - Yellow Pages YPVS - Yamaha Power Valve System YRS - Ysgarth Rules System YSO - Young Stellar Object YST - Yukon Standard Time YT - Yukon Territory YT - Yukon Time YTD - Year To Date YWCA - Young Womens Christian Association YWHA - Young Womens Hebrew Association YY - Year Z - Zenith Z - Zero ZB - Zero Beat ZBB - Zero Base Budgeting ZBR - Zone Bit Recording ZD - Zero Defect ZE TA - Zero Energy Thermonuclear Assembly ZG - Zero Gravity ZGS - Zero Gradient Synchrotron ZI - Zonal Index ZIF - Zero Insertion Force ZIP - Zig-zag Inline Pin ZIP - Zone Improvement Plan (post office code) ZIP - Zone Information Protocol ZK - barrage balloon (navy symbol) ZMRI - Zinc Metals Research Institute ZPG - Zero Population Growth ZPRSN - Zurich Provisional Relative Sunspot Number ZST - Zone Standard Time ZT - Zone Time ZWEI - Zwei Was Eine Initially

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